Automated radio telemetry uses receivers that automatically record signals from radio transmitters. It is used in a wide variety of ecological applications particularly for tracking migration of small animals, or determining fine scale temporal information about movement or behaviour. It is particularly well suited for studies of aquatic organisms and small flying animals.
Collaborative automated radio telemetry uses coordinated arrays of automated stations that are all monitoring the same frequency to detect tagged animals over broader spatial scales, and maximize the use of equipment operated by many researchers that traditionally may have not had the opportunity to collaborate. Tagged animals are detected on their local array, as well as any other station in the network. Automated radio telemetry harnesses the collective resources of many independent researchers into a much larger collaborative effort that expands the scale and scope of everyone’s work while maximizing scarce research and conservation dollars.
Motus is the world’s largest collaborative automated radio telemetry array. Motus is the central hub for detection data from more than 750 receiving stations as well as metadata from stations (e.g. location, deployment dates, height, antenna bearing) and tags (e.g. species, location and date deployed). Data from across the network is then provided to researchers and a condensed version shared with the public.
There are many ways you can get involved in Motus. Researchers can develop their own projects in order to use the technology and tools of this collaborative network. Landowners or institutions can also install and/or host receiving station on their properties, and anyone can support this project through philanthropic contributions to Birds Canada or other non-profit collaborators.
Motus relies on an assemblage of individuals, researchers, companies, government, non-government organizations, and academic institutions working together to maximize the efficacy of everyone’s effort and data. The central philosophy behind Motus is that we should all be working together, and all Motus collaborators agree to share their data, experiences, and successes with other collaborators and the public.
The value of the Motus network grows as the spatial coverage of stations and number of partners and collaborators increases. With continued expansion and support, Motus is providing a framework for global collaboration, and a coordinated approach to solving some of the most complex problems in movement biology and ecology.
If you are interested in contributing to Motus, you can view complete details in the Motus Collaboration Policy. Technical details about tags, stations and data analysis can be found in Motus Resources.
To become a Motus collaborator, you must first register with Motus. Once registered, you can create or join one or more projects.
When tracking wildlife with automated radio telemetry over vast distances, the challenge of deploying enough receivers to get detections grows exponentially. To remedy this, data can be shared between all researchers so that essentially everyone is sharing receivers. This greatly expands the potential for this technology, but it comes with the added responsibility of coordinating projects, detection data and metadata – that’s where Motus comes in.
The Motus Wildlife Tracking System is an international collaborative network of researchers that use automated radio telemetry to simultaneously track hundreds of individuals of numerous species of birds, bats, and insects. The system enables a community of researchers, educators, organizations, and citizens to undertake impactful research and education on the ecology and conservation of migratory animals. When compared to other technologies, automated radio telemetry currently allows researchers to track the smallest animals possible, with high temporal and geographic precision, over great distances.
The philosophy behind Motus is that we’re all working together. At its core, Motus is community science. A community of researchers around the world conducting research on animals that are tracked by a network of coordinated receiving stations. These stations are maintained by a community of researchers, organizations, non-profits, governments, and individuals. In order for this concept to work, the system requires a centralized database and management system that all participants use. Most importantly, in order for your tags to be detected on any other station in the network, or for other project tags to be detected elsewhere, projects, receivers and tags need to be registered with, and have data processed by Motus. While any automated telemetry project can operate in isolation, operating as a Motus project combines the collective impact of local, regional, and even hemispheric projects into one massive collaborative effort that expands the scale and scope of everyone’s work and maximizes the use of scarce research dollars. It also makes data available and more useful for future projects, collaborative endeavors and large-scale meta analyses.
It's FREE to register your project and receivers to the Motus network, contribute data from those receivers, and use the resources on the website. In order for transmitters to be detected by the network, they must be reregistered with Motus and are charged a nominal fee to support data processing and ongoing maintenance and development of the research software platform. See the collaboration policy and fee schedule for more information.
The collaborative nature of Motus relies on a certain level of transparency with respect to data. While basic project and tag summary information is made publicly available, researchers have the ability to customize data accessibility and keep their project and data private if necessary. See the collaboration policy for more information.
Coordinated global network of automated radio telemetry receivers. See Motus by the numbers.
Become part of a global research and conservation community.
Collaborators have full control over data access.
Projects can be designed based on the placement of third-party stations.
Tagging data from multiple projects can be utilized in large-scale studies.
Communication, troubleshooting, and consultation from other researchers in the community, Motus staff and technology partners via the Motus discussion group.
One centralized data hub at Birds Canada National Data Centre
Standardized data format across all projects
Permanent archive of data
Access to the research software platform data visualization and management tools
Metadata management platform
Combined data from multiple stations into one simple-to-use database accessible through R
Facilitated import to Movebank to access their tools and services
Data is available from all stations in the network as soon as it’s uploaded to motus.org
Receiver and data management tools
Automatic data streaming from the receiver to Motus.org for stations with internet connectivity
Public access to station and tag summary data, tracks, and maps via motus.org.
All data is automatically packaged and available in real-time through the Motus R Package
Opportunities to Join a community of scientists developing new code for data processing, modelling, and manipulation
Motus Research Software Platform visualization tools
Draws on community supported options for local-to-hemispheric tracking infrastructure
Partnerships with multiple technology firms for receivers and tags across numerous cutting-edge technologies
Open-source hardware and software solutions via sensorgnome.org
Movement, migration, and population ecology
Animal behavior and physiology
Environmental management
Population, survival, and species dynamics
Stopover, site-based, and full life-cycle knowledge
Informing use of flyways and landscapes
Undergraduate through postgraduate studies
Open framework for development, code, and analysis sharing
Grade 7-12 STEM curricula (science, technology, engineering, math)
Public engagement and storytelling
Visit Motus Education
Because Motus manages and shares data across numerous projects and jurisdictions, a Collaboration Policy has been developed to ensure that all researchers know what to expect when joining Motus. There is currently no formal agreement in place, but by registering tags or receivers with Motus, you are agreeing to the terms of the policy.
Motus has also developed a basic fee structure to help cover core data handling and management costs associated with the system. Fees are described within Section 3.5 Motus Data Services Fees of the Collaboration Policy.
Tag finder is a complex algorithm used to decode IDs of Lotek tags from the raw data collected by SensorGnomes and SensorStations. It was originally developed by John Brustowski and Phil Taylor at Acadia University.
This chapter is intended to provided an overview of how tag finder works and where issues may arise. For a complete, in depth look at the algorithm and its code, see the find_tags github repository.
This chapter describes the algorithm used to decode the IDs of Lotek Tags. For information on how CTT tag data are processed, see How Data are Processed.
Tag finder takes in a series of time-stamped radio pulses and decodes them by matching them to a list of known Motus Tag IDs. A Lotek tag ID consists of a "burst" of four pulses which are precisely spaced apart such that every tag ID has three unique pulse gaps. Motus extends these IDs by using the interval between bursts as a fourth unique pulse gap. Tag finder is capable of decoding IDs of tags that have overlapping bursts using a technique described below.
Tag finder uses a computer science concept called Deterministic Finite Automata (DFAs) to associate a series of time-stamped pulses with known Motus Tag IDs. For any given set of pulses, it looks at the first pulse gap and creates a list of 'tag candidates' which the gap could be associated with. It then continues to the next pulse gaps one at a time, narrowing down the list of candidates until just one candidate is left - those pulses are then 'reserved' for that tag and cannot be associated with another tag. During this process, many pulses will be skipped if the gaps don't match any known tag IDs. The first skipped pulse will become the starting point for the next DFA, making it possible to separate out pulses from overlapping bursts.
Tag finder must identify at least two bursts in order to associate pulses with a tag candidate, but often the second burst will be missed due to poor signal. To maximize the possibility of getting a Motus Tag ID, tag finder will continue searching for another burst which matches the candidate tag(s) for up to 20 skipped bursts.
The list of tag candidates is based on all Motus Tag IDs that known to be deployed when the pulses occurred. This means it's not possible for tag finder to identify tags if they aren't registered to Motus with a deployment.
There are a series of parameters that tag finder uses to associate a pulse gap with a Motus Tag ID. It uses empirically-based cutoffs for associating pulses with a tag as well as parameters of the tag that were measured when it was first registered to Motus.
For pulses to be grouped together, they must share a similar signal strength, frequency offset, and the pulse gaps must match the expected pulse gaps of the tag within 2 milliseconds. Burst intervals are allowed to vary by up to 4 milliseconds and it will also increase this variation by 1 millisecond for every burst that is skipped.
See our documentation on the parameters for tag finder here.
This guide covers various aspects of the Motus Wildlife Tracking System including;
How to access and analyze detection data using the Motus R Package.
Please refer to the Motus R Book.
How to use specific models of Motus receivers. These are located in separate guides by manufacturer:
Volunteers are an essential part of the Motus network and are needed in order to help researchers maintain stations and download data. If you are interested in assisting researchers by sponsoring or maintaining a station near you, find the owner of a Motus station near you using our receiver map and contact Motus for more information.
Individuals, researchers, or organizations can setup and maintain a station to contribute to the Motus network whether or not they choose to deploy tags on wildlife. As a collaborative automated radio telemetry network, Motus is strengthened by support and collaboration across the hemisphere from individuals or groups that are willing to commit time and resources to maintaining their own receiver infrastructure.
If you are interested in setting up and hosting a Motus receiver station, the guide below can provide you with important information to get you started. Full details on data sharing policies and registration fees can be found in the Motus Collaboration Policy, further details on project initiation and technical information on station setup can be found in the resources section.
Detection data is regularly reprocessed (also referred to as "rerun") following the initial upload and processing. This is primarily required to account for changes in metadata. As described here, proper metadata management is essential for identifying tags, in particular Lotek tags.
Put simply, if a tag does not does have an active deployment at the time the receiver data was originally processed that covers the period of the detection, that tag will not be among the candidate tags that the tagfinder algorithm has at its disposal when attempting to match raw data with known tags. In other words, your tag will not be detected.
Sometimes even despite best efforts, tag metadata is either not present or not correct when detection data is first processed. This makes repeated reprocessing of receiver data a necessity.
There is no fixed schedule as to how often receivers are rerun, but typically it is within the first 1-2 months of first upload, then roughly every 3 months to 6 months after that, decreasing in frequency as more time has elapsed since when it was first recorded and processed
There are two methods of checking the recent rerun status, described in the tabs below.
A searchable list of data processing jobs, including receiver reruns, can be found at https://sgdata.motus.org/status.
Log in with your regular Motus login
Filter for the desired receiver by clicking "all jobs" then selecting "jobs with logs matching"
Enter the serial number you want without the prefix. So if interested in receiver "CTT-54A61DB0C752", you'd search for "54A61DB0C752" and if interested in receiver "Lotek-000162" you'd search for "000162".
View the resulting list and look for the most recent rerun. Clicking anywhere on the line will bring up a dialog box with additional info and job log.
You can also use this page to summarize by project or to find a specific job log
This page is often very slow to respond and difficult to access
A list of recent jobs for a project, including reruns, is available at the bottom of the "Upload detection data" page. This page has some basic filtering but cannot be searched, so tends only to be useful for recent jobs.
Though receiver reprocessing is unavoidable given the constraints of the current technology, it can lead to some surprising results, primarily when detections that were previously seen disappear entirely, or are changed to different tags.
This is the most common and straightforward case. Usually it is a matter of researchers forgetting to update their tag metadata prior to uploading a station's data. It's also more likely to occur when deploying tags near internet-connected stations, as they often upload data before the updated metadata is present in the system.
This is the most common answer to the question of why no detections are showing up despite having tagged in the near vicinity of an active station.
In this case, rather than there being no candidate tags whatsoever that might match the raw data, as in the previous case, there are tags with active deployments that are potential candidate tags. Due to the allowed tolerance of tag signal properties, sometimes a less suitable candidate tag is selected by tagfinder if the more suitable one is unavailable. Once the proper tag metadata has been updated and the receiver reprocessed, it will resolve to the correct tag.
This is not directly related to receiver reprocessing, but worth describing here along with the other cases. This is when detections are later identified as false positives, either related to aliasing or a noise event, and are flagged in the database. Flagging them will remove them from all the the detection summaries on Motus.org, but not the complete data downloaded with the R package, where the runs and hits will be assigned the value of motusFilter == 1
. Read more about that here.
False detections (a.k.a. false positives) are a frequent occurrence in radio tracking. In fact, any tracking technology has erroneous data that must be handled in a unique manner.
In Motus, there are multiple ways in which false detections can occur. The three main methods are:
Environmental noise: this can be anthropogenic or natural (from space!).
Bad metadata: researchers haven't entered deployment information for their tags so our system doesn't know they are deployed. Because there Detections of the tags are therefore interpreted as a different (false) tag.
: a large number of tags (10+) are all deployed at the same location and time and their signals overlap. Their close physical proximity means the signals emitted by the tags appear very similar to the receiver, making it hard to tell them apart. This can result in the mixing of multiple tag signals which may be mis-interpreted as another tag that is not actually present.
Public data has been processed using broad filters based on theoretical flight speeds, logical geographic/time sequences, and at least 3 consecutive tag bursts at a single station. Most tracks have not been inspected individually for accuracy. However, we do apply manual filters for known cases of false detections.
Researchers inspect and filter their data based on .
There are several methods we use to identify false positives, but for most the first indicator will be intuition. That is, the context of a detection can sometimes provide the most clues, or at least indicate that certain data should be further scrutinized. Typically, certain stations will be particularly susceptible to producing false positives which results in a cluster of detections by different animals at that location.
Tracks are most obviously false when there are long distance East-West movements, or during the non-migratory period, North-South movements. Some false detections occur at certain stations multiple times, creating a back-and-forth movement which looks false. In other instances, the animal has merely moved out of range and is likely false – that is, unless the animal was tagged as part of a vagrant study (in which case we don't expect them to be in range!).
Detection timelines are a very useful tool for determining when stations are functional as well as when they are experiencing a noise event. These show exactly when detections occur as well as the general level noise in the radio environment.
Detection timelines can also provide an indication as to whether a false detection has occurred as a result of environmental noise or whether it was caused by tag aliasing:
Environmental noise will look like a spike in tag detections, where several tags that were never detected before are all detected at the same moment and then are usually never detected again. It is common for a noise event occur when no other tags are being detected, making them stand out.
Tag aliasing will only occur when multiple other real tags are present and being detected. This is because aliasing is a result of a mis-interpreted tag signal. Aliasing usually looks like one to a few tags which are detected at the same time as other tags which are known to be present (i.e., were deployed nearby). Detections of aliased tags always occur less frequently than detections of real tags, but they can still sometimes be detected repeatedly over several days.
For reporting, send us an email with a table (or a list) that includes the following information about each false detection:
Tag deployment ID
Station deployment ID
Justification for removal
Suspected cause of false detection.
The date the false detection was found
Observer name
Any additional comments
See Appendix C for parts lists, pictures, and descriptions
There are multiple data sets available from Motus which are each processed differently based on the type of receiver they were collected from as well as the type of transmitter that is being listened for (Lotek or CTT). A diagram of how these data are processed can be seen in the .
After processing, data are stored in the Motus Database. Public dataset available on the Motus website have to help limit the number of false positives, while unfiltered data can be access through the . Some unfiltered data can also be viewed on the Motus website in the and the .
Lotek tags emit an OOK-modulated signal (see ) which is recorded as a collection of time-stamped "pulses" on SensorGnome and CTT SensorStation receivers. A large list of these pulses are then processed by the algorithm which essentially looks at the timing between individual pulses ("pulse intervals") and matches them to a list of known Lotek tag IDs. Lotek receivers do not record individual pulses, but actually decode the Lotek Tag IDs internally and record the timing and ID of the tag detection. At this time, the Motus is able to decode tag IDs using tag finder on Motus servers due to an existing NDA between Birds Canada and Lotek, but otherwise this codeset is kept confidential. This is why on-board decoding of Lotek tag IDs can only occur on Lotek receivers at this time.
CTT Tags emit an binary FSK-modulated signal (see ) which is recorded as the tag's ID, consisting of 8 hexidecimal characters (E.g.; "1A2B3C4D"). These data are processed on CTT's server to remove false detections using a reference list of known IDs which includes all tag IDs that have been manufactured. The tag finder algorithm is not required to decode the IDs of CTT tags because the hexidecimal ID can be directly decoded from the binary FSK signal without the need of mapping it to a list of known Tag IDs. Decoding is handled by the 434 MHz radios in the Motus receiver before it's stored on the computer.
Tracks are based on the shortest possible paths between detections, and thus are unlikely to represent the true path unless the estimated speed is fairly high. Distance between detections is based on the location of the receivers, which doesn't take into account the detection ranges of the antennas (as much as 20km when conditions are good). Therefore, the estimated distance between detections may be too large by as much as 40km (when two unobstructed antennas are pointed directly at each other), and thus when the receivers are less than 100km apart the estimated minimum speed may be unrealistically high. Speed estimates for receivers more than 100km apart seem to be reasonably accurate. False detections happen sometimes (especially when equipment is faulty, a receiver is near a radio source, or a tag pulse pattern is ambiguous), but rarely last even a second. Very short detections can be filtered out (or not) in the settings.
Data are processed differently depending on the type of receiver and tag. Data received from Lotek tags are processed on the Motus server where it matches the ID and burst intervals to known tags within the system. Similarly, CTT tag data are processed on CTT's servers where it can be validated against its own list of tag IDs which have been manufactured. Due to these differences in data processing, data uploaded to Motus - either manual or automated - need to be routed to the correct server based on its contents.
Create your Project: Once registered with Motus you can join an existing project, or if registered as a Principal Investigator, you can create your own project. Manage landowners, users, data access levels, and project descriptions.
Enter and update important metadata about your receiver and station configuration, and upload data.
Enter and update important metadata about your tags and animals.
Use our online resources to explore your data, or download and begin to analyze your data using the .
The (hereafter Motus: Latin for movement or motion) is an international collaborative research network that uses cooperative automated radio telemetry to track small flying organisms (birds, bats, and insects). The system enables the conservation science community to undertake cost-effective, impactful research and education on the ecology and conservation of hundreds of species simultaneously. Motus is a program of Birds Canada in collaboration with a wide network of researchers and organizations. Motus collaborators deploy small radio transmitters that are detected by Motus stations placed at strategic locations throughout the landscape which can detect tags up to 20 km away. Depending on the configuration of a receiver array, tags can be monitored continuously, or as they occupy space monitored by other stations in the landscape. From the outset the philosophy behind Motus has been that we should all be working together. Motus harnesses the collective power of individuals and organizations into a coordinated coalition that expands the scale and amplifies the impact of everyone’s work, and optimizes scarce research and conservation dollars.
Motus collaborators currently maintain more than . More than have deployed over 30,000 tags on more than 250 species of birds, bats, and insects. These data have contributed to covering a wide range of disciplines such as breeding and post-breeding dispersal, stopover and migration behavior, habitat use, and overwintering ecology. Data collected by Motus is revolutionizing our understanding of migratory animals and is being used in conservation planning for species and sites, status assessments and recovery plans for species at risk, environmental assessment and mitigation planning for development projects, and contributing to numerous continental conservation efforts.
Tagged animals can only be detected if they pass within range of a Motus station, so ensuring that stations are strategically positioned across the landscape is important to allow for tracking throughout as much of their life cycle as possible.
There are two primary ways to participate in building and maintaining the Motus station network:
Support a Motus Station
Each new station increases the area across which tagged animals can be tracked. However, not every location is a great candidate for a Motus station.
The most important factor is that the antennas have an unobstructed view in the direction they are facing. For this reason, the highest point on the surrounding landscape (within 5-10 km) is usually preferred. This may be a hill or other prominent feature, shoreline, a station attached to an existing building, or a standalone station that exceeds the height of any nearby trees or features.
Along with the strictly necessary, there are some other features that make some sites better than others:
Unobstructed line-of-sight for the antennas is essential
AC power adds reliability and reduces cost compared to solar and battery setup
Internet (WiFi or hard wired) allows regular data uploads and quicker identification of issues
Existing structures to attach the antennas to (like an unused TV or communications tower) can lower the cost of installation and increase long term durability
Ease of access keeps time and travel costs down for installation and maintenance
Motus stations come in many shapes and sizes, but at minimum each one consists of a radio receiver, one or more antennas, and a power supply. The exact configuration depends on the specific site, but a handful of examples are pictured below.
Commitment, Liability, and Cost
When installing a new station, we prefer to aim for at least a 5-10-year commitment from the landowner to host the station. However, these agreements are non-binding, and if a landowner requests the station be removed prior to this time, this can be accommodated.
Birds Canada holds $5 million public liability insurance to cover staff and volunteers during the installation of the equipment, as well as all public and private landowners from liability created by installed equipment throughout the duration of the project. If embarking on an independent station installation you will want to confirm your own insurance requirements. In most cases the costs for station equipment, installation, and maintenance is covered by the Motus collaborator requesting to setup the station. There are no annual fees to station hosts and landowners.
Benefits to the Host
Supporting one of the largest collaborative migratory animal conservation science and research initiatives in the world
Access to visualizations of animal movement data collected from yours and other stations
Educational opportunities using the infrastructure, data, or technology
Opportunity to actively participate in ongoing research and monitoring projects
Opportunities for mutual outreach, promotion and community engagement
Conversation starter/piece and decorative landscape art
One of the largest obstacles to station setup and maintenance is funding. Even if a perfect site is available, a lack of suitable funding can prevent a station from coming together.
The cost of a station varies widely depending on the configuration of the station, number of antennas, needs for power, ease of access of the station, etc. We generally offer an estimate of roughly $7.5k as a ballpark for the purchase, installation, and maintenance of a “typical” station. In some cases, where existing infrastructure is already in place and can be used, the cost can be significantly lower. For installations in remote areas, or which require specialized contactors to install, the cost could be higher. See Table 1. for an estimate of station costs.
Table 1. Estimates of Motus station equipment, setup, and maintenance costs.
* Procurement, setup, and annual maintenance costs can vary substantially depending on the specifics of each installation.
The widest variety of animals to be monitored over the greatest distance with relatively high geographic precision, and incredible temporal precision
Centralized, public data portal for automated radio telemetry projects globally
Metadata management services – project, station and tag metadata management system.
Data management services – access, clean, and explore your data through the Motus R package.
Explore Data – see what’s been detected at your and other stations around the world.
Shared local-to-hemispheric tracking infrastructure.
Innovative, affordable, open-source hardware and software.
Compatibility across numerous cutting-edge technology providers.
A large international collaborative community. Scientific altruism at its best.
Motus is helping to advance:
Animal and Migration Science:
Open framework for development, code, and analysis sharing
Movement, migration, and population ecology
Animal behavior and physiology
Environmental impact assessment and management
Populations, survival, and species dynamics
Stopover, site-based, and full life-cycle knowledge
Improving knowledge of how animals use flyways and landscapes
Education and Training:
Undergraduate through postgraduate studies
Grade X-12 STEM curriculum links
Public engagement and storytelling.
Some filters are applied to Motus data that can be accessed by the public in order to limit the number of false detections that are presented. These filters are also available to collaborators who download their data from the . This chapter goes over each of these filters and how they are applied.
This filter was the first one to be applied to the public dataset and is the most generalised of the filters. It uses cutoffs for a set of parameters based on an empirical examination of the data. These include:
For 'noisy' sites, minimum of 5 consecutive detections
For 'quiet' sites, minimum of 4 consecutive detections
Noisy sites are categorized as stations with many runs (>= 100 in an hourBin
) and a high ratio of runs with lengths of 2 at a given time (>= 85% per hourBin
There are several edge-cases where the above Motus filter above does not remove false detections which can be problematic to present to the public. Manual filters use tag deployment ID and station ID pairs to remove these bad detections. That is, for every entry in the filter it will remove all detections of the tag deployment from that station.
Certain stations are especially problematic, usually because there are large numbers of tags deployed nearby the station which are all present at once (see ), but it can also be due to excessively noisy sites producing false detections (see ). They produce false detections regularly enough that we can't keep up with the manual filters.To remedy this, certain stations are flagged as 'problematic' and all detections of non-local tags are removed from public view on the Motus Dashboard only. Non-local tags are considered to be any tag that was deployed further than 10 km from the station.
A Motus project contains all the transmitters and stations used for your studies. It helps you organise your projects metadata and access permissions.
If you plan on ordering tags and don't yet have a project assigned for them, create a project before ordering the tags so that you can tell the manufacturer which project to register them under.
Principal Investigator: usually the lead researcher. This account type is required if you will be within Motus. Your account will need to be approved by an administrator if you select this type.
Collaborator: all accounts that don't require creating a new project. You will need to request to after creating your account.
Joining a Motus project requires a member of that project to If you don't know who to contact to gain permission, follow these steps:
Log in to Motus.
Go to and click on the name of the project that you wish to join.
Click on the name of the researcher under Project contact to find their contact information. Keep in mind you must be logged in to see this informaton.
Clicking on any name under the project will also provide you with the contact information for that individual, should you need it.
Fill in the form as best as possible. A description of the fields is below:
Project name: the full name of the project. Please keep this tidy yet descriptive.
Short name: this is a sort of 'code' name that is prefixed to tag detections in data summary plots.
Short description: a brief description of the project, to be visible in project overviews.
Description: a detailed description of the project which will be visible in the projects public profile.
Click on Save to finish creating the project.
Keep in mind that others outside your project can view the information you input for the fields listed above.
Now that you've created a project, you can now move on to manage your stations or manage your tags!
Not sure where to find these timelines?
We want to know when false detections are found in the public dataset. For data downloaded via the , we only want to know if false data is found where motusFilter == 1
. That is, we provide all data (including false positives) in the data downloaded via the Motus R package so that researchers can scrutenize data we've flagged as "false", but that anyone using those data can still use our filters by filtering for data where motusFilter == 1
The three diagrams below outline the data processing pipelines for used within the Motus network.
Fills a gap in the network (10 km or more away from the next )
If you’re interested in getting in involved by hosting or supporting a station please contact
Your account type must first be set to . If you require your account type to be changed, please .
Go to and in the yellow box on the right click .
Any person who uses Motus for research, education, or otherwise
A computer designed to receive radio signals
Receiver deployment
Describes a single setup of a receiver station. This includes information such as: number, types, directions, and heights of antennas; location of station, receiver listening frequency, computer serial numbers, type of antenna mounting structure. Deployments are registered on Motus.org.
Encompasses all receiver deployments at a single location.
Coaxial cable, typically used to connect antennas to receivers.
Cellular Tracking Technologies (i.e.; one of the companies that makes tags and receivers).
One of the companies that makes tags and receivers.
Antenna mount
The part which connects the antenna to the mounting structure. Typically a metal plate with U-bolts.
Antenna mounting structure
Usually a mast, but can be anything imaginable, such as a guard rail, a tree, or a wall.
A structure used to mount antennas. Typically a metal pipe and often telescopic (pop-up), such as the 20A and 50A masts.
A three-legged structure used to support a mast. Usually 10-feet (3 m) tall (TRM-10L).
Angle iron
Can be steel or aluminum. Angled piece of metal typically used to affix solar panels to tripods.
Mast collar
A ring around the mast typically used to affix guy lines.
A triangular tower structure used for more permanent installations. Usually requires a concrete footing or a building for support.
Non-penetrating Roof Mount
A type of mast mount which does not require anchoring. Typically used on flat roofs. See non-penetrating roof mounts.
Open source receiver developed at the Phil Taylor Lab, Acadia University.
CTT SensorStation
Receiver made by Cellular Tracking Technologies
Lotek SRX
SRX-series receiver made by Lotek Wireless Ltd.
A radio transmitter made by Lotek or Cellular Tracking Technologies.
Tag deployment
The time period of when a tag was activated and in the field.
Motus Network
A collaborative network of receivers, transmitters, partners, and researchers which use radio telemetry to study animal movement.
Galvanic Corrosion
When two dissimilar metals meet in a corrosive electrolyte (salt water), the more reactive metal will corrode much more quickly than normal. Aluminum when in contact with steel.
Total (typical station)
~$800 – pop-up mast ~$1-2,000 bracketed tower
Antenna and Cables
1-6 per station
~$600 per antenna (price will vary depending on length of cable)
Solar Power
1, 100W solar panel 1, 110 amp/hr battery 1, charge controller 1, wiring and fuses
Miscellaneous parts
Waterproofing, hardware, cables, fasteners, storage box, rebar.
Approximate procurement and setup cost ~ $2,000
Approximate annual Maintenance cost ~ $500
Motus supports two types of uniquely coded radio transmitters: NanoTags™ manufactured by Lotek Wireless Inc, operating on frequencies 166.380 MHz (Western Hemisphere), 150.100 MHz (Europe), and 151.500 MHz (Australia), and LifeTag™ and PowerTags™ manufactured by Cellular Tracking Technologies (CTT) operating on 434 MHz globally. The two tags use fundamentally different transmission and coding systems.
Tags range in size from ~0.2 g to ~2.6 g, and lifespans vary from 20 days to infinity, depending on the model. It is important to check the Motus Receiver Map to confirm which frequency other stations/antennas are operating on throughout the network. When communicating with Lotek or CTT, be sure to explicitly state that you want your tags/system to be compatible with Motus. Be sure to review our Motus Tag Guide in detail. Please contact Motus, or the tag providers above for more information.
All tags MUST be registered with Motus prior to deployment!
Register a Motus user. Collaborators wishing to deploy tags must first register with Motus.
Join or create a project. A Motus project is required before purchasing and registering Motus tags. In order for tags to be detected using the Motus network, they must be registered to a Motus project.
Purchase and Register Tags: When ordering tags, provide the manufacturer with your Motus project ID.
Register an anticipated tag deployment: this is a required for battery-powered tags to be detected by our system. You can add multiple tag deployments by using our Tag Deployment Bulk Editor. For more information about tag metadata and how deployments are used to detect tags, see Tag Metadata. Data from these tags will not be processed without a deployment.
Deploy tags. Several techniques exist to deploy Motus tags and more are being developed and tested. This document provides instructions for affixing tags to a variety of species. If your group uses different methods, or have any additional information, please contact Motus.
Battery-powered tags must be activated and confirmed to be ON and emitting the expected ID before deployment.
Before deploying tags, ensure all stations you rely on are working and any stations nearby your tagging site are detecting your tags.
Not sure which tags to get? Review our tag selection guide.
In some specific cases tags may have to be registered manually. For instructions on manual registrations, see Tag Registration
The technology behind Motus is relatively inexpensive and highly customizable. The sections below provide resources for building and deploying receiving stations. For more information about station deployment, see our Motus Station Guide.
For assistance with the setup of your project please see our Discussion Group, Troubleshooting Guide or contact us.
Contact Motus for a list of potential suppliers near you.
Register a Motus user. Collaborators wishing to deploy tags must first register with Motus.
Join or create a project. In order to manage stations in the Motus network, a project must be created.
Purchase equipment. Make sure you get the right equipment for the types of tags you wish to detect
Upload data to Motus. Depending on the location and type of receiver, it may be possible to upload data to Motus automatically.
Tags MUST be registered with Motus prior to deployment!
Deploying tags without registration is futile – always ensure tags are registered to your Motus project prior to deployment.
All tags used with Motus must first be registered before any data can be acquired from Motus stations.
With some exceptions, all tags purchased from Lotek or CTT are registered automatically to a Motus project upon shipment. This means you must provide the tag manufacturer with your Motus project ID when ordering your tags.
Register with Motus
Create or join a project
Provide the manufacturer (CTT or Lotek) with your project ID when purchasing tags.
Double check that your tags are registered to the correct project before deployment.
In some specific instances, it may be necessary for you to register your tags manually. Only do this if you have been instructed by Motus.
Please do not register tags more than once. If you need tags transferred between projects contact us.
Register with Motus
Register your tags: Instructions on registering tags can be found here. To register a tag, you need to make a short recording of its output using a funcubedongle attached to a PC. Tag Registration Kits can be purchased from Motus. Each kit includes a funcube, whip antenna, and tag activator. We strongly encourage you to test and register all tags immediately after receiving them to ensure they’re ready for deployment. Always check your Manage Tags page after registration to ensure they have all been uploaded correctly.
Upload tag registrations: Send us your completed tag registrations from step 2 here using your Motus login information.
Sometimes bad recordings can result in tag registrations with burst intervals that are an integer multiple of the true burst interval. This is because the recording quality was poor and certain tag bursts were skipped during the registration process.
This issue should be resolved in a timely manner by contacting us with the details including the Motus Tag ID and the true burst interval that should have been recorded.
If this issue is not resolved it will result in missed detections and at least 50% shorter runs.
Your project will be invoiced based on the number of tags registered following the Motus Collaboration Policy and Fee Schedule.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding tag fees.
A Motus station consists of three main components:
Receiver: this is the computer which records and stores the radio data
Antennas: there are several types of antenna designs. They are 'tuned' to listen to a narrow range of frequencies. Each antenna gets its own coaxial cable and depending on the receiver type and listening frequency, it's own 'dongle', or USB devices which listen to a specified frequency range (i.e., software defined radio).
Power supply: this provides power to the receiver. Most off-grid stations us solar power, but AC power is most reliable. The number one reason for a station to malfunction is a power failure.
Please note: This is guide is still in its draft stages. Some of the information presented here may be inaccurate.
Collaborators are the glue that keeps Motus together. They are the researchers, landowners, and stakeholders that need to access the project's data.
Below the table of collaborators, use the input field under Add new collaborators to search for the collaborator's name, username or email.
In the search results, click on the name of the collaborator you wish to add to your project.
Searching for collaborators by first name may not turn up any results.
Find the user you wish to revise in the collaborators table and then use the select options to modify their permissions. Permissions have three tiers -- 'update' (view and edit), 'read' (view only), and 'none' -- and include the following categories:
Project: Anything related to project metadata (description, billing contact, etc.) and collaborator/citation management.
Tags: tag deployment metadata.
Stations: anything relating to station management including station deployment and landowner information.
Data: access to detection data (via Motus R package).
Default permissions for a new collaborator is 'update' for all four categories.
Not all stations are created equal. Some will primarily achieve local objectives, others are part of regional networks, and others strategically placed at migration, or movement hotspots serve the collective needs of the entire network. At the end of the day, all stations work together to make up the Motus network and provide data to far more projects than your own. Motus is the ultimate, hands-on, community science project.
Before deploying any stations, you need to know what the primary purpose of the station is. What works best for your region based on migratory flyways, topography and local infrastructure available, foraging locations, your goals, funding, the location of nearby stations.
Ideally, adjacent stations will complement one another; that is, they operate on similar frequencies and have antennas which point towards one another to provide detections of tagged animals as they pass between the stations. Multiple receivers can be employed to build a receiver ‘fence’ to detect any animals that may pass over a geographic area. Examples of these can be seen in the North-eastern US and along the North Sea of Europe. In Ontario, where many more stations are available, there is a grid of stations (or series of fences) to allow for better spatial resolution of movements. On study sites like Sable Island and Bon Portage Islands in Nova Scotia very small grids have been used to study local movements.
When selecting a site, it’s important to consider how the landscape features will affect the range of your antennas. Generally, higher stations have a greater range and detection probability of passing animals, but have a more limited probability of detecting local movements (depending on the type of antenna that is attached). In most instances, stations should be placed in the highest elevation possible within the area of interest, ensuring there is a clear line of sight in each direction you wish to point the antennas. It’s also important to ensure there aren’t any obstructions immediately behind the antennas (within a few meters), especially metal surfaces like roofing.
CTT Nodes work in a similar fashion to other Motus stations, but at a much smaller scale. These devices are best suited for fine-scale studies. Read more about CTT Nodes here: CTT Nodes
Antennas can receive interference if placed too close to metal objects or other antennas, or sources of electromagnetic noise (even air conditioners, generators, lawn mowers). Depending on frequency and location, radio interference from third-party broadcasters and cellular can also be problematic. Some online tools exist to locate licensed radio broadcasters by location (click here for Canadian stations).
One can conduct tests at a site prior to station setup, but none have been well tested. Below are some guidelines which may help identify noisy sites.
Plug the FUNcube dongle into your computer and run the SDR Console software.
Select the FUNcube dongle from the list of devices and tune it to the desired frequency.
Plug in an antenna and take measurements in all directions at or near the height where the antennas will be when the station is installed.
If you measure anything above XX dB, there may be a problematic noise source in that direction.
Power on your receiver and plug in an antenna.
Point the antenna all direction at or near the height where the antennas will be when the station is installed, moving in a circle over a 5-minute period.
Download the data you just collected from your Motus receiver.
Open R and run the script provided here: [ LINK TO A SCRIPT ]
If you're given a probability of less than 5%, you're good to go!
Use your receivers web interface to record the time you begin and end your measurements to get a more precise (and accurate) time.
It's best to use the exact same receiver you intend to be installing at that site.
Institutions are organisations that are credited for their involvement with the Motus project as a lead, partner, or funder.
Below the table of collaborators there is a table with the header 'Affiliated Institutions'. This is usually empty for new projects.
Use the dropdown menu below the table to select the institution you wish to add.
Select one or more 'institution type'.
Click on 'Affiliate this institution with this project' to add it to the table.
If you can't find the institution in the dropdown, click the 'Add institution to the list' button on the right.
Below the table of collaborators there is a table with the header 'Affiliated Institutions'.
In the second column of the table, click the red 'X' in the row that you want to delete.
Stations form the backbone of Motus. They are the network which makes data sharing possible. To maximise the utility of Motus, metadata associated with stations must be kept accurate and up to date.
This section pertains to the management of station metadata: i.e., the registration of stations and their deployments. To learn more about station equipment and how to deploy them, see our chapter on stations:
In this chapter you will find:
A Motus station is a single location where Motus receiver and antenna equipment is or has been deployed. A station ties together all the different deployments (i.e., 'configurations') that a location might have had. For instance, if a new antenna was added to a station that was already deployed or if that station had a new receiver installed, it will all be recorded under the same location and name. Not only does this help us better organise the database, it also makes metadata management much more efficient and intuitive for Motus collaborators.
Station deployment
A station deployment is a single configuration of a station which includes dates of deployment (start and end), receiver ID, antenna information (type, direction, height), and the antenna mounting structure (building, pop-up tower, etc.).
The physical computer that antennas plug into and collects tag detection data. Receivers are linked to stations with station deployments.
If you're already familiar with Motus this won’t be much of a change for you. Most importantly, your R scripts won’t need to change since we're keeping the ‘site’ variables for the time being.
Prior to December 2021, 'sites' were used as a general term with no restriction on geographic area or number of active Motus deployments. The December 2021 update converts this into a single 'station' which can only be in one location (unless mobile). Each station can only have a single active deployment at a time. In addition, 'receiver deployments' are now 'station deployments'. The coordinates and landowner information will also be associated with stations rather than deployments.
Previously, most Motus collaborators used sites for the same purpose we intend to use stations anyways and landowners are already associated with sites. For this reason, we do not anticipate any major disruptions as a result of this change.
In the Motus R package, we will keep all the previous variables, but we will also introducing 2 new variables (stationID
and stationName
). This means you need to update your R package to version 4.0 to download new data. The variables siteName
and siteID
may be deprecated in a future release of the Motus R Package.
The Motus database was first organised from the perspective of data processing. That is, to store detections based on the serial number of the computer (i.e., "receiver") that collected those data. However, it was also important to keep track of different station configurations, hence "receiver deployments" were born. However, whenever a receiver was switched between two locations it always presented a bit of a problem to link the deployments of a single location together. Previously, researchers would have to use the station's name to link together data from multiple receivers which could be frustrating, especially when names were not consistent between deployments or when two locations had similar names. As Motus has grown, receiver management has become more and more cumbersome making it clear we would need to introduce a new system of organisation at the station level.
The concept of ‘sites’ was introduced back in 2018 as a way for collaborators to group together the deployments for any number of locations. However, we found most collaborators were using the feature to identify a single location. At the same time, new data explorations tool require a clearer way to link together Motus receiver deployments at a single location. By introducing stations, we're now able to string together deployments across multiple receivers based on where they were deployed in a consistent manner.
Every location where a Motus receiver is deployed needs to be recorded as a 'station' in the database.
This section covers the following topics:
The video below covers all topics in this section:
To view a map or table of stations associated with your project(s), go to Manage Data > Manage Stations.
You can toggle your view between a map and table by clicking on the tabs above the map/table.
By default, only active stations will be displayed. To view inactive stations or all stations together, click on the appropriate link above the table or map.
You can also filter stations by name or ID using the text input above the map.
Using the map, you can click on any station to see it's deployments. When viewing a table, click on a row to see it's deployments.
After clicking on a station, its details will appear in the panel on the right. This includes details about the station (status, location, and landowner) as well as the current and past deployments.
Click on the button labelled 'Add a new station'. This will open a dialog box with the following required fields:
Name: the name of the station. It's most helpful if this based on a local name.
Prospective start date: if the station is or was already deployed, enter a current or past date. If the station hasn't yet been deployed, enter the date you estimate to have it installed. If you do not have active plans to deploy a station here, leave this field blank.
Location: drag the pin around on the map to specify the location of this station, or use the latitude/longitude field below the map. Mobile stations should have their location as the start/end point of their 'typical' track.
Comments: this is helpful for entering access notes or if the stations is not yet installed you may describe the plans to install and the location here.
Landowners: you may select one or more landowner in this list. If the landowner is not present in the list, click the button labelled 'Manage your project landowners' to add a new one.
Keep in mind that people outside of your project can see your station names.
To modify a station, first select a station from the map or table and then click on 'Modify properties' from the panel on the right. See Add a new station for information about the options present here.
With a station selected, click on the button labelled 'Terminate this deployment' in the right panel just above the deployment history.
You will be asked to provide the date and time that the deployment was terminated.
Only one deployment can be active at a station at any given time. This means any active deployment must be terminated before creating a new one.
With a station selected, click on the button labelled 'Create a new deployment' in the right panel just above the deployment history.
You will be presented with a dialog box asking for the deployment start date and time as well as a couple check boxes which allow you to choose whether to copy metadata from the previous deployment.
If you choose to select a new receiver (by unchecking the box labelled 'Use most recent receiver' in previous step), you will be presented with a table of all receivers registered to the project.
To select a receiver, click on the button 'Deploy this receiver' in the row corresponding to the receiver serial number. This button will not be visible on rows with receivers that are actively deployed.
You can click on a row to view further details about the receiver, such as its deployment history.
Click on 'Add a receiver' above the table to add a new receiver if it's not present.
Regardless of whether you have a new antenna configuration, it is helpful to enter notes at this step using the provided text area.
If you are entering a new antenna configuration, you will also need to select the mounting structure (i.e. "type").
To enter antenna information, use the form at the bottom of the page and enter antennas one row at a time. The following columns are required:
Dongle type: this is the radio device plugged into USB ports on certain receivers. There is one for each antenna. If you are using built-in 434 MHz radios on the CTT SensorStation, please select "Integrated (CTT SensorStation). If you are using a Lotek SRX- series receiver, please select "Integrated (Lotek SRX)".
Port: this is either the USB or radio port that the antenna is plugged in to. This is very important to keep accurate since it will be used to correlate antenna directions to tag hits. Keep in mind that for CTT SensorStations, the built-in 434 MHz radios are labelled with the "L" prefix.
Frequency: the antenna frequency. This is usually selected for you.
Type: the antenna type. This is helpful for keeping track of antenna ranges as well as differences between equipment manufactures.
Magnetic OR true bearing: the direction the antenna is facing. We tend to recommend magnetic bearing since not all compasses show declination. A phone compass typically displays the magentic declination unless otherwise specified. This field can be blank for antennas pointing vertically (e.g.; omni antennas).
Angle: this is only required for non-horizontal antennas (e.g.; omni antennas). This option can be found under the 'advanced antenna properties' tab.
After entering your antenna information, you can verify the directions are correct by clicking on the button labelled 'View antenna map,' located just below the antenna table.
Step 5: Click 'Save and exit'
Once you are finished entering data, verify all the information is accurate and then click 'Save' or 'Save and exit'. You're done!
You can manage data access permissions for your project using the options found in Manage Project at the bottom of the page. This will affect how the public sees your data. Regardless of the permissions you set, each time data from your project are downloaded it is logged in your Data Access Log.
Accessed from the Manage Data landing page, the data access log includes an entry for each time data from the project was downloaded. This includes a date/time of download and the user who downloaded these data.
Citations ensure accurate acknowledgement of an individual’s or organization’s role in a project. Citations are to be used wherever project summary data is reproduced, used in a collaborative research project, presentation, or website.
Citations can be formatted based on institutions or collaborators listed in the project. By default, the format will be based on the project's institutions, but if none are listed it will be based on the projects collaborators.
To edit your project's institutions, see Institutions
To edit your project's collaborators, see Collaborators
To edit your project's citation format, go to Manage Collaborators, Institutions, and Citations and scroll to the bottom of the page.
To select which institutions appear in your project citations and in which order:
In the Affiliated Institutions table below the collaborators table, use the input fields in the 'Rank in citations' column to rank the order in which names are to appear, beginning with the number 1.
Leave the field blank to exclude collaborators from the citation.
Once finished, click the 'Update the institution citation rank' button.
To select which collaborators appear in your project citations and in which order:
In the collaborators table at the top of the page, use the input fields in the 'Rank in citations' column to rank the order in which names are to appear, beginning with the number 1.
Leave the field blank to exclude collaborators from the citation.
Once finished, click the 'Save changes' or 'Save and exit' button.
Tags are the eyes and ears of Motus. Without them, we wouldn't have any data to speak of. Similarly, without accurate metadata we won't be able to make sense of the data we collect.
This chapter is in development
This section pertains to the management of tag metadata: i.e., the registration of tags and their deployments. To learn more about tags models and how to deploy them, see our chapter on tags:
In this chapter you will find:
Tags are the individual radio transmitters compatible with Motus which are manufactured by either CTT or Lotek. They each have a digitally encoded ID (manufacturer ID), a burst rate (a.k.a., 'burst interval' or 'period'), and a model.
Tag deployments
A deployment is considered to be each instance when a tag was attached to animal and then released. Most tags are never recovered therefore most tags have only one deployment. Tag deployments record all the information regarding the animal that it was attached to, including: date/time of release, location of deployment, species, age, sex, weight, and any other metrics that can be provided.
Every time a Motus tag is deployed, this needs to be recorded in our database, otherwise there may be missing detections. This section covers the following topics:
All tags are automatically registered to your Motus project before shipment, regardless of the manufacturer (CTT or Lotek). However, you must tell the manufacturer the Motus project ID for them to register the tag to the correct project. For more information, see Tag Registration.
A deployment is a single instance where a tag was attached to an animal (or was used in a "tag test"). The deployment begins when the animal is released. The deployment ends either: automatically (Motus calculates when the tag is expected to expire based on the tag model); or manually (when a collaborator recovers the tag from the animal).
Deployments are a necessary way for Motus to efficiently search for tag IDs within radio data. Without tag deployments, data will be missing.
Most Motus tags are never recovered so very few tag deployments should be given an end date.
While tag deployments are necessary for detections to occur, it is impractical to register deployments immediately after each one is deployed. Anticipated deployments are essentially placeholders for real deployments and begin on the earliest date which tags are expected to be deployed.
You must still confirm anticipated deployments after the anticipated date has passed by updating the tag deployment metadata. For more information about anticipated deployments, see Tag Metadata.
Example 1
Laura wants to deploy 50 tags on Bank Swallows in the summer of 2022. She anticipates to be in the field by June 10th, at the earliest. Using the bulk editor, she registers deployments for all 50 tags with a start date of 2022-06-10.
Over the course of the field season, she ends up deploying 47 of her tags and stores 3 of them for later use. Shortly after her field season is complete, she goes back to her Motus project's tag management page to correct the deployment start dates and fill in the rest of the metadata for each of her tags. With the 3 tags that she stored for later use, she removes the start dates and species using the bulk editor.
Tags can be used to test whether a receiver or specific antennas are functioning as expected. However, we don't want these data to be included in analyses of animal movements, nor do we want them presented to the public since it can be confusing. To flag these deployments as tests, check the box reading 'make this a test deployment' while registering your tag deployment and leave the 'Species' field blank.
Multiple tag deployments can be registered and/or modified at once using the tag deployment bulk editor. This can be found by clicking on "Upload tag deployments" under Tag Management. Follow the instructions on the page to upload tag deployments.
You can’t have a reliable station without a reliable power source. For this reason, it’s best to ensure more than an ample supply is available.
Receivers can be powered by either AC or DC. AC power supplied by mains should be used whenever possible as it is generally a more reliable and cheaper power supply than DC. DC supplies usually come in the form of Deep Cycle batteries and require regular charging via solar or another method to maintain power. Also keep in mind that since DC typically requires a solar panel and battery it is a more attractive target for thieves.
If using mains AC power from a typical wall outlet, ensure you use a good quality power adaptor that is rated for the mains power of that region (e.g.: North America is 120 Vrms @ 60 Hz; South America is , 115-230 Vrms @ 50 or 60 Hz). A good quality adaptor can tolerate this variation in mains voltage which makes them more versatile for projects across multiple countries. A poor quality adaptor will produce an unstable voltage which can damage a receiver or not produce enough power to keep it operational. You may also want to connect your station through a proper surge protector.
The type of adaptor required will depend on the type of receiver being used. For CTT SensorStations and Lotek SRX receivers, these power supplies are usually included with the receiver. SensorGnomes will also be shipped with an AC power supply when ordered through Compudata or RFS Scientific.
If you do not have a power adaptor for your SensorGnome receiver, you can use a standard USB power supply for your phone (“fast charger” or minimum of 2.5 Amps) with a USB cable. For CTT or Lotek receivers, contact your supplier to purchase an adaptor.
If mains power is unreliable and 24/7 coverage is needed, then you may wish wish to connect your station through a battery powered backup power supply.
Powering electronics directly from DC is more complicated since there is no single setup for all stations. Instead, the type and amount of power required will depend largely on region and available resources. In order for a station to be compatible with a DC power supply, it must have a method for converting the voltage of a battery - usually 12 volts - to something the receiver can handle, which ranges from 5 to 18 volts, depending on the model.
CTT SensorStations have built-in voltage converters, allowing them to accept a direct connection to the battery; however, in practice NEVER connect your receiver directly to the battery without a to protect your battery.
SensorGnomes require a DC buck converter to lower the voltage down to 5 volts. This component is standard when purchasing from Compudata. Buck converters are only provided in SensorGnomes if requested by RFS Scientific.
Contact Lotek or see your receivers user manual for more information on SRX series receivers.
Lead-acid batteries are based on very old technology, but still provide the cheapest, non-volatile power storage for electronics. Lithium-based batteries offer the highest energy density of any commercially available battery, yet they are far more expensive relative to the power they store. In addition, Lithium-based batteries are typically far more volatile, risking chemical spills and fire if they are charged/discharged too quickly, if their temperature is too high or if they are punctured. For these reasons we do not recommend Lithium-based batteries unless space and weight is very limited. Since lithium-based batteries are used so rarely in the Motus network, they will not be discussed further here.
Most people refer to 12-volt lead-acid batteries as “car batteries,” but in this instance you might get the wrong type if that’s what you ask for. This is because car batteries are not designed to be discharged over long periods of time and require constant top-ups, such as from a car’s alternator. In a Motus station, batteries must be able to go down to voltages as low as 10-11 volts each night without losing much capacity - this would ruin the typical car battery in no time!
This is why we use deep-cycle batteries which allow a deep discharge during each charging cycle. Most deep-cycle batteries that are readily available are marine grade (a.k.a.: “marine battery”) which are designed around offering high cranking amps to start up large boat motors, but this is not anything we need in a radio station. Nonetheless, in remote locations with nothing else available, a marine battery will do. While more expensive, specialize solar deep-cycle batteries are also available that are designed provide small amounts of power continuously and varying degress of recharging.
You may also notice there are flooded and sealed lead-acid (SLA) batteries that exist. This refers to whether the internal chemistry can offgas externally. Flooded lead-acid batteries are well known for producing highly flammable hydrogen gas and can be extremely hazardous if not stored in a well-ventilated area. We usually store batteries in a closed tupperware bin which increases the potential of this hazard which is why we recommend SLA batteries. Even so, batteries should be handled with care so as to not puncture the battery casing, potentially allowing the slow release of hydrogen gas over time.
We recommend the following batteries, depending on application:
All batteries should be rated for 12 Volts. You can also combine two or more batteries in parallel, however they must be the same capacity, brand, and model to reduce the risk of damaging cells.
When shopping for batteries, we recommend a 50 Ah battery for day lengths greater than 12 hours and a 75 Ah for day lengths under 12 hours.
For cold weather conditions, we recommend self-heating Lithium iron phosphate batteries, however there are some risks involved with deploying this type of battery. While the chemistry is stable and unlikely to combust like typical Lithium-ion batteries, they will be damaged if they are charged when below 0 C (32 F). Self-heated batteries are rated to temperatures as low as -20 C and have protective circuits to prevent them from damaging themselves. Batteries can be charged at even lower temperatures if they are stored in an insulated box. More information about storage and use of Lithium iron phosphate batteries can be found in the PDF below.
We recommend Sunsaver charge controllers with low-voltage cut-off - minimum 10L (depends on size of solar panel), Specifically XXX, and any solar panel (minimum 90 watt).
Motus Pro Tip
Get more than you think is needed. Bigger panels = more power. Bigger batteries = longer-lasting power.
Just like batteries, choosing the right solar panel for your setup can be a daunting task considering the number and types of panels available, but usually your local wholesale retailer of solar panels can help you with picking one out. There are a few different types of solar panels, but the two main ones we deal with are monocrystalline and polycrystalline. The main difference between the two is that monocrystalline cells are on average more expensive, but provide more efficiency and have greater heat tolerance; however, performance appears to vary considerably by manufacturer. Panel efficiency is not necessarily important considering the relatively small panels that we use to begin with. Heat tolerance may be an important consideration in more southern latitudes; we recommend speaking to local suppliers for their recommendation. We generally recommend polycrystalline solar panels to save on costs.
The amount of power your panel needs to produce depends on the amount of sun exposure you expect on the shortest day of the year. In Canada, 80 Watt panels have been effective for ¾ of the year, but do not produce enough for continuous operation in the winter. For continuous winter operation, we have been recommending at least 150 Watts by industry experts. In the summer, 50 Watt panels have been sufficient.
The main issue is that if the power happens to cut out when the receiver is writing to its storage, it could corrupt the storage and prevent the receiver from ever booting back up.
Some sites have AC power available, but there may be problematic power outages. To get around this, you will need an uninterruptible power supply -- or UPS. They come in various shapes and sizes, based on the device being used and the amount of power you intend on drawing.
A generic UPS is commonly available at local electronics stores as they are often used to protect databases and servers. The ratings of UPS can be difficult to interpret, so its important to look at the spec sheet to identify how long it lasts while under load. Usually, it's reported as the number of minutes under full and half load which can be used to calculated the length of time the receiver will last based on the expected load of the receiver. Motus receivers use very little power (usually less than 5 Watts) so you can expect it to last much longer than what is typically advertised.
The nice thing about getting a generic UPS is that nearly all of them also have surge protectors which is important when you have an unreliable AC power supply. However, it's a good idea to test any system if the battery capacity is an important factor in your purchasing decision.
Raspberry-pi based SensorGnomes can use a UPS HAT, but these systems have not been adequately tested so aren't recommended for regular deployments.
The Motus Network mostly consists of stationary automated radio telemetry stations which continuously record incoming radio pulses. Mobile stations also exist, either affixed to a moving vehicle, boat, or in a backpack on foot. Other receivers are used for manual tracking so that wildlife can be located in and observed in-person for more precise location data.
There are three types of receivers compatible with Motus that can be purchased, or built yourself in some cases: Lotek Wireles Inc (SRX600, 800 and D-series receivers), CTT Sensorstation and Nodes, and the open-source SensorGnome.
Sensorgnomes can be purchased from or or built with the . Note these instructions are very outdated and require revision. New instructions will be posted in the near future.
(1) Price does not include cost of: Wi-Fi module; cellular module; data plans; case; power supply; bulkheads (1 required per antenna); or testing time.
(2) CTT charges $5/month base plus data costs for cellular data plans and an additional $5/month for station health reports. Contact CTT for more details.
For manual telemetry, we need a portable receiver that can decode tag IDs in real time.
Metadata informs Motus when to look for tags in raw detection data, when tag codes can be reissued, helps ensure that the permanent data archive is accurate and complete, and makes data presentable to the public.
All tags used with Motus
The table below outlines the minimum requirements for tag metadata to acquire detections from Motus.
To ensure the most accurate detection data, please enter your updated tag metadata as soon as possible, and allow 24 hours before uploading your receiver detection data after submitting tag metadata.
Do not enter a deployment end date unless the tag was actually recovered and deactivated. Otherwise, Motus will automatically calculate the end date of the tag using a generous buffer in case the tag lasts longer than anticipated.
If you do you end up not deploying tags and holding on to them for future use, create a placeholder deployment record with a start date well in the future to ensure that the tag code / burst interval combo is not reissued.
Metadata is a critical part of the Motus infrastructure. Not only does it inform our algorithms which search for tag detections on when to look for specific tags, it also helps make sense of data that are presented to the public. As the Motus community grows, the importance of accurate and up to date metadata grows exponentially.
To improve the performance and accuracy of tag finder, Motus only search for tags that are known to be active at any given time. To accomplish this, tag finder references a master list of all registered tags along with the dates when they were active (‘deployments’). Occasionally, some tag detections are missed because _tag finder _doesn't know that certain tags are active, usually because of missing or inaccurate metadata in our system.
Most tags are deployed on animals and never seen again, so most tag deployments will have a start date, but no end date. This is the correct way to enter deployment metadata if a tag is not retrieved again after deployment as it allows our system to calculate the end date on its own. This end date is calculated as the predicted lifespan (provided to us by the manufacturer) plus an additional 50% to account for unusually long-lasting tags. This predicted lifespan is calculated based on the tag model number, so it’s important to ensure that information is correct as well. The examples below use a theoretical tag with a predicted lifespan of 60 days.
In reality, it’s impractical to enter tag deployment metadata immediately upon releasing each animal, so we have built in a couple safe guards to help mitigate this issue. The first is that tags will be searched for by Motus immediately upon registration if no deployment exists for those tags. The registration date has historically been recorded as the quarter-annum, so tag finder will act as though each tag was deployed on the first day of that quarter-annum. Not desirable, but better than nothing.
Default deployment dates are only present as a backup in case the researcher has forgotten to include their earliest anticipated start date during tag registration. An anticipated start date is basically the earliest day on which the researcher plans to deploy tags. This should provide ample time to update the tag metadata after the field season is over.
Once a tag has been deployed, it's deployment metadata should be updated to reflect the real deployment date. Otherwise, tag finder might think the tag expired too early.
Remember: providing an anticipated deployment date will buy you more time before you need to update these data.
Because of the limited number of tag code / burst interval combinations, tags with these properties may be reissued to other projects if the tags are presumed to be dead or inactive. Tags that were not deployed during the expected tagging period should be given placeholder deployment recorders well into the future. This will ensure that they remain on the "active tags" list and are not reissued.
Example: You had 20 tags you expected to deploy in June 2023 and for which you made placeholder deployment record with anticipated start dates (as described above). However you were only able to deploy 18 of the tags and want to retain the remaining two tags for next year. You would modify the deployment record for the two undeployed tags and change the start date to some date in the future -- say July 1, 2024. This will ensure that the tag codes will not be reissued to another project. After you do finally deploy them, update the tag deployment metadata to reflect the actual deployments.
Undeployed tags should:
2) be given placeholder deployments with start dates well into the future to ensure that the unique code/burst interval combo is not reissued
Bad metadata to be information related to deployments which is either missing or inaccurate. We can use the example scenario above to predict what might happen when metadata isn't kept up to date.
If there is no deployment data for a tag, tag finder will assume the tag has expired and will stop searching for it long before it should. In our example, the default deployment period has no overlap with the actual active period, meaning it will only search for the tag before it was actually ever deployed. Therefore, no detections would exist for this tag.
If only an anticipated deployment date exists, there may be some overlap with the actual deployment period, but there could still be a lot of data missing from the end of the tag lifespan.
If there are left over tags after the field season or if a tag is recovered and the existing deployments aren't terminated, manufacturers might reissue the tags which can result in ambiguous detections. That means there could be two tags deployed at the same time that appear identical to each other deployed at the same time, making it difficult or impossible to accurately identify the individual.
Several varieties of antennas exist of which only a few will be covered here. All antennas should come with their own assembly instructions which are more or less easy to follow so we will not go into great detail here. Please see for more details on parts.
The driven element and the attached connector are the most sensitive parts of a Yagi antenna; pay special attention to prevent damage to these parts and any connections. Damage to the driven element may cause the antenna to no longer be tuned to the desired frequency resulting in an ineffective antenna.
Coax seal. This is a type of soft rubber or silicone which is used to seal antenna connections. This is typically purchased separately from the antenna. Marine Goop (with UV protectant (link), and electrician, or plumbers puddy (with link).
Coloured electrical tape or markers. It can be difficult to keep track of which antenna corresponds with which cable once a station has been set up. Bring a few colours of electrical tape so you can colour code the antennas and coaxial cables.
Zip ties, cable ties, zap straps. These are indispensable for coaxial cable organisation. Used to support the coax cable along the antenna boom and mast.
Hex nuts and bolts. We use ¼” x 2” bolts for tripod assembly and ¼” x 1” bolts for affixing solar panels to the tripod**.** Use zinc-plates steel unless the station is deployed in a marine area where stainless steel should be used.
Antennas are usually attached to a metal pipe or mast using a type of mounting bracket. Small antennas, like 434 MHz Yagis, all omni antennas, and 3- to 5- element Yagis for the 150-166 MHz band can be butt-mounted using a bracket which fits onto one end of the boom. Large antennas, like 6- to 9-element Yagis for the 150-166 MHz band need to be mounted along their mid-point to even out the lateral force on the mast. Larger antenna can be butt-mounted, but usually require support wires attached to the mid or end point of the antenna.
Nearly all antenna mounts use a metal plate with 4 u-bolts; 2 for the antenna boom and 2 for the mast. For most antennas, the boom is mounted perpendicular to the mast, but omni antennas will often be mounted pointing straight up, meaning both the antenna and mast will be in the same orientation.
Most antennas will have a connector on the driven element for the coax cable to be connected. The driven element and this connector are the most sensitive parts of a Yagi antenna; pay special attention to these parts so they are not impacted by anything. Damage to the driven element may cause the antenna to no longer be tuned to the desired frequency.
The orientation of an antenna changes the horizontal range relative to the vertical range. For instance, an omni antenna can be oriented straight upwards to have a uniform detectability along the horizontal and vertical axes, or it could be pointed horizontally to create a more restricted, lateral detection area. Similarly, Yagi antennas can be rotated along the boom to select a wider horizontal or vertical beamwidth.
Most stations across Motus will orient their Yagi antennas horizontally (antenna elements pointing horizontal). We recommend all collaborators do this to maintain consistency across the network.
Most Motus stations will host multiple antennas, but this may pose an issue depending on the types and position of the antennas.
Simple modeling by Bob Morton at Maple Leaf Communications suggests there is a significant dropoff in the detection range of Yagi antennas when they are stacked too close together.
We have developed the following guidelines based on these models:
Antennas that facing opposite directions should be the furthest apart from one-another: at least 1/2 a wavelength (~1 meter for 166.38 MHz).
Antennas that are facing perpendicular directions should be at least a 1/4 wavelength apart (~1/2 meter).
Antennas should be butt-mounted when possible. This is usually only practical for 434 MHz Yagi antennas due to the size of lower frequency antennas.
There are countless ways to install a Motus station and it’s not always clear which is best. For the most part, your station will depend on the structure you have to install the antennas on. Here are a number of different installation methods used across the Motus network to help you decide which setup suits your location best. For any inquiries, please for additional support.
Motus stations have been built on just about anything – lighthouses, towers, trees, cars, drones, planes, ships, buoys, bamboo masts, and just about every type of building you can dream of.
The actual structure doesn’t necessarily matter as long as it’s strong and elevated enough to provide a clear line-of-sight, and the antennas are not mounted close to sheet metal or other antennas (see above). The easiest and often the cheapest method is to use a pre-existing building or structure upon which masts or antenna can be affixed to existing railings, or on the side of buildings where a can be mounted. Installation can be tricky, and every situation is different, but once it’s set up there shouldn’t be much maintenance or worry.
In remote locations where there aren’t any buildings to attach towers, one can use a tripod and mast like those manufactured by , or a . Pop-up towers must be guyed (3 lines per 10-foot section) and anchored (1 anchor per guy or just 3 strong anchors). Pop-up towers are more sensitive to wind and ice than the DMX-style structures so regular maintenance will be necessary.
We can’t stress enough the importance of excess supports in any setup situation. Use more and stronger guy wires than you think you need, more waterproofing, more wall mounts, bigger batteries, bigger solar panels, and strong gauge, galvanized or stainless steel materials (especially in marine environments). It will cost you more in the end per setup, but shortcuts will often cost you more in the long-term.
The list below includes a list of structure types that are commercially available, but these products are typically not sold outside of North America and Europe by this supplier. In these cases, a local solution will need to be found which we provide examples of in the list. Please if you would like to contribute to this list of suppliers.
Looking for local solutions can be difficult. If you plan to install large antennas (i.e.; 9-element Yagis) in a location that may experience high winds, it's especially important to look for robust solutions that won't fail after the first storm. If at all possible, it's best to avoid installing your own free standing structure and instead use a pre-exisiting tower or attach a mast to a building. It's usually easiest to find piping for a mast (aluminum or zinc-plated/galvenized steel) and a bracket that will hold to an exterior wall.
It's often possible to find someone to build a part for you, such as a wall bracket for attaching a pipe to a building. The images in the examples below can be used as guidance in these cases.
It is highly recommended for collaborators to install a tower that is intended for longer-term use which typically involves a lattice tower. These types of towers have several names, including: Rohn tower, DMX, Golden nugget, Delhi tower. It is common to see this type of tower for weather stations, rural internet and TV, or HAM radio, which is a testament to their utility.
While installing this type of tower can be a significant increase in cost from the pop-tower, it will reduce your overall long-term expense. These structures have fewer individual parts and are stronger than the pop-up masts so require less maintenance and do not always need to be guyed giving it a smaller footprint. Certain models of lattice towers can be attached to a building, cutting costs significantly.
Common setup locations
Interpretive Centres
There is an unlimited number of ways antennas can be mounted, it all depends on location. Co-locating a station can save on costs and is often necessary for some locations.
Out buildings
Public schools, universities, museums
Guard Rails
This is essentially a metal pipe bolted onto the wall of a building using some sort of bracket. The bracket you use will depend on two things:
What's the expected maximum load on the mast?
How deep are the eves?
Many buildings and other structures will have guard rails at their highest point which can serve as a great place to anchor your mast. Also see lighthouses and fire towers for similar examples.
If it's possible to bolt into the roof, this can be the best solution to get the clearance required a low-profile structure.
There are many cases where you need to install a station on a flat roof and it's not possible to bolt into the roof. A non-penetrating roof mount is essentially a platform that is weighted down with aa mast at the center.
Some researchers have had success with installing antennas on commercial telecommunications towers. These are often in great locations and are usually powered, but they require a professional climber (+$1000 in fees) and sometimes rental fees.
These days, most lighthouses have been decommissioned and offer a great opportunity for hosting a robust Motus station. One of the very first Motus stations was installed on Sable Island off of Nova Scotia and operated without a hitch for over 5 years. Getting permission to host a station on a lighthouse can be tricky depending on the jurisdiction, but in many cases local communities are in charge of keeping the lights and getting permission is not difficult.
These are very common setups since they can be deployed almost anywhere, but the weight of the materials can be prohibitive. This type of tower is most-often limited by its height with anything taller than 50′ require a more robust and professional-grade installation.
This type of structure is more vulnerable to wind/ice damage and corrosion so it’s typical to require a mast replacement within 5 years, especially when exposed to salt spray or fog.
General open spaces
Using just the mast is a smallest practical version of a free-standing Motus station. Usually these only host omni antennas due to the weight restrictions, but more robust version can hold Yagi antennas as well. This has become a widely used setup for temporary installations due to its low cost and ease of use, but generally limits the number and size of antennas that can be deployed and they are less reliable in high winds.
These are a bit heavier to transport, but can be the only solution for locations where there is no soil layer to anchor guy wires.
Utility poles are a good long-term solution for a Motus station as they can last decades without requiring any maintenance; however, the initial installation costs can be prohibitive due to the heavy machinery and skilled worked required.
Mounting antennas to a vehicle can require a fair bit of improvisation depending on the antenna and vehicle types. Below are just a few examples of what has been done in the past. Most of the time it only makes sense to use an omni antenna which has a low profile, but also a limited range.
All examples of car-mounted antennas with Motus have used omni antennas with varied success due to the limited range of omnis (0.5-1 km).
Photos to come
If planned well, boats can be a great place to host a Motus station due to the fact they have their own power source and their weight capacity allows for multiple of any antenna type to be attached. For instance, a ferry with two 9-element Yagi pointing down its bow and stern could detect animals as they move down a strait. In another case, fishing boats have been fitted with omni antennas to detect Phalaropes while they are at sea.
Photos to come
Aerial surveys have been conducted in the past where an omni antenna was placed on the bottom of the aircraft, but ultimately it's usually up to the pilot to decide what they are comfortable with.
Photos to come
Only an omni antenna can be used with drones. All examples have used flexible whip antennas which hang from the base of the aircraft.
Photos to come
Yagi antennas should be vertically spaced according to their direction and frequency. Make sure you have ample spacing between your antennas and any sheet metal, such as roofing. The typical figure for minimum spacing and metal roofing is 1 full wavelength. Yagi antennas that point in the opposite direction (parallel) will interfere with each other if spaced too close together, essentially eliminating the directionality and severely impacting the detection range. Antennas that are parallel (180 degrees) should be at least ½, but best at a whole wavelength apart. Antennas that are perpendicular (90 degrees) should be at least ¼ wavelength apart.
It is very important you select the right antenna for the purpose of the station and the type of tags you intend to detect. Antennas are optimized for reception on a particular radio frequency. Since there are multiple tag frequencies, each tag type requires its own antenna; currently an antenna optimized to detect Lotek tags on 166.380 Mhz will not detect CTT tags on 434 Mhz, and vice versa. Wherever possible we recommend installing “dual-mode” stations outfitted with antennas and a receiver that can detect both tags. A dual-frequency antenna is under development, but for the time being, dual-mode stations (those that can listen for more than one frequency, must have two different types of antenna in place.
An antenna is a device used to send or receive radio signals, i.e., electromagnetic radiation. This radiation induces a voltage in conductive materials which will vary in magnitude based on the physical dimensions and orientation of the material. The induced voltage oscillates at the same frequency as the electromagnetic radiation and the magnitude of the voltage is proportional to the strength of the radiation. Antennas used in the Motus Network are built (“tuned”) with high precision such that the induced voltage is greatest when exposed to the narrow range of frequencies that Motus tags emit. Antennas can also be shaped to select for radiation from specific directions and orientations.
Each antenna has a theoretical radiation pattern which represents its range in 3D space. We use the radiation pattern to predict the distance and direction in which we can receive signals from radio transmitters. Omnidirectional (‘omni’) antennas, as the name suggests, have a uniform radiation pattern that is emitted perpendicular to its axis. The thin wire attached to Lotek and CTT tags is a type of omni antenna. When used on a receiver, omni antennas provide presence/absence information, typically within a short range. This makes them ideal for fine scale studies as demonstrated with CTT SensorNodes which can be used to create a high-resolution grid of stations.
Yagi-Uda (‘Yagi’) antennas are a type of directional antenna that are the most commonly used antenna in the Motus network. Their radiation pattern is directed into a beam which varies in length and width based on the number of ‘directing elements’ with a greater number of elements resulting in a longer, narrower beam. For example, a 9-element Yagi antenna can theoretically provide tag detections from 15 km away at 166.380 MHz, but in reality this will vary widely based on the landscape and atmospheric conditions. Yagi antennas are favorable for most applications since they can be used to create receiver ‘fences’ or ‘grids’ with fewer stations than an omni antennas could. In addition, multiple Yagi antennas on a single station can be used to infer flight direction based on the timing of detection across each antenna.
A variety of antenna options exist for VHF/UHF telemetry. To date, collaborators have used 3, 5, 6, and 9-element Yagi directional antennas, and omni-directional antennas. Generally the greater the number of elements, the longer the detection range and more narrow the detection beam. The fewer the elements, the shorter the detection range, but the broader the detection beam. Omni-directional antennas are best suited for determining species presence-absence patterns (e.g. seabirds at a colony), or for detecting birds in close proximity to stations (within a few hundred metres), not suited for providing directional information (e.g. departure directions of songbirds from a stopover site).
When ordering antennas and cables, it is important to ensure:
Connectors between the coaxial cable, antennas, and receiver are compatible.
The impedance rating of all cables, connectors, and dongles are the same (50 Ohms).
Cable type is suitable for the length needed.
Get recommended equipment if inexperienced with the technology (highlighted in green).
Select an item from the list below to learn more:
This antenna, usually referred to as simply “Yagi” or more generally a directional antenna.
A variety of antenna options exist for VHF telemetry. To date, users have used 3, 5, 6, and 9-element Yagi directional antennas, and single-pole omni-directional antennas. The 9-element Yagis have a long, narrow detection range, whereas 3, 5, or 6-element Yagis have gradually shorter and wider detection ranges. Omni-directional antennas are best suited for determining species presence-absence patterns (e.g. seabirds at a colony), or for detecting birds in close proximity to stations (within a few hundred metres), but not for providing directional information (e.g. departure directions of songbirds from a stopover site).
When ordering antennas, it’s important to know what frequency you need it to be tuned to. For detecting Lotek tags, antennas must be tuned to 150.1 MHz (Europe), 151.5 MHz (Australia), or 166.380 MHz (Western Hemisphere), depending on the region. For detecting CTT tags, antennas must be tuned to 434 MHz.
Antennas can be purchased from the following suppliers:
Wade Antenna [LINK]
Use the table below to help select your antenna:
Coaxial cables (coax for short) are responsible for carrying the received radio signal from the antennas to the receiver. This cable is so-called coaxial because it contains a central conductor surrounded by a second conductor that runs coaxial to the central conductor (around it). This second conductor is electrically connected to the ground plane and provides shielding that helps insulate the central signal-carrying conductor from external electromagnetic interference and also reduces the amount of energy lost from the central conductor. Between the central core and shielding is a layer of insulating material which can vary in thickness, as well as the plastic outer jacket of the cable.
The signal carried by coax is measured in decibels (dB) and calculated by comparing the power coming out of the coaxial cable to a theoretical 1 mW transmitter.
With this equation in mind you can see how an increase of 3 dB actually means a doubling of the received power. Antenna resistance is an intrinsic property of the antenna and usually runs at 50 Ω. The coaxial cable also has a resistance so it will reduce the power of the incoming signal which varies by frequency. This is known as attenuation.
When selecting coaxial cables, you want pick something that keeps attenuation to a minimum. Attenuation can’t be eliminated entirely, so we try to keep it within a reasonable limit. For weak signal detection a difference 0.2 dB can be significant. The supplier for our coaxial cables and antennas here in Canada (Maple Leaf Communications) has suggested we try to keep attenuation under 1.0 dB for any cable length, but obviously this is not always practical. The recommended low-loss cable is the LMR-400, but it is very bulky and difficult to work with. For this reason, we recommend using lower grade cables for short lengths, such as the LMR-240 or RG-58.
To get an idea of what kind of effect attenuation may have on tag detection, imagine a receiver with a theoretical detection radius of 10 km. If the antennas on the receiver experienced 1.0 dB of attenuation, this radius would be reduced to 9 km; if they experienced 2.5 dB of attenuation, that would be reduced to 7.5 km.
One of our antenna equipment suppliers, Maple Leaf Communications, has written a helpful guidance document for selecting cables based on the length and frequency required.
RG58 – basic communications cable that typically comes with a BNC connector. Best used for lengths less than 50′. The least expensive option.
RG213 – higher grade cable that can be used at length of up to 100′ with low signal loss. Custom cable ends depending on distributor/manufaturer. Moderate price.
TWS/LMR-400 – similar to the RG-213, but higher quality (stronger weather/sun resistance) coating. Best for longer-term installations and long cable length. Most expensive. Manufacture can suggest which cable is best for your needs – LMR is generally more affordable.
BMR-240 - available from Maple Leaf Communications, this cable has slightly less plastic insulation, making it much more flexible and easier to work with than LMR-400, while offering similar attenuation.
Radio dongles, also known as Software Defined Radios (SDRs), are used to convert analog signal received by the antennas into a digital signal that can be interpreted by the SensorGnome . Note that Lotek receivers have a built-in converter and do not require these for station operation. Note that SensorStations only need an SDR for antennas tuned for Lotek tags (anything that isn’t 434 MHz).
While there are dozens of available SDR’s on the market, only four models are compatible with SensorGnomes and SensorStations. Most commonly used are the FUNcube Pro Plus which have the smallest signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), noise figure, and DC voltage spike (poor reception at nominal frequency), and power rating. However, FUNcube dongles are the most expensive, costing ~$200 USD, compared to $35 USD for the RTL-SDR.
Other radio dongles that aren't listed here have not been adequately tested and may not function correctly with the SensorGnome. Despite the high price, we currently recommend FUNCube Pro Plus as they are known to have the best performance. See the table below for more information.
* CTT dongles listen to 434 MHz and are only used to make Sensorgnomes compatible with CTT tags.
Items listed in green are recommended.
There are several types of connectors that are used with radio antennas and coaxial cables, but not all perform equally. For instance, certain connectors are better at preventing water and dust ingress. For this reason, it’s important to know what kind of connectors your antennas have when being purchased, and which are most suitable for a Motus station. There are four connector types commonly found in Motus station setups: UHF (PL-259); N-type; BNC; and SMA.
Most 9-element Yagis and omni-directional antennas tend to come with a female UHF (Laird) or N-type connector (Maple Leaf), but this should be verified prior to purchase. Three and 5-element Yagis usually come with a male BNC connector and so they can be connected to a Lotek SRX receiver directly, or to a FUNcube with female BNC to male SMA adapter.
The following table outlines where we typically see these connectors. Dongles are the analog-to-digital converters that are part of the Sensorgnome (typically we use FUNcube dongles, or FCD).
Items listed in green are recommended.
The following are some common uses of these connectors:
Coax cable with male BNC connector at one end and male UHF connector at the other end (for Lotek receivers or Sensorgnomes with female BNC to male SMA adapter).
Coax cable with a male BNC connector at both ends with a BNC female to UHF male adapter (Lotek receivers or Sensorgnomes with female BNC to male SMA adapter).
Coax cable with custom female UHF connector at the antenna end and a male SMA connector at the FUNcube end. (Option with fewest adapters and therefore less signal loss, but may be more expensive due to custom ends). Sensorgnome only.
Motus Pro Tip - Every connection, every adapter, may result in lowering the sensitivity of station to detect tags. Make every effort to minimize the number of connections/adapters between the antenna and the receiver.
The purpose of the storage container is primarily to store and protect battery and charge controller. You can also store the receiver in the storage bin.
There can be a significant risk of damage to your equipment due to flooding, rodents, or other animals. See information at the end of this chapter for precautions.
Motus Pro Tip - DO NOT USE just any plastic container, or other plastic storage boxes that are not meant to be kept outside for extended periods of time.
90L Rubbermaid Action Packer or equivalent heavy-duty, waterproof container.
If using an alternative, ensure the container is actually
waterproof and the lid is not concave such that water pools on
top. Handles will need to be closed securely either with zip
ties or a lock.
To prevent water ingress:
2-inch pipe elbow (90 degrees) similar to:
2-inch pipe bushing, similar to:
Electrical tape or ABS cement
Zip ties
[Optional] To prevent insects and rodent ingress
Plastic bags and/or steel wool.
Aluminum window screening.
JB Weld epoxy or equivalent.
Container and stir stick for epoxy.
Tool to cut into underside of container (e.g.: exacto knife).
1/4" or similar sized drill bit
Drill 2” hole on one end of the Action Packer, about 6" from its base.
Place the 2-inch pipe bushing through the hole from the inside of the bin.
Apply a single layer of electrical tape or ABS cement to the exposed end of the bushing on the outside of the bin.
Attach the 2-inch pipe elbow to the bushing from the outside of the bin and force into place with the open end of the elbow pointing down.
Using the 1/4" drill bit, drill a couple holes in each of the bottom corners of the bin. This is to prevent water from pooling if it gets in somehow.
[Optional] To prevent insect and rodent ingress
Cut a pieces of aluminum window screen large enough to cover the holes drilled into each of the corners of the bin.
Prepare the epoxy
Place the piece of aluminum window screen over the hole and apply a generous amount of the mixed epoxy around the entire edge, ensuring no gaps remain.
Once you have inserted all necessary cables into the bin, including your GPS and SensorGnome, you will need to pack the remaining space in the elbow with plastic bags (insects) and/or steel wool (rodents).
We are looking for photos to help complete this guide! Please send your photos to motus@birdscanada.org
This guide is still under development! Please keep in mind some information here may be incomplete.
Motus Pro Tip - Do not take short-cuts. Any short-cuts or sloppy workmanship drastically increases the chance that some kind of problem will occur and the station won’t be operating when you need it to.
9-element Yagi (Laird)
9-element Yagi (Intermod/Maple Leaf)
Omni (Intermod)
Not all receivers are compatible with all tag types!
For Lotek Nanotags in the Western Hemisphere.
For CTT LifeTags, PowerTags, and HybridTags globally.
Laird 6-Element Yagi TS4306
Most RF or antenna suppliers will sell coaxial cable cut to size and with with your choice of connection type. We recommend LMR400 cable, which is durable and low-loss. However, due to its stiffness, we also recommend a 30 cm (12-inch) jumper cable made of a lighter grade material (e.g.; LMR-240) as strain relief for connectin between the LMR-400 cable and the FUNcube dongle. Alternatively, you may use bulkheads for strain relief.
Bulkheads are connectors used to attach coaxial cables to the receiver. They attach directly to the 'radios' or 'dongles' which are part of the receiver (e.g.; CTT internal radios or FUNcube dongle). These parts can be readily found online at various retailes, just make sure you search for SMA male to Type N female bulkhead. We recommend waterproof bulkheads for mounting on cases - these come with o-rings which can maintain the original IP rating of the case. The product below is a somewhat expensive example of what we normally purchase, yet we are usually able to find the for under $10 USD apiece at other retailers.
CTT SensorStations can be ordered with bulkheads installed.
Careful not to accidentally order any parts that have 'RP' in the name. This stands for 'reverse polarity' and means the gender of the connector is opposite from normal so it will not connect to your cables or receiver.
Methods for downloading data from a Motus receiver depends on the model of receiver being used. Select a model from the links below to view instructions:
Automated data uploads Both SensorGnomes and CTT SensorStations can be programmed to automatically upload data to Motus with an internet or cellular connection. Review their guides for more information.
Log in to Motus.
Select your project from the dropdown menu.
Select '' from the management menu.
Follow the instructions on that page to upload these data.
It's okay if data is uploaded to the 'wrong' project. This will only affect the where the processing 'job' is listed in the list of of processing jobs at the bottom of the uploads page.
It typically takes between 1 and 6 hours for data to appear in the public data after it has been uploaded. In extreme cases it make take up to 24 hours. Make sure there isn't an error with your upload by checking the list of 'jobs' at the bottom of the uploads page.
Check for wiring to solar panel, battery, and receiver. Make sure you have the wiring and connectors needed.
Cover the battery terminals. It can be easy to accidentally short the battery terminals with a tool or cable which is a fire hazard.
Use the hole saw that’s the same size as the pipe elbow and a drill bit to cut a hole into the short side of the action packer. Attach the pipe elbow and the bushing.
Tape tool boxes shut to prevent them from opening accidentally. Zip tie larger totes shut, too.
Find an elevated and relatively flat rocky location large enough to fit the base plate (~1 foot in diameter)
Place the base plate on the ground and use a metal tool or grease marker to mark the center of each hole in the base plate.
Wearing safety goggles and an N-95 mask, use the rotary hammer to drill each hole about 3 inches deep. You should hold both handles while drilling – if you only hold the trigger it can break your wrist! Use the clear plastic tubing to blow the rock dust out of the hole periodically. You will likely need to replace the battery between holes.
Place a wedge anchor in each hole with the threads facing up and use the mallet to drive the anchor into the hole as far as it will go.
Put the base plate over the wedge anchors and then add the washers then nuts to each wedge anchor. Use the channel locks to tighten the nuts as much as possible.
Using the tape measure, mark a position on the bedrock that is at least 7 feet (213 cm) from the base of the tower, starting from one of the corners of the triangular base plate. Do this for each of the 3 corners.
Wearing safety goggles and an N-95 mask, use the rotary hammer and 5/8” masonry bit to drill each hole about 2 1/2 inches deep. You should hold both handles while drilling – if you only hold the trigger it can break your wrist! Use the clear plastic tubing to blow the rock dust out of the hole periodically. You will likely need to replace the battery between holes.
Place an expansion eye bolt in each of the drilled holes and use a mallet to drive them in. Use a wrench or channel lock to tighten the nuts on the top of each eye bolt.
Open up the top kit box and baggies. It comes with instructions for two models – ours is the 244A so don’t worry about the diagrams with the U-bolts. The video below walks through these instructions. Follow instructions and video to put together this part. The only difference is that you’ll also be attaching the guy station brackets to the top where the bolt holes go. You won’t be using the larger V-shaped pieces of the guy station.
Take free end of the wire still attached to the spool and thread two crimps onto it. Feed the wire rope back through the crimps to make a small loop.
Add a wire rope thimble to the loop and the pull the wire rope to tighten the loop around it. Use the swage tool (if you have it) or the wire cutters to crimp the wire crimps onto the wire rope. If wire cutters are too difficult, you can also try the bolt cutters, but be gentle!
Attach a carabiner to the looped end and attach the carabiner to one the guy station brackets on the tower. Unspool about 15 feet (4.5 m) of wire rope, but don’t cut it yet.
Raise the tower and sit it onto the base plate in the position you imagine it to be when it’s finally set up. Use the level (it should be magnetic) to make sure the tower is vertical during the following steps.
With someone holding the tower (and ensuring the tower stays level), bring the spooled end of the guy wire to the eye bolt closest to that corner of the tower. While pulling the guy wire taught, measure about 1 foot (30 cm) beyond the eye bolt and then cut the cable using wire cutters.
On the new end of the cable segment you just cut, thread on 2 guy wire crimps and then feed the guy wire back through the 2 crimps to make a small loop. Add a wire rope thimble and then attach a turnbuckle to the new looped end of the cable. Don’t crimp the guy wire crimps yet!
Loosen the turnbuckle almost all the way until 1 turn or so before the bolt would come out.
Attach a carabiner to the free end of the turnbuckle and the carabiner to the expansion eye bolt.
Pull on the loose end of the guy wire until the guy wire is mostly taught and then crimp the guy wire crimps.
Repeat steps 2 thru 10 for the two other corners of the tower.
These steps are a bit complicated because you won’t be able to climb the tower to adjust the antenna bearings once the tower has been raised. You may have to adjust the antenna bearings multiple times before you’re satisfied with their position.
Lean the tower on a rock or the storage bin so the top is in the air.
Slide the mast into the top kit so the bottom is about 1 inch below the lower clamp of the top kit. Tighten the bolts so the mast doesn’t want to slide around.
Slide on the two Yagi antennas, starting with green and then yellow (green is on the bottom).
Slide on the two omni mounting brackets and then slide the omni on to the bracket. Tighten the bolts on the bracket until the omni is fixed firmly in place.
Attach the RED coax cable to the omni and zip tie it to the mast below it.
Slide up the YELLOW antenna until it’s directly below the omni and fix it firmly in place.
Use a compass or compass app on your phone to get the bearings for the two directions you’d like to point your Yagis.
Move the GREEN antenna until it is about 2 feet below the YELLOW antenna and then rotate it until the relative angle between the two antennas is the same as the angle between the two bearings you’d like to point them. Tighten the larger U bolts to fix the antenna firmly in place.
Rotate the angle of the antenna elements to ensure both Yagi antennas will be properly horizontal and once the tower is raised and then tighten the smaller U bolts to fix them firmly in place. Since the tower is leaning over in this step, it might be easier to make them horizontal if you just make sure the elements are perpendicular to the mast.
Get the compass bearing for one of the points on the base plate and then estimate how you’ll have to rotate the mast so the antennas are pointing in the intended direction once the tower is raised.
Tighten all the bolts on both mast clamps so the mast is fixed firmly in place.
Zip tie the coax cable to the mast all the way down the tower and then use the wire clips to clip off the ends of the zip ties.
Use the channel locks to squeeze the attachment points on the base plate so they are a little closer together.
Open the package of nuts and bolts that was attached to the base plate.
Carefully raise the tower and place on each of the attachment points.
With 2 people holding the tower up, check the antenna bearings to make sure they’re pointing in the right direction. If you need to adjust, lower the tower back down and try again.
With 2 people holding the tower up, a third person can start inserting the bolts into the attachment points. Bolts should be pointing inward to avoid scraping ankles on the ends. The feet of the tower will be raised a bit – this is normal. After putting a bolt in, add a lock washer and a nut on the other end. You only need it finger tight until all bolts are inserted.
Attach each guy line to their anchors, but make sure all the turnbuckles are still loose.
Use the magnetic level to make sure the tower is level. The people holding the tower should continuously ensure the tower is level as you start tightening the turnbuckles. You will likely have to tighten all the turnbuckles part way before doing a final tighten. You want the guy wires to be taught.
Tighten the nut on the turnbuckles to lock them in place and they won’t rotate any more.
A pop-tower is a type of standalone station that uses a tripod + telescopic mast assembly to mount the antennas. The tripod can be used to mount a solar panel if necessary.
Must be flat and void of obstructions so antennas have a clear line of site.
Cannot be near any elevated power or telephone lines for safety reasons.
Tripod feet will sink into soft ground - use gravel or choose a hard/dry location to install. Also affix pieces of wood to each tripod foot to support the weight and movement and to prevent sinking (‘snow-shoe).
Ground must be soft enough to insert anchors (1 m/3 ft. or more, depending on hardness).
Choose a well-elevated site to avoid any risk of flooding during heavy rains or tidal surges.
Footprint of a pop-tower with guy wires has a radius equal to 70% of the tower’s final height.
Pop tower
Wooden blocks (optional)
Height will depend on location, desired detections. 40-feet is maximum suggested height.
Comes with a and 1x 3-inch bolt for each mast section.
Foot for mast (optional)
Guy wires (1/16 galvenized for inland sites; 3/32" stainless for marine areas)
Quick links and/or carabiners (max 3/16”)
[Optional] Turnbuckles with nuts or stainless steel wire (snare wire)
In-line wire tensioners.
Can use #6 rebar in 3-foot sections or
Impact driver and/or ratchet
7/16” socket
½” deep socket
Ratchet with ½” drive
Cobalt drill bits (or equivalent) for metal drilling.
3/16" and 1/4"
Phillips/Robinson’s screwdrivers for screws
Assemble the tripod according to instructions provided by the manufacturer.
It is easiest to install the TRM-10L with it lying on its side.
Insert mast into the center of the tripod. Bolts on the tripod's centre brackets may need to be loosened to allow space for the mast to slide through.
Attach foot to base of mast.
Attach lower guy wires to the lower guy ring using quick links or carabiners.
Place tripod + mast assembly upright.
Position the assembly so the mast stands level and the tripod legs are on stable ground.
Screw on wooden blocks to the tripod legs to prevent them from sinking into the ground. This is suggested for most installations as the ground will soften in the spring and fall.
Alternatively, you can bury cement blocks filled with sand for
each foot to stand on.
If you are mounting a solar panel, rotate the tripod so that the ‘ladder’ side with four crossbars is facing south.
Place three anchors 7 feet (2 m) from the base of the mast such that once the guy wires are attached they are between the tripod legs.
If using angle iron
Attach the loose end of the lower guy wires to each anchor.
Tighten the guy wires with:
In-line wire tensioner:
Remove tensioner lock.
Place guy wire in the slot of tensioner.
Insert ½” drive ratchet into square slot of tensioner.
Use the ratchet to tightly spool guy wire until taught, but not too taught.
Tripod legs will lift off the ground if too tight, or
the mast will bend.
Insert tensioner lock in opposing holes to keep guy wire in place.
Multiple tensioners may be necessary if there is too much excess guy wire.
Before all guy wires are taught, loosen the turnbuckle until only 2 full turns remain.
Tighten guy wires, either with in-line wire tensioners or another method.
Use turnbuckles to finely adjust wire tension until all sides have equal tension.
Confirm tower is being held securely in place by guy wires by inspecting each end of all guy lines to ensure it is properly attached.
Finger-tighten the U-bolts which attach to the antenna boom such that it can still rotate.
Loosely-attach the second set of U-bolts.
Coaxial cables should already be attached, sealed, and zip-tied to the antenna boom (one tie by driven element, a second tie by the mounting bracket).
Ensure the tripod is securely guyed at the base and is safe to climb.
Climb the tripod of the tower and pull out some of the top-most section of masting from the telescopic mast.
Slide the U-bolts of the antenna mounting bracket onto the mast and allow it to rest on the guy ring at the top of the tripod.
Rotate the antennas such that the elements are horizontal and then tighten the U-bolts which affix the boom to the mounting bracket. Don't tighten the U-bolts attaching the antenna mounts to the mast - this will be done later.
Slide on all other antennas in a similar manner (steps 7 and 8) except for the top-most.
Securely attach the mast collar approx 30 cm (1 foot) from the top of the mast and then slide on the spare guy ring and attach the top-most guy lines (they don't need to be anchored yet).
Slide on the last antenna and attach it securely in place approximately 15 cm (6") from the top (~15 cm above the guy ring).
Mark out planned antenna directions on the ground using visual markers so you can easily point antennas in those directions.
Determine the height of each antenna based on our guidelines for stacked antennas and then colour-code each antenna and coax cable so that they can be identified when plugging them in to the receiver.
Our convention: port 1 = top (red or 1 stripe), port 2 = middle (yellow or 2 stripes), port 3 = bottom (green or 3 stripes).
Before raising the mast, ensure all guy lines and coax cables are uncoiled, and that the antennas and coax are colour-coded.
While holding the top-most section of masting with one hand, loosen the top-most L-bolt and then begin raising the mast.
Once there is adequate space between the upper-most antenna, tighten the L-bolt so the mast stays in place and then fix the next antenna to the mast, ensuring that both the top and middle antenna are pointing in the intended final direction.
Repeat steps 15 and 16 until all antennas have been fixed to the mast.
Continue raising the mast section until the hole below the L-bolt no longer shows metal on the inside.
Once the mast section has been raised, slide a 3-inch bolt through the hole below the L-bolt for that section and then allow the top section to rest on top of that bolt.
With the top mast section resting on top of the bolt, rotate it until it locks in place and starts rotating with the section below it. Tighten the L-bolt.
Continue raising mast sections (following steps 18-20) until the desired height has been reached. Don't worry if the angles aren't perfect - you can adjust the whole mast at the end.
If at the final height you cannot fit the 3-inch bolt into the hole below the L-bolt (because the inner masting is in the way), you can drill through the masting to insert the bolt. Make sure you lock the L-bolt in place!
Ensure the bolts on the tripod's centre brackets are loosened and then rotate the entire mast to it's final position (you may need 2 people to do this).
Tighten the centre bracket bolts, being careful not to dent the mast.
Place guy wire anchors at a distance from the mast that is approximately 70% of its height on the mast.
We recommend using rubber tubing around the antenna boom where the mounting bracket attaches to help reduce slippage. A bicycle inner tube is the perfect diameter to fit around the 1 1/2" boom.
It's easier to mount antennas when the coax cable is mostly coiled, uncoiling it only after it has been attached to the mast.
Measure your antenna directions at least 5 meters from the base of the tower and any other large metal objects, otherwise your measurements will be inaccurate.
In regions where thunderstorms are frequent, we recommend that Motus stations be grounded. We have kindly been provided with instructions for how to make Motus stations R56 compliant in the PDF document below. Note that even if R56 compiance is not a requirement for your Motus stations, this document provides helpful guidance on grounding your Motus station.
The most important thing in choosing where to locate a tower on a building is to choose the location with the least obstructed view for the antennas. For example, the 9-element Yagi Antennas can reach about a 20 KM range, assuming that there is nothing obstructing their view within that distance. First step is to choose which direction you want your directional (Yagi) antennas to point. Then choose a location on the building where that direction can be easily accessed by the antenna. This usually means attaching near the highest point on the building so that the building it is attached to does not get in the way, but this is not necessary if the antennas all point away from the building. Other things to consider include:
Relatively flat ground where the base plate needs to sit.
Away from power lines, in case the equipment falls during installation.
Where there is a bit of roof overhang (best for attaching brackets).
Near an A/C outlet, otherwise you are running a long extension cable.
Within range of Wi-Fi if you plan to connect. Otherwise you might want to use a Wi-Fi extender. This means you won’t have to download data manually.
If you need more than one 10 ft tower section, bolt multiple sections together by inserting the smaller end into the larger end.
Bolt pieces together using bolts provided (taped to tower sections). The bolts should be pointing inward to avoid scraping ankles on the ends when climbing.
The end of the tower section with a smaller tube diameter is the top, where the top kit gets attached.
Get a measurement from the ground to where the house brackets will attach to the building (underneath roof overhang).
Slide the mast into the top kit so the bottom is about 1 inch below the lower clamp of the top kit. Tighten the bolts on the top mast clamp so the mast stays in place when raising the tower. Remember to later tighten all the bolts on both mast clamps so the mast is fixed firmly in place AFTER attaching antennas.
Temporarily raise tower to visualize where the base plate should be once the tower is properly located. You want the tower sections to be close to the building, but at least a couple inches away so it doesn’t rub against the building.
Place the drive stakes in the three holes of the base plate at 45 degree angles, each facing 3 different directions so that the base plate cannot lift up.
Using a mallet, hammer roughly 4/5 of the length of the drive stakes into the ground.
If installing over hard ground (e.g., cement, large rock), follow these instructions:
Place the base plate on the ground and use a metal tool or grease marker to mark the center of each hole in the base plate.
Wearing safety goggles and an N-95 mask, use the rotary hammer to drill each hole about 3 inches deep. You should hold both handles while drilling – if you only hold the trigger it can break your wrist! Use the clear plastic tubing to blow the rock dust out of the hole periodically. You will likely need to replace the battery between holes.
Place a wedge anchor in each hole with the threads facing up and use the mallet to drive the anchor into the hole as far as it will go.
Put the base plate over the wedge anchors and then add the washers then nuts to each wedge anchor. Use the channel locks to tighten the nuts as much as possible.
Use the channel locks to squeeze the attachment points on the base plate so they are a little closer together.
Open the package of nuts and bolts that was attached to the base plate.
Carefully raise the tower and place on each of the attachment points.
With 2 people holding the tower up, a third person can start inserting the bolts into the attachment points. Bolts should be pointing inward to avoid scraping ankles on the ends. The feet of the tower will be raised a bit – this is normal. After putting a bolt in, add a lock washer and a nut on the other end. You only need it finger tight until all bolts are inserted.
Use the magnetic level to make sure the tower is level. The people holding the tower should continuously ensure the tower is level as you attach the house brackets.
Attach 2x4 wood to underside of roof using lag bolts and impact driver.
Attach house brackets to 2x4 wood using lag bolts and impact driver.
Tighten U-Bolt attachment points on tower. Remember, you attached the housing brackets to the tower before raising the tower (see above), which makes this much easier than doing it when the tower is raised.
Assemble the Yagi antennas using the provided instructions. Some helpful tips:
a. The hose clamps should be placed at the edge of the tube to maximize the clamping power.
b. Tighten the hose clamps using a 5/16 hex bit – it’s so much easier!
c. Attach the coax cable and seal it using the provided coax-seal before zip-tying.
d. Attach the mounting bracket such that the plate sits vertically while the antenna elements are horizontal and fix in place so that it won’t move around on its own, but can be adjusted with a little force.
Assemble the omni antenna mounting brackets. Keep it loose so it can still easily slide on to the omni.
Colour- and number-code each antenna and the coax cable (end nearest ground) it is attached to with electrical tape.
From the roof, slide the two Yagi antennas onto the mast
Slide on the two omni mounting brackets and then slide the omni on to the bracket. Tighten the bolts on the bracket until the omni is fixed firmly in place.
Lower the mast as needed to reach the top by untightening and retightening the bolts in the top mast clamp.
Once all antennas are in position and the mast is raised, tighten all the bolts on both mast clamps so the mast is fixed firmly in place.
Attach the designated coax cable to the omni and zip tie it to the mast below it.
Use a compass to get the bearings for the two directions you’d like to point your Yagis.
Slide up the middle antenna until it’s directly below the omni, point it in the right direction, and fix it firmly in place.
Move the bottom antenna until it is about 2 feet below the middle antenna and then rotate it until it is pointing in the correct direction. Tighten the larger U bolts to fix the antenna firmly in place.
Rotate the angle of the antenna elements to ensure both Yagi antennas will be properly horizontal (i.e., elements are perpendicular to the mast).
Tighten the smaller U bolts to fix them firmly in place.
Zip tie the coax cable to the mast all the way down the tower and then use the wire clips to clip off the ends of the zip ties.
Attach the coax cables to the receiver in the following order:
a. Top antenna on the first connector
b. Middle antenna on the second
c. Bottom antenna on the third
Place climb shields at a height on the tower that will prevent anyone from being able to climb the stairs.
Use impact driver and self-tapping screws with 5/16 hex bit to attach climb shield to lattice tower.
Attach a Motus sign on climb shields using self-tapping screws.
Attach receiver case to a) tower, or b) inside building for further waterproofing.
a. If attaching a Sensorgnome to tower, drill holes in outside ridges of Pelican case and use zip ties to attach to tower. Make sure you attach in a way that the box can still be opened for maintenance. If attaching a SensorStation to tower, use bracket provided to attach case to tower.
b. If attaching receiver inside, drill a hole in the building with a 1 ½” hole saw: Use the stud finder to check for wires in the wall before drilling. Run the cables through the hole, and connect the coax cables to the receiver as explained in step 11 of “Antennas” section. Secure the receiver case somewhere convenient and where it will not be disturbed/unplugged. Fill the hole in the wall with sealant.
If the receiver is outdoors and you want to plug the extension cord into the wall indoors (for waterproofing or easier access to an outlet), use the ½” hole saw to drill a hole into the building. Use the stud finder to check for wires in the wall before drilling. The end of the extension cord will need to be cut in order to fit into the hole and reattached to an electrical plug (male-end) once inside the building.
Inspections should be scheduled to ensure each station operates as expected prior to any critical period for research in your region. For some collaborators, stations are primarily used for personal research projects, but it is still important to maintain station operation throughout the year to spread the benefit to other projects in the network.
Depending on your location, stations that need to have their data downloaded manually should be inspected three to four** ** times per year. This corresponds to spring and fall migratory periods as well as breeding and wintering periods. In northern and southern latitudes, it is common for there to be no tags present during the wintering period so it may not be as important to check stations at that time.
If your station is connected to the internet, data will be sent to our servers automatically. However, this won't tell you whether the station antennas have shifted direction or if the mounting structure is properly secured. For this reason, we recommend networked stations are checked one to two times per year, depending on the frequency of storms and whether the station is in a marine environment.
If an extreme whether event has been forecasted it is important to ensure any vulnerable stations are properly secured prior to the storm's arrival to minimize damage. If damage is expected, stations should also be checked after the storm has passed to fix any issues that may have occurred. This applies to both networked and offline stations.
Protect your stations from wind by keeping your antennas as low to the ground as practical. If you are in a coastal area, we do not recommend mounting antennas higher than 6 meters (20 feet). If you have a telescopic mast, you can lower antennas further than normal during the winter months if you aren't expecting to detect any tags. Also keep in mind that solar panels will act like a sail so they must be properly secured at all times.
Stations close to sea water will deteriorate much faster due to salt and water accelerating oxidation and galvanic corrosion. Salt fog can affect metal structures dozens of kilometers inland so the station does not have to be near the ocean to impacted.
In locations that experience higher winds, less sunlight, and sub-zero temperatures in the winter, it may important to winterize stationst during those months. With a telescopic mast you can protect your station from wind damage during the winter by lowering your antennas further than normal. You can also save on power by unplugging some or all radio devices from the receiver or even by unplugging the receiver itself.
Battery Storage
If there is significant snowfall in your region, or if the seasonal temperatures reach below -20 C (-4 F), the battery should be removed entirely and kept on a trickle charge over the winter. A trickle charger can be purchased at most hardware stores, or batteries can often be stored by a local industrial battery retailer.
If you are using a low-capacity battery (e.g.: ~50 Ah), it may get damaged during extended overcast periods in the winter so it should also be stored on a trickle charge.
In the end, usually not necessary to completely dismantle your station at any time of year, unless you are concerned about theft, or if you want to reduce the amount of environmental exposure to your equipment.
Below are a few items we recommend you bring on each station visit:
Spares, spares, spares! Try to have at least two of everything you might need to replace at a station.
If working at heights, appropriate safety equipment (harness, vest, etc.).
Bolt cutters, for removing rusted bolts, etc. Very important!
Multi-meter: measures both voltage and resistance (to check for shorts and breaks)
Small flat head screwdriver (for rewirign, if needed)
Phillips screwdriver
Zip ties (to secure cables and wires; close storage bin)
SensorGnomes only: spare SD card with software image.
When checking on a station that has been left on its own for months or longer, things will likely have shifted over time as it settles in. Corrosion can also occur, weaking supports. It's important to look for signs of weakend supports so they can be addressed before contuing with the inspection.
Snakes, wasps, and hornets are known to take refuge in and around stations so approach stations carefully when these animals are most active (especially in the fall).
By following a sequence of steps during each station visit it's harder to miss something.
For safety reasons, it's important to do a proper inspection of the structure before approaching it to ensure it is being properly supported. If there are issues, they can be mitigated safely as long as the everyone is first aware of those issues.
In most cases, stations need a structure for mounting the antennas. These take many forms, but they mostly have a central mast (can be telescopic) and a lower structure supporting that mast (typically a metal tripod).
Is the structure still standing straight? Is is properly supported? Is it showing signs of considerable corrosion where metal has been bolted together? Is the mast bent or cracked? Has the mast slid downwards or twisted since the last visit? Many of these features are most easily viewed from afar while walking towards the station.
If guy wires are present at this station, you must check for loose or broken lines and fix them before doing anything else. If any guy wires are frayed they should also be treated as unsafe and be replaced.
Are the antennas horizontal? If not, the mast is either bent or the structure has shifted. If you are using a tripod, it's common for them to become uneven if the feet sink into the ground.
If the antenna directions are wrong, either the mast has not been secured or one or more antenna mounts are loose. When mast is loose and there are multiple antennas, the difference between any two antenna directions should still remain the same from when the station was first installed (i.e.; the relative difference should remain the same).
Insect issues at Motus sites are uncommon, but on occasion they do occur. The storage and SensorGnome present attractive nuisances as a refuge for a variety of insects. The SensorGnome case is a sealed and waterproof case that should deter insects. The Action Packer is not sealed and is thus relatively easy for insects to invade. Always be cautious when opening an Action Packer. During autumn as the temperature drops the Action Packer may attract insects looking for a place to overwinter, especially some paper wasps. Ants may be attracted to the Action Packer’s environment as a safe place to incubate eggs or tend larvae and pupae. For a location that has continual insect issues leather gloves may be useful. Ant and wasp infestations may require occasional use of an insecticide.
Some examples of wasp nests include under the handles of the action packer (both at once!) as well as at the tips of antennas if they are not covered.
There is a playful aspect of bored or territorial Black Bears that on occasion causes problems with field equipment. Bears may swat at, push, move or overturn the Action Packer. The 90 pounds of battery in the bottom of the Action Packer provide some resistance, but any bear that seriously wants to move an Action Packer can do so. The batteries are sealed spiral gel cells that will not leak electrolyte, so if an Action Packer is tipped over there should not be any spilled electrolyte inside. Jostling of the Action Packer might cause severed wires, loose connections and/or other problems. Loose or broken wires may require specialized attention by someone capable of repairing electrical connections. Bears might chew on Action Packers. A possible solution to discourage repeated bear chewing is using Tabasco sauce or another product with Cayenne pepper in it on the outside of the Action Packer. If an Action Packer is repeatedly seriously moved by a bear this can be thwarted by strapping the Action Packer to the ground with earth anchors and webbing cinch straps.
Digging mammals, primarily woodchucks and foxes, may occasionally cause problems at Motus stations. When holes are dug at guy line anchors the holes can compromise the guy anchors and in a worst case situation risk tower failure in windy conditions if the hole allows a guy anchor to fail. Any and all holes should be filled in. Holes can be filled with soil or rocks. Holes dug underneath the base of a tower also need to be filled. If a serious hole is encountered at a guy anchor, obtain a cell phone picture and contact the PA Motus coordinator.
Receivers are typically kept inside a heavy-duty storage bin which also houses the power supply and further protects the receiver from the elements.
The normal current draw of the receiver will not blow the system fuse. Blown fuses are a highly unlikely situation at Motus stations. A blown fuse is an indication of a current surge that exceeded the amperage of the fuse. The only conditions that will blow a fuse are a short circuit or a current surge resulting from a nearby lightning strike. As a first step replace the blown fuse. If it immediately blows upon replacement, then there is a short circuit in the system that must be located and repaired before the receiver can be successfully restarted. Locate the short circuit, repair it and then restart the receiver.
Rodents, from mice, to chipmunks, to squirrels, to porcupines, have gnawing teeth and are good at using them. When inspecting the Motus system check for rodent damage to the various cables leading from the Action Packer to the various external components. If rodents chewing is found on any of the cables and the SensorGnome is still operating then the chewing has probably not damaged the cables. Repair the damage to the cable by wrapping the damaged area with electrical tape to seal out moisture. Cables that are totally severed as a result of mammal chewing will need to be repaired or replaced. Contact the PA Motus coordinator if a cable needs repair or replacement.
It's always good to get an idea of how much power is in the battery. A typical 12-volt battery that we use will have a voltage of 14.5 v when fully charged and can cycle to as low as 10-11 v. A low battery voltage is indicative of not enough power being stored which can be due to a damaged battery or insufficent power coming from the solar panel. Keep in mind that if you're visiting the station early in the morning, the battery voltage will likely be at a moderate level (~12 v), depending on the capacity of the battery used. During the winter months or after a long overcast period, the voltage may be even lower.
The battery voltage can be measured either by using a volt-meter or some charge controllers will have battery voltage indicators (such as the SunSaver).
The charge controller (typically Morningstar SunSaver SS-12v-10L) is a critical component essential to managing battery recharging and power supply to the receiver. Morningstar SunSavers have a good track record of reliable operation over long periods of time. If the charge controller fails the power supply to the SensorGnome will be interrupted. If the failure is due to water damage, it's possible that the batteries will discharge or a fuse will be blown.
Besides monitoring charging and battery voltage level, the indicator lights on the Morningstar SunSaver are also used to indicate error conditions by various flashing patterns other than charging heartbeat or the full battery heartbeat. If the Morningstar SunSaver ever presents unusual indicator flashing light patterns then there is a problem with the charging and power supply to the SensorGnome. In situations where the Morningstar SunSaver is presenting error codes the receiver is not likely to be functioning properly. There is probably no remedy to this other than replacing the charge controller. If you have a replacement charge controller on hand, it can be hooked up immediately and it will charge the battery if the voltage is not too low.
Receivers are stored in heavy-duty bins (typically Action Packers) to keep water out and when not modified are pretty good at keeping the interior dry. The most important part of keeping the inside dry is careful routing of the antenna and other cables into the bin when it is closed up after each inspection and data download. Routing the cables into the bin required small modifications to the bin that may allow a small amount of water into the interior of the bin. If there is water accumulating in the bottom of the bin the simplest solution is to drill a 1⁄4 inch hole in one or two of the lowest corners in the bin. If the leaking is more serious, it might be necessary to place foam weather stripping in the area where the bin was modified to route the cables into the bin.
If the station is not connected to the internet, not only does the data need to be downloaded, it should also be checked to make sure it is collecting data correctly. Generally, you will not need to worry about this section if your receiver is networked because all the same information should also be available online.
This section will vary widely based on the type of device being used_._ Select a tab below to view information related to your device:
When checking your station, you want to make sure your station has the following information available:
GPS is working, providing a location and time.
Missing GPS may be: poor reception (make sure antenna has view of the sky); chewed GPS cable; broken GPS; bad connection (GPS HAT has corroded; USB GPS is not plugged in correctly).
All connected radio devices are appearing on the web interface as expected
Missing devices indicates: loose/broken cable (most likely), USB port (or hub), or radio device is broken.
Data is being collected hourly
Missing hourly data indicates power issues.
Some data files are larger than 1 KB and contain lines which begin with "p"
All files 1 KB indicate data is not being collected from radios.
Data folders exist for each day
Missing folders indicate power issues.
If your station is not connected to the internet, you will want to make sure your station is working correctly by checking the following:
To be completed
While the Motus stations have been well constructed, nothing is perfect. Loose connections, disconnected wires, and/or shorts, are an infrequent gremlin that may be encountered. If something is not working look for loose connections. Solution of the problem can be as simple as identifying where the loose wire belongs and then securely reconnecting it. Sometimes, the solution is often as simple as disconnecting and then reconnecting the suspected loose connections. Shorts are harder to locate and may require additional assistance.
Having a multi-meter on hand can be very handy to trace shorts. By measuring resistance ('ohms' or 'Ω') you can identify whether two points are electrically connected (zero resistance) or not (infinite; sometimes displayed as a '1' on the far left of the screen).
The plastic insulation covering a cable or wire protects it from water ingress. Even tiny cracks can slowly cause issues by increasing electrical resistance, thereby reducing signal transmission and voltage.
To check for damage, run your hands along the length to feel for any disruption in the smooth surface. Critical locations to check are where the cables are fitted into the bin (usually via an elbow pipe joint) and wherever cables are closest to the ground on the outside of the bin.
If possible, we recommend you keep an activated tag test on your person at all times while visiting any station. This can provide valuable information about the stations operability without much effort. It does not necessarily measure the receptability of all antennas equally, but it's better than nothing. For a more accurate method for measuring station antenna ranges, see below:
A prepared checklist below has been designed for stations in North America and may apply to others.
Below is a Word DOC version of the same checklist which can be modified:
Antennas are finely-tuned instruments that can easily be damaged without noticing. Proper inspection of antennas at the time of installation during regular maintenance checks ensures your antennas operate the expected frequency and sensitivity. Both the antenna and coaxial cable are passive devices, meaning they do not require power to operate and instead are designed to carry radio energy from the environment to the receiver.
Antennas used in the Motus are tuned to listen to a narrow band of frequencies near the 'nominal' frequency (the frequency at which tags are manufactured to emit a signal). This helps reduce the amount of environmental noised being received. A poorly-tuned antenna will receive more noise and as a 'louder' signal than the real tag pulses they are built to detect.
Coaxial cables carry the signal from the antenna to the receiver with two conductors: central core and a coaxial shield, separated by an insulator. The coaxial shield protects the central core from interference. A damaged coax cable or connector can result in loss of the signal from the antenna and/or increased noise.
Please send any comments or additions to motus@birdscanada.org
Estimated antenna detection ranges (“”) are purely theoretical and based on ideal conditions so they do not actually reflect the true ranges or shapes of any real antenna (Taylor et al 2017; Crewe et al. 2019). The actual range of an antenna is not easy to calculate because it depends on several factors such as: transmitted signal (by a tag), antenna type and orientation, length and type of coaxial cable, receiver type, and environmental conditions. Best estimates of mean or max antenna ranges are based primarily on biological data when simultaneous detections are recorded by antennas from different stations.
Test tags have been used to try and get estimates of antenna ranges in specific situations (Crewe et al. 2019) and in drone tests (Tremblay et al. 2017; Desrochers et al. 2018; Moore 2020).
Test tag trials can take a lot of time and are not always necessary beyond simply confirming the station is working and an antenna capable of detecting tags nearby. The amount of information you require about antenna range will differ depending on the purpose of your station and the information found in trials may not be representative of actual antenna performance. It is also important to understand the physical limitations of antennas if they are surrounded by trees, or if there is a building or hill in the line of sight that may not always be apparent. Free tools such as and can be used to find the ‘viewshed’, or line-of-site, of any given point and altitude.
Before you get started you should know that it is extremely difficult to emulate the performance of tags as they exist on living animals, the heights and flight directions of potential animals, and antennas, stations detecting living animals.
The following are suggested methods should you like to try and test the local range of a station and antennas.
Lotek or CTT tag (activated)
GPS with tracking on (a phone can work). Make sure units are set to LAT/LNG (WGS84)
A stick or other non-conductive rod
Dummy body: A small fruit (grape or clementine), tubed meat (sausage, hot dog), or frozen dead animal. Differences between these objects are not well tested - take your pick.
Water bottle
Optional: helium balloon and lots of string
Optional: a drone
Take your activated tag and affix it to the dummy body using tape or string.
The purpose is to simulate the water content (i.e., capacitance)
of an animal that is roosting such that the tag transmits a
signal that resembles one coming from an actual bird. Keep in
mind this is purely based on theory and is not an actual
substitute for a real animal.
Make sure the antenna hangs off the dummy in a similar orientation you’d expect it to be on your study species.
This is required to stimulate tag performance for Lotek tags. Performance of CTT tags is not dependent on being affixed to an animal.
To simulate an animal on or close to the ground, affix the dummy animal to a stick.
To simulate an animal in the air, affix the dummy animal to a helium balloon. Note: balloons made from metalized mylar might impede signal transmission.
With the tracking on, ensure your GPS has your location so that you can later download your track and correlate it with your tag detections. You may want to download a track ahead of time to make sure you know it works.
While holding either the stick or the balloon, walk in concentric circles around the station of growing radius while trying to keep the tag at the same vertical position the whole time.
Optionally, you can do this with a drone but don’t ask us how to fly it!
Download your GPS track and extract the timestamp and latitude/longitude for the entire test.
When using the ‘tagme’ function, make sure you enter the serial
number of the receiver you’re testing as the ‘projRecv’
argument, like so:
tagme(projRecv = “SG-####RPI3####”, new = TRUE)
You can now correlate your tag’s position with when detections
You may be able to test two tags at different vertical positions simultaneously, but if they have the same burst interval there’s a good chance you’ll run into issues with aliased tags. I won’t go into too many details about them here, but essentially aliased tags are false detections that occur when two real tag detections overlap. To avoid this, just make sure you offset each tag activation such that there are at least 0.3 seconds between bursts.
When most people use the word “tag” usually they’re talking about a clothing label or a sticker on a banana, but more generally it’s a type of marker which identifies the item in some way. This is no different from the way we use the word except in this instance we are using a radio transmitter as a marker. A radio transmitter is an electronic device which sends information through radio waves, similar to radio stations used to broadcast music to your car. The radio transmitters used in the Motus Wildlife Tracking Network are specially designed to be as small and lightweight as possible, allowing scientists to attach them to small animals without harming them. The signal transmitted by these transmitters, or “tags”, contains a special code which uniquely identifies the device. This signal is picked up by radio receiver stations which are placed in strategic locations across the globe. To Learn more about these receiver stations, click here.
There are two main types of signals transmitted by radio tags used in the Motus Wildlife Tracking Network.
Lotek Radio Tags use On-off Keying (OOK) to encode the tag ID within the signal. .
CTT Radio Tags use Frequency-shift Keying (FSK) to encode the tag ID within the signal.
To encode a unique ID, Lotek radio tags transmit a series of 4 pulses at a single frequency (166.380 MHz in the Americas; other regions differ).
A tag pulse consists of a single, 20 millisecond (ms) long radio transmission sent by the tag. Individual pulses are the raw data that SensorGnome receivers record.
A pulse interval is the time between two successive pulses. It is measured in milliseconds (ms). Tags emit four pulses at a time, together making a burst. The pulse interval is what we use to encode the Lotek Tag ID. This is measured to a high level of precision, allowing for just 1.5 ms of variation summed across all pulse intervals in a burst.
Note: these pulse intervals do not reflect properties of real tags are intended for demonstration purposes only.
A burst interval is the timing between successive bursts. It is measured in seconds.
To encode a unique ID, CTT radio tags transmit a signal that oscillates between two frequencies, 434 MHz and 433 MHz, to encode digital 1's and 0's. A total of 32 bits can be encoded in a single transmission, making it theoretically possible to encode over 4 billion unique IDs. A plot of this signal over time looks like a sine wave that flips between two different frequencies, like in the image below.
Find the use you wish to remove in the collaborators table and then click on theicon located at the end of the row.
Receiver Fence (Panama Canal)
Receiver Grid (Ontario)
Local Array (Bon Portage Island)
Battery capacity is recorded in Amp-hours (Ah) or Watt-hours (Wh) which is a measurement of current or wattage consumed multiplied by the amount of time current flows. This is helpful because we can easily calculate the amount of Amp-hours we expect our receiver to consume by reviewing the or by measuring the current of a connected receiver using a voltmeter. Put simply, a SensorGnome which consumes 0.5 A of power at ~12 volts can theoretically run off a 50 Ah battery for 100 hours (50 Ah / 0.5 A = 100 h). Keep in mind that you won’t ever use the full capacity of a battery since it should not be discharged below 10.5 volts (see ). In addition, the capacity will slowly decrease over time with each discharge of the battery, so ensure you add an extra 10-15% of capacity to account for this drop over time. Batteries vary in performance at different temperatures as well and average a shorter lifespan in warmer climates.
When using any type of battery to power a station, it is recommended to always use undervoltage protection so you do not ruin your battery. While your station may function without one, it greatly reduces battery life and will eventually result in the battery not holding any charge. If using a solar panel to charge the battery, you will require a . Without a charge controller, you will need to buy a low voltage cutoff, also known as an undervoltage protection module.
All solar panel setups require a charge controller. This is the device that mediates the power flow between the solar panel and the battery, keeping the panel from overcharging the battery, and ensuring electricity doesn’t flow into the panel at night when the panel voltage drops. We recommend getting a charge controller that also includes undervoltage protection, or ‘low-voltage cutoff’, to further protect the battery from getting overly drained by the receiver, or ‘load’. If your charge controller does not have undervoltage protection, a separate device should be used between the battery and load. See for more details.
The charge controller most often used by Birds Canada is the . This can charge a 12-volt battery with up to 10 Amps of current and includes a low-voltage cutoff. These have proven robust and longer-lasting than cheaper models, but they can still fail so it’s always important to have spares around.
For example, is rated for 510 Watts and it has a spec sheet that says it lasts for 6 minutes while under half load. That means the battery has a theoretical capacity of (255 Watts) * (0.1 hours) = 25.5 Watt-hours (Wh). That means you can expect a 5 Watt load to last 25.5 Wh / 5 W = 5.1 hours (in theory, probably less in reality).
If you can find the manufacturer specifications you should be able to get more accurate results by using the battery hardware specifications. For example, the has the battery size in the spefications listed as (12 Volts) * (7.2 Amp-hours) = 86.4 Watt-hours. That means a 5 Watt load would last 86.4 Wh / 5 W = 17.28 hours (probably less due to conversion losses).
(3) Cost for self-built SensorGnomes is estimated to be ~$150 USD without dongles, but prices may vary. Instructions on building SensorGnomes can be found and , but note these are outdated and require revision. New instructions will be posted in the near future. We do not recomend collaborators build their own SensorGnome without prior experience.
Motus stations receive radio signals from Lotek radio transmitters (i.e.; tags attached to animals) as a series of pulses that are all on the same frequency. It's the specific timing between these radio pulses that encodes the ID number of these tags (see ). We decode Lotek tags from radio signals ourselves using a complex algorithm called . This algorithm takes into account the possibility of multiple tags being present and emitting a signal at the same time.
1) be stored in correct conditions. See for more information
With all these mounting methods in mind, we recommend you contact your local supplier for to find the best solution for your location
In Canada, sells DMX towers in 8′ sections or Golden Nugget towers in 10' sections, making them fairly transportable like pop-towers. In the United States, sells their lattice towers in 7' sections (shipped by UPS) or 10' sections. In some countries, it may be most practical to commission the construction of lattice towers by contacting local metal fabricators.
There are two main types of lattice towers: and . Self-supported towers are either guyed or unguyed (require a concrete base) and will most often require professionals for proper installation since it must be climbed using appropriate equipment and training. Bracketed towers are attached to buildings and do not require a concrete base. Lattice towers come in modular sections allowing them to be anywhere from 10- to 100-feet tall, which is often necessary to reach above the forest canopy.
The has had a lot of success getting permission to install antennas on fire towers across the state of Pennsylvania. This is an ideal situation for any collaborator since it significantly reduces costs, maintenance, and risk of vandalism or theft and also provides an excellent vantage point and sometimes a reliable power supply. This is an example of a creative approach that has been very beneficial for the whole network. Not every strucutre is in a perfect location nor is every structure clear of vegetation and safe to climb so everything must still be assessed on a case-by-case basis. While you may not have the same success with fire towers in your region, it’s still worth thinking outside the box to help reduce the costs and time investment.
Weather stations are a great place to host a Motus station if you're able to convince the owner to co-locate your antennas on their tower. They can also be easily located by using maps of weather stations like .
Pop-tower stations are typically built using a and 30-40′ from . In some instances antennas can be installed on a mast alone, like on a sand dune (see picture below). Lots of other equipment is required for these installations, including: guy lines (3/32 recommended), guy line anchors (~4′ rebar), quick links or carabiners (to attach guy lines to mast), aluminum angle-iron for solar panel mount, and lightening protection (if deemed necessary).
A comprehensive list of equipment and installation guide is currently in development. Stations can also be installed on rooftops using a and .
Left: A torus, representing the electromagnetic radiation pattern of an omnidirectional antenna (, source: ). Right: Cross-sectional view of a half-wave omni-directional antenna (public domain, source: Wikipedia).
Large Yagi antennas are useful for making receiver fences and grids since they can be spaced as far as 30 km apart with antennas pointing towards each other to capture animals passing in between. Mid-sized Yagi antennas provide a compromise between distance and “field of view”, or width of the detection beam. Small Yagi antennas are typically used for manual tracking, or for monitoring animals within a small study area. have small omni antennas with a line-of-sight (LOS) range of around 1.4 km which if distributed in a grid can provide highly accurate location estimates. See array design above.
The image below shows the antenna in vertical orientation for illustrative purposes; however, antennas are typically mounted in a horizontal orientation (i.e., antenna elements are pointed horizontally) and we recommend you do the same for consistency. .
(through Hutton in Canada Economy 2-way in US)
A helpful guide on coaxial cables can be found on the
A catalogue of cables and their specifications can be found on . But briefly, we use:
Motus Pro Tip - The heavier gauge cables can be awkward to work with and difficult to connect inside the receiver. Short jumper cables with smaller gauge can be used to help work in tight spaces. [MISSING: example photo from Maple Leaf]. However, this does increase the number of connections which may result in a slight decrease in signal strength (see below).
In some locations, it may be necessary to ground your antennas in case the station is struck by lightening. In regions where thunderstorms are frequent, Motus stations that are not adequately grounded can ignite fires. For instructions on how to ground your station as well as a list of required equipment, see .
Use stainless steel wire to immobilize the turnbuckle using the
according to manufacturer instructions and attach mounting brackets that come with the antennas.
With each guy line, follow steps 10-12 in .int
Open up the top kit box and baggies. It comes with (see below) – ours is the 244A so don’t worry about the diagrams with the U-bolts. There is also showing how to do this part so it may be helpful to have that on hand when in the field.
Attach house brackets in approximately the right position on the lattice tower. Secure brackets to tower using ubolts and plates. See at timestamps 0:00 to 4:15.
If installing over soft ground (e.g., soil, small rocks), follow the written instructions below and/or in (timestamps 4:15 to 5:15).
See additional at timestamps 5:15 and onward.
Follow instructions for , , or to power receiver and connect to available network.
Please refer to the for more information on how to connect to and access information on these devices.
Please refer to the for more information on how to review this information.
It is also extremely difficult to know the position of the dummy within the of the antenna in order to judge peak performance.
Download your receiver data through R following instructions found in the .
The burst interval and Lotek Tag ID combined are used to encode the Motus Tag ID. To avoid ambiguous detections, burst intervals cannot be integer multiples of one another. Therefore, all burst intervals must be prime factors. Keep in mind there must be two successive bursts to measure the burst interval and associate a Motus Tag ID, but Bursts are measured to a high level of precision, allowing for
Summer only (12+ hrs of daylight)
Sealed lead-acid (SLA)
50 Amp-hours
Sealed lead-acid (SLA)
75 Amp-hours
Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePo)
100 Amp-hours
Antenna Type
9-element Yagi
166.380 MHz
1.80 meters
9-element Yagi
151.500 MHz
1.98 meters
9-element Yagi
150.100 MHz
2.00 meters
9-element Yagi
434 MHz
0.69 meters
Antenna Type
9-element Yagi
166.380 MHz
1.80 meters
9-element Yagi
151.500 MHz
1.98 meters
9-element Yagi
150.100 MHz
2.00 meters
9-element Yagi
434 MHz
0.69 meters
Antenna type
Typical price (USD)
Theoretical range
3-element Yagi
50 Ohms
~5 km
Wide directional
5-element Yagi
50 Ohms
~8 km
6-element Yagi
50 Ohms
~10 km
9-element Yagi
50 Ohms
~15 km
Narrow directional
50 Ohms
~1 km
Items listed in green are recommended.
Cable type
Typical price (USD)
Max attenuation
(dB/100 ft)
Suggested length
< 100 ft. @ $0.83/ft.
53.5 Ohms
4.4 @ 100 MHz
6.0 @ 200 MHz
8.5 @ 400 MHz
< 50 ft./15 m
< 100 ft. @ $1.79/ft.
50 Ohms
2.3 @ 100 MHz
4.8 @ 400 MHz
< 100 ft./30 m
50 Ohm
1.5 @ 150 MHz
2.7 @ 450 MHz
Any length
Price (USD)
Power in use
Power while idle
Typical noise figure
FUNcube Pro Plus
0.8 W (48 kHz)
0.8 W (48 kHz)
Very reliable
3.5 dB @ 145 MHz
RTL-SDR blog V3
1.5 W
0.7 W
~5 dB @ 144.3 MHz
1.54 W
<0.25 W
1.43 W
1 W
0.6 W
CTT Motus Adapter*
<0.25 W
<0.25 W
Radio Dongles
Water resistance
Some Lotek
Some adapter cables GPS cables
Data Alliance
3-Element Circular-polarized
Laird Antenna
Laird Antenna
ZDA Communications
ZDA Communications
ZDA Communications
ZDA Communications
Cable type
Typical price (USD)
Max attenuation
(dB/100 ft)
Suggested length
< 100 ft. @ $0.83/ft.
53.5 Ohms
4.4 @ 100 MHz
6.0 @ 200 MHz
8.5 @ 400 MHz
< 50 ft./15 m
< 100 ft. @ $1.79/ft.
50 Ohms
2.3 @ 100 MHz
4.8 @ 400 MHz
< 100 ft./30 m
50 Ohm
1.5 @ 150 MHz
2.7 @ 450 MHz
Any length
Type N Female
SMA Male
Scanner Master
Fused battery lead
Spare ¼” bolts
¼” x 2” hex bolt
Spare ¼” nuts
¼” lock nut
Spare 5/16” bolts
5/16” x 1” hex bolt
Spare 5/16” nuts
5/16” lock nut
Spare 5/16” nuts
5/16” hex nut
Telescoping mast
Quick links
⅜” Quick link
Any hardware store
Mast foot
Swivel base
Base plate
Guy wire
3/32” stainless steel wire rope
Some hardware stores
Wire rope thimble
3/32” Thimble
Crimping sleeve
3/32” crimping sleeve
5M or ¼” eye to eye turnbuckle
Stainless steel wire
20-gauge Snare wire
In-line wire tensioner
In-line wire tensioner
Wire tensioner tool
Regular ratchet with ½” drive
Any hardware store
6M carabiner
#6 rebar (5-feet)
Ground anchor
Non-penetrating roof mount
Non-penetrating roof mount
NPRM-series (light- to heavy-duty)
Impact driver
Deep impact sockets (7/16”, 1/2", 9/16”)
1 of each
Mini screw driver set
Small enough to fit screw terminals on the receiver and charge controller
Cobalt drill bit, 5/16 or 1/4”
Hole saw (2 1/2")
Automatic wire strippers
Has orange handles
Wire cutter
Has red handles
Channel locks
Large adjustable pliers with red handles
Wrenches (7/16”, 1/2", 9/16”)
1 of each
Rotary Hammer
Large dewalt tool
Dewalt batteries
All of them
Make sure they’re charged, of course!
SDS plus 5/8” masonry bit
About 6 inches long. For rotary hammer.
Swage tool
Large crimping tool with blue handles. May not have arrived.
Bolt cutters
For making sure tower is level!
Compass or compass app on phone
For checking antenna directions
For inserting anchors into rock
Phillips (cross) screwdriver
Drill bit kit
Clear plastic tubing
Safety Glasses
For drilling into rock
N-95 masks
For drilling into rock
Tape measure
Impact driver
Deep impact sockets: 7/16”, 1/2", and 9/16”
1 of each
Mini screw driver set
Small enough to fit screw terminals on the receiver
Cobalt drill bit: 5/16 or 1/4”
Hole saw and drill bit: 1/2" or 1 ½”
1 of each
To drill into building if needed
“Deep sensing” stud finder
To drill into building if needed
To seal hole made in building if needed
Channel locks
Wrenches: 7/16”, 1/2", and 9/16”
1 of each
Dewalt batteries
Make sure they’re charged, of course!
For making sure tower is level
Compass or compass app on phone
For checking antenna directions
For inserting drive stakes into ground
Phillips (cross) screwdriver
Drill bit kit
N-95 masks
If needing to enter a attic or dusty area, or if drilling into rock/concrete
Tape measure
Rotary Hammer
*If drilling into rock/concrete.
SDS plus 5/8” masonry bit
*If drilling into rock/concrete.
Clear plastic tubing
*If drilling into rock/concrete.
Safety glasses
*If drilling into rock/concrete.
Lattice tower section (10 feet)
Mast (8-foot tube)
Top kit (244A)
Base plate
Drive stakes
1 bundle of three 3ft pipes
Lag bolts
Yagi antenna
Number of elements is a preference
Omnidirectional antenna
Coaxial cable
1 per antenna
Coax seal
1+ roll
House bracket
1 bundle of two brackets
2x4 piece of wood
Zip ties
Electrical tape
1 per antenna
Climbing guard
Self-tapping screws
Motus sign
Containing a bit of information about the tower
AC extension cable
Electrical plug
Assuming the receiver is fully assembled prior to fieldwork
Wedge anchor, nut and washer
*If drilling into rock/concrete
Compatible with Lotek Tags
Compatible with CTT Tags
Base Price
$625 USD (3)
$589 USD board only (1)
[Contact Lotek]
DC power converter (for solar installations): $45-75 USD
Waterproof case: $45 USD
Wi-Fi Module: $30 USD
Cellular Module: $50 USD
Power supply (for AC installations): $25 USD
Bulkheads (1 required per antenna): $10/each USD
Health Reports Data Plan: $5 USD/Month
Automatic Upload Data Plan: $5 USD/Month Base + Data
[Contact Lotek]
Price per Lotek-compatible antenna dongle
$200 USD
$200 USD
$0 (included)
Price per CTT-compatible antenna dongle
$100 USD
$0 (included)
Not compatible
Remote data download and diagnostics? (Requires internet)
Internet connectivity?
Ethernet and Wi-Fi; cellular modem can be installed separately
Cellular (2) OR Wi-Fi; Ethernet
Cellular (modem purchased separately)
Open-source hardware and software
Open-source hardware and software
Used for manual tracking
Possible with added battery pack, but not well tested.
No, but see CTT Locator
Most models can be used for manual tracking.
Yes (3)
Deployment start date and time
The time when the tag was activated and attached to an animal
The species the tag was attached to. For tests, please do not enter a species and check the 'test deployment' box.
Latitude and longitude
The location where the animal was released with the tag attached and activated
Federal band (ring) number
Required (when available)
The band number or ring number of the bird or bat. Insect tag numbers are optional.
Other measurements
Any additional measurements of the tagged animal, such as weight, age, and sex, should also be included.
CTT SensorStation
RFS Scientific
Lotek SRX-1200
Maple Leaf Communications
Maple Leaf Communications
Maple Leaf Communications
Maple Leaf Communications
Laird Antenna
Laird Antenna
Bending any kind of electrical cable, including coax, can cause internal breakage of the individual conductive strands that make up each wire (see attached diagram). A single strand breaking doesn’t necessarily stop the cable from functioning, but it does impact its ability to pass current by increasing the electrical resistance of the cable. Over time and with repeated bending, more and more strands will break until the current is too restricted to transmit power or data effectively. You may have encountered this issue with a personal USB cable for charging your phone, for instance. Think of it as bending a copper pipe back and forth until it breaks apart; at first, it may impede, but still allow the flow of water, but eventually the pipe breaks enough – or entirely – such that water can no longer flow freely through the whole length of the pipe.
For USB cables, which have multiple conductors, the minimum bend radius is 7 times the cable radius which is about 2.5 mm for most that we use. That said, you don’t need to measure every bend in all your cables, that would be a huge waste of time. Just be aware of this issue and try to keep them from kinking/don’t zip or twist tie them tightly.
SensorGnomes with the BBBK computer were built using the shortest possible cable (18 cm) to save on space and to keep cables tidy, but the size forces them to be bent beyond their recommended turn radius (see image attached). That means they are already under stress to start with and repeated use just exacerbates this problem. Using slightly longer cables will help fix this problem, but very long cables run into another problem where it’s easier to have a damaged cable without noticing since a cut or a kink will be harder to see.
This section describes how to identify when your station was powered on and able to detect tags.
There is currently no single way to determine when a station was operational. This is because if there are no tags present, there will be no clear way to say tags could have been detected. However, it's possible to come up with a proxy for when a station could have detected tags based on when environmental noise was recorded or when other scheduled operations on the receiver were logged.
SensorGnomes and SensorStations will record each time the device has booted up. While this doesn't tell you when the station was last powered down, that can be inferred based on when data was last collected. It is also important to understand that even when the station is powered on, it may not be able to collect data, therefore it's helpful to check if GPS hits or antenna pulses exist.
This metric is not available for download at this time, but can be found on the top of the deployment timeline and can be helpful in diagnosing power issues stations.
Motus receivers are programmed to log a GPS hit every 5 minutes by default (should be more frequent for mobile receivers), but sometimes the GPS can miss a hit or two if few satellites are visible overhead. In addition, early GPS units (USB GPS) had a bug which caused the GPS to malfunction and stop collecting data, resulting in missing GPS hits for extended periods of time. Therefore, these data should be used in combination with other logs to determine when the station was operational rather than on its own, unless you know the GPS was not of the USB type.
GPS hits appear as the second line on deployment timelines, on receiver timelines, and on the data dashboard. It can also be downloaded from the 'GPS' table from the Motus database downloaded through the Motus R Package.
Antenna pulses are a reflection of environmental noise and consist of radio pulses at the nominal listening frequency (e.g.; 166.38 MHz) which did not correspond to a known tag signature. Environmental noise is common and in some instances can be problematic, resulting in large numbers of false detections and/or expensive cellular data bills. In addition, large volumes of noise can make it less likely for real tags to be detected. You can read more about antenna noise here.
The amount of noise received by any given antenna depends on a number of factors and varies widely by climate, location, time of day, and day of year. Some environments can have very low noise levels, while others are extremely high. In some cases, damaged or defective equipment can also result in low or high noise levels making it difficult to assess an individual antenna is functioning correctly based on this metric alone. Information on assessing antenna equipment can be found here.
Antenna pulses appear after the GPS hits on deployment timelines, on receiver timelines, and on the data dashboard. It can also be downloaded from the 'pulseCounts' table from the Motus database downloaded through the Motus R Package.
Based on the information above, GPS hits and antenna pulses can be used together to make a general assessment on when stations were operational. Hourly summaries of GPS hits and antenna pulses can be combined to determine if a station collected any data during each hour.
Please note: This is guide is still in its draft stages. Not all of the information presented here may not have been fully verified for accurracy.
While tags can refer to many different things, in this document we are talking about miniaturized radio transmitters that weigh as little as 0.15 g so they can be affixed to birds, bats, and even insects. Tags are made such that they each emit a slightly different radio signal allowing animals to be tracked individually by using a receiver.
There are several other ways animals can be tracked, each of which have their advantages and disadvantages. For a detailed summary of tracking technologies see - (insert references., e.g. Bridge et al.,). The first method of tracking was through banding/ringing which is still done to this day, but it is unreliable with a very low recapture rate. Colour banding can be very effective for tracking certain species where the search area is relatively small (e.g.: breeding passerines in a plot or migratory shorebirds confined to specific beaches).
For electronic tracking techniques, radar can be used to detect large movements of many birds at once without the need to directly affect anything, but individuals and species cannot be distinguished.
Passive integrated transponders (i.e.; PIT tags or Passive RFID) are a type of transmitter that does not require a battery and are instead powered by the presence of a strong magnetic field, similar to security devices found in items at retail stores. Due to the requirement of a strong magnetic field, these devices only operate in close proximity to a receiver which is useful for detecting movement within a narrow passage (i.e.; a burrow or river), but impractical for detecting aerial movements. Active RFID tags use a battery for the same effect and have a greater range, but typically only in the 10’s to 100’s of meters.
Light-level Geolocators (GLS tags) are a popular choice, first used by Dr. Bridget Stutchbury in Ovenbirds, offer a method for geopositioning small migratory wildlife without the need of any receivers. Instead, data is logged on a small memory chip which must be retrieved from the animal. This means GLS tags are only practical when the target individuals can reliably be re-trapped some time after they have been deployed. In addition, GLS tags use a combination of daylength and relative timing of sunrise and sunset to determine their geographic position which can have widely variable levels of precision making them most useful for detecting broad scale movements.
GPS and satellite tags both use GPS to record locations, but there are several different methods for data to be retrieved once it has been recorded. Certain GPS tags, like the PinPoint, function similarly to GLS tags, requiring physical retrieval of the tag to download data, but use more reliable satellite triangulation to gain position information.
The more advanced satellite tags will transmit data directly to a satellite which is then transmitted back to a base station on land, like Icarus tags. Although these tags can provide the high precision tracking data from anywhere on the globe without the need of re-trapping, it comes at the price of increased weight and cost making them unviable for small passerines, most bats, and insects.
Cellular Tracking Technologies has gone a step in between and uses a Cellular (Global System for Mobile Communication - GSM) tags to communicate GPS and other data to nearby cellular towers, offering lower cost data acquisition, but weight can is still an issue, making this technology not suitable for most passerines, bats, and insects.
The niche for radio transmitters like the ones we use in Motus fits where there are limits in the size or cost of tags. Their main restriction is that they can only be tracked where receivers exist and installing stations can be expensive. That’s why it’s so important to have a collaborative network of receivers for this type of technology.
Tracker type
Track individuals
Minimum weight
Data acquired by
Power source
~0 g
Radar station
PIT tags
Nearby antenna
Active RFID
GPS Pinpoint
GPS Satellite
GPS Cellular
Cell Station
Beeper tags
Digitally encoded radio transmitter
0.15 g
Battery and/or solar
Daily Amp-hours @ 24 hr/d
Daily Watt-hours @ 24 hr/d
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T )
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + BeagleBoneBlack(May-2017) - NO GPS
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + USB Hub
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + BeagleBoneBlack(May-2017) - NO GPS + USB Hub
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + BeagleBoneBlack(May-2017) - NO GPS + USB Hub + FCD ProPlus (x1)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + BeagleBoneBlack(May-2017) - NO GPS + USB Hub + FCD ProPlus (x2)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + BeagleBoneBlack(May-2017) - NO GPS + USB Hub + FCD ProPlus (x3)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + BeagleBoneBlack(May-2017) - NO GPS + USB Hub + FCD ProPlus (x4)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + BeagleBoneBlack(May-2017) + PPS-GPS
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + BeagleBoneBlack(May-2017) + PPS-GPS + USB Hub
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + BeagleBoneBlack(May-2017) + PPS-GPS + USB Hub + FCD ProPlus (x1)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + BeagleBoneBlack(May-2017) + PPS-GPS + USB Hub + FCD ProPlus (x2)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + BeagleBoneBlack(May-2017) + PPS-GPS + USB Hub + FCD ProPlus (x3)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + BeagleBoneBlack(May-2017) + PPS-GPS + USB Hub + FCD ProPlus (x4)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + BeagleBoneBlack(May-2017) + PPS-GPS + USB Hub + RTL-SDR (x1)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + BeagleBoneBlack(May-2017) + PPS-GPS + USB Hub + FCD ProPlus (x1) + RTL-SDR (x1)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + RaspberryPi3Bv1.2(Oct-2018) + GPS-HAT - Wi-Fi OFF
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + RaspberryPi3Bv1.2(Oct-2018) + GPS-HAT + Wi-Fi ON
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + RaspberryPi3Bv1.2(Oct-2018) + GPS-HAT + Wi-Fi ON + FCD ProPlus (x1)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + RaspberryPi3Bv1.2(Oct-2018) + GPS-HAT + Wi-Fi ON + FCD ProPlus (x2)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + RaspberryPi3Bv1.2(Oct-2018) + GPS-HAT + Wi-Fi ON + FCD ProPlus (x3)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + RaspberryPi3Bv1.2(Oct-2018) + GPS-HAT + Wi-Fi ON + FCD ProPlus (x4)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + RaspberryPi3Bv1.2(Oct-2018) + GPS-HAT + Wi-Fi OFF + FCD ProPlus (x1)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + RaspberryPi3Bv1.2(Oct-2018) + GPS-HAT + Wi-Fi OFF + FCD ProPlus (x2)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + RaspberryPi3Bv1.2(Oct-2018) + GPS-HAT + Wi-Fi OFF + FCD ProPlus (x3)
Charge Controller(SS-10L-12v) + DC Buck converter(PYB10-Q24-S5-T ) + RaspberryPi3Bv1.2(Oct-2018) + GPS-HAT + Wi-Fi OFF + FCD ProPlus (x4)
Please note: This is guide is still in its draft stages. Some of the information presented here may be inaccurate.
This guide outlines all you need to know about tags.
This guide has been created to help collaborators decide on where and how to install Motus stations.
This guide is still under development! Please keep in mind some information here may be incomplete.
There are several different ways a Motus station can be installed all of which depend on the location, purpose of the deployment, the infrastructure and equipment available. This guide will provide an overview of how different stations can be installed as well as some in-depth instructions on how to set up a variety of fixed, or free-standing towers with Yagi antennas and solar power. This booklet will not include a set of exhaustive instructions, but is intended as a guide that may need to be adapted to your project.
This guide is intended as a way to help individuals install their own Motus station that should be adapted to the needs and abilities of each individual. In addition, many installations include working at heights above 2 meters (6 feet). Follow instructions provided by suppliers and do not work without adequate knowledge or training. Individual projects will have to abide by local health and safe regulations, or those of their host organization.
Motus Pro Tips
Wear gloves!
Good foot wear: steel toes and grip
High-vis and hard hats
Harness and adequate training when working from heights
Electrocution -- overhead wires
A Motus station is an automated radio telemetry station designed to listen to specific types of radio transmitters used to track wildlife. These stations comprise the physical ground-based infrastructure of the Motus Wildlife Tracking System. A station consists of several parts: a radio receiver (computer) and peripherals such as antennas, cables, a mounting structure, and a power supply. Installing and maintaining a Motus station is no small task, but the rewards are great.
With all the terminology being thrown around with this technology, it can be hard to keep track of what’s what. See Quick References for a terminology reference.
Coming soon...
Lotek NanoTags can be retrieved by manually tracking the tag with a Lotek handheld receiver. Since these receivers have a long range at full gain, it can take a long time to locate a tag that has been lost, but manual tracking is still routine for researchers . When touching the ground, the tag signal is modulated enough that a trained ear can actually identify the tag as being detached just by the quality of the audio signal the receiver emits.
Without a Lotek receiver you can use the open-source SensorGnome receivers instead, but they are much more difficult to use in this way since there is a longer time delay between when a detection occurs and when it shows up on the receiver’s display. Further, SensorGnome receivers do not offer a real-time gain adjustment, whereas Lotek receivers do.
[Insert information on CTT Tags]
[Insert methods for retrieving tags]
Battery-powered tags that are not deployed in a given field season will need to be properly stored for later use to maintain battery life. Here we provide some advice from our industry partners on how
One of the most important aspects of tag storage is ensuring your tag metadata is up to date. Motus needs to know which tags are not deployed, otherwise they might be reissued by the manufacturer which can have bad consequences like ambiguous detections. W
The steps below follow the best available guidance in consultation with the tag manufacturers:
Upon receipt, it is important to turn tags on, inspect their performance, and ideally register them with Motus immediately after receiving them from the manufacturer. After checking, and before storing, it’s important to verify that the transmitters have been deactivated!
Tags are best kept in static free packaging and a closed box from the manufacturer to avoid exposure to light. Exposure to light during storage can increase energy consumption, and reduce battery and tag life. Practice physical distancing of tags – avoid storing transmitters in direct contact with other transmitters or on metallic surfaces.
Store transmitters in a relatively cool (10-20°C), dry and well-ventilated area. In places that are naturally hot and humid, a fridge >=~4C, but not colder may be OK. Silica packets can help to keep boxes dry in this scenario. Fridges are not well ventilated and condensation could interfere with tag electronics over time. Do not store tags in a freezer.
Remember that your tag warranty ends after the 'expected' lifespan of the tag has expired, beginning from the date of shipment. That means most tags which are stored for later use will no longer be covered by warranty. This is why it is especially important to ensure tags are working upon receipt, rather than immediately before deployment.
This table lists harness sizes for the pre-fabricated ‘figure eight’ leg loop harness method based on real sizes used on individuals tagged in the field. Sizes include the length of the entire single leg-loop, but do not include overlap with the tag. Weights can be used to help specify which harness size to use.
Please note that these are guidelines. Regardless of what sizes you find here, the harness should always be fitted to the individual. Please see a How to Tag Animals for more information.
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Black-billed Cuckoo
Hammond's Flycatcher
Dusky Flycatcher
Say's Phoebe
White-eyed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Bank Swallow
Barn Swallow
House Wren
Eurasian Reed Warbler
Gray-cheeked Thrush
Bicknell's Thrush
Swainson's Thrush
Brown Thrasher
Golden-winged Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Kentucky Warbler
Hooded Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Palm Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)
Prairie Warbler
Canada Warbler
Yellow-breasted Chat
Saltmarsh Sparrow
Clay-colored Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Lark Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow (Ipswich)
Eastern Towhee
Summer Tanager
Blue Grosbeak
Indigo Bunting
Painted Bunting
Orchard Oriole
Impact driver
Used for driving bolts and screws of all types and sizes
Used for drilling holes
Deep impact sockets, 1/2" drive (7/16”, 1/2", 9/16”)
Only 3 sizes needed. Important to get non-chrome plated since impact driver will cause them to chip.
Mini screw driver set
Better to get individual screwdrivers than interchangeable bits since it's easy to loose pieces.
Hole saw (2 1/2")
Important to get hole saw with the right-fitting shaft
Hex socket bit (1/4" and 5/16")
Used with hose clamps (1/4") and self-tapping screws (5/16")
Hex socket adapter (1/2")
Attaches to impact driver for use with deep impact sockets.
Impact Bit Set
Mainly for Roberson's (square) and Phillip's (cross) bits. It's handy to have multiple of each on a holder like this (with a carabiner).
Automatic wire strippers
There are two varieties that exist - either will work.
Wire rope cutter
For cutting guy wire. Don't go cheap with these - get the expensive ones!
Channel locks
Handy for all sorts of things. Get a brand name pair - non-brand versions can be very frustrating to use
Wrenches (7/16”, 1/2", 9/16”)
Helpful to have in addition to the sockets. Don't get the ratcheting wrenches.
Rotary Hammer
For drilling into rock or concrete. Fits SDS plus bits.
Dewalt batteries (Spares)
Always have lots of spares ready and charged.
SDS plus masonry bit (5/8” x 6")
For drilling in anchors to rock or concrete
Swage tool
For crimping guy wire sleeves
Bolt cutters
Sometimes bolts get cross-threaded and need to be cut off.
For making sure the tower structure is vertical.
Compass or compass app on phone
To checking antenna directions.
Mini sledge
To drive in anchors. Also helpful for moving stubborn housing brackets.
Phillips (cross) screwdriver
Drill bit kit (Cobalt)
For drilling pilot holes or bolt holes.
Clear plastic tubing (3/8" , 12" long)
To clear dust from holes drilled into rock or concrete
Safety Glasses
Use whenever using drill or rock hammer, or when working under someone.
N-95 masks
Use whenever drilling into rock or concrete.
Tape measure
For measuring!!
In-line wire tensioner tool
Makes tensioning guy wires a whole lot easier.
Ratchet (1/2" drive)
A backup for impact driver as well as in-line wire tensioner tool
Coax Wire Stripper
Used for thinner coax cables, such as RG58
LMR400 Wire Stripper
Used exclusively for LMR400
Ratcheting Coax Crimper
For crimping on coax connectors
Spade bits (1/2" and 1 1/2")
For drilling holes through walls to allow for AC extension cord (1/2") or coax cables (1 1/2").
Tool belt
There are several different styles - get one that suits you the best!
Tool belt drill holster
Tool box
For storing tools!
Parts organiser
For sorting all the various nuts and bolts
Utility Knife
Mainly to open boxes and packages
Wire cutter
Snipping wires, cutting of cable tie ends, etc.
Digital Multimeter
To check voltages of solar setup, continuity, and wire resistance.
Contactless AC circuit tester
For checking if outlets are working and to see if there are wires within walls.
USB to ethernet adapter
Needed for wired connection to SensorStation. May also be needed if laptop is missing Ethernet port.
Ethernet cable
For wired connection to SensorGnome or SensorStation.
USB flash drive
Used for downloading data or configuring Wi-Fi on SensorStations
Soapstone Marker
To mark measurements on metal. Also called a welder's marker.
Flagging tape
Can be helpful when transporting large items, also for flagging certain tools so it doesn't get lost in the field.
Used as an antenna analyser. Can check whether an antenna is damaged/unsuitable for use.
Everything you need to know about deploying tags
This chapter pertains to tag deployment methods in the field. For information on the management of tag deployment metadata within the Motus system, see Tag Management.
Ensure local stations and any other stations you may rely on are active and working. Never assume that stations are working. Communicate with collaborators that manage stations from which you may expect detections. You may need to regularly check on stations yourself to confirm stations are functional.
Tag deployments are most effective when made in close proximity to an active station. Detections on a local station allow you to confirm your tags are working.
Be sure that tags are activated prior to their deployment using a receiver or an active Motus station.
Create a deployment with an anticipated start date prior to deployment. See Anticipated deployment date.
Plan to record the required metadata during deployment and update it as soon as you can following deployment. See Tag Metadata.
This section is still in development as we develop guidelines and videos on various methods for tagging animals safely and effectively.
The following documents are drafts and should be used with caution until the final documents are published. That said, we have opted to make these documents available due to the number of requests from the research community. If you plan to share the documents, we recommend sharing links to this page to minimize circulation of outdated versions once the final documents are published.
Instructional videos on how to tag videos can be found in the next section.
There are a number of researchers who opt to cut the antennas of tags when deploying on smaller animals. Basic antenna theory suggests it will decrease the effective power of the transmitter, but more testing is needed to determine the magnitude of this decrease when deployed on animals. Controlled tests have shown that OOK tags (166.380 MHz) will decrease in power with length, but are most effective when cut to specific lengths (harmonics of the nominal frequency). On the other hand, FSK tags (434 MHz) appear to decrease continuously with length, not showing better performance at specific lengths like OOK tags. These tag tests were not done on animals and will likely be different in real deployments.
That being said, if you're planning on trimming one of your Lotek tags, you should aim for one of these lengths to maximize the effect power:
166.380 MHz
18.0 cm, 15.0 cm, 12.9 cm, 11.3 cm, 10.0 cm, 9.0 cm, 8.2 cm, 7.5 cm, 6.9 cm, 6.4 cm, 6.0 cm, 5.6 cm
151.5 MHz
19.8 cm, 16.5 cm, 14.1 cm, 12.4 cm, 11 cm, 9.9 cm, 9 cm, 8.2 cm, 7.6 cm, 7.1 cm, 6.6 cm, 6.2 cm
150.1 MHz
20 cm, 16.6 cm, 14.3 cm, 12.5 cm, 11.1 cm, 10 cm, 9.1 cm, 8.3 cm, 7.7 cm, 7.1 cm, 6.7 cm, 6.2 cm
This table lists harness sizes for the pre-fabricated ‘figure eight’ leg loop harness method based on real sizes used on individuals tagged in the field. Sizes include the length of a single leg-loop, not include overlap with the tag. Weights can be used to help specify which harness size to use.
Please note that these are guidelines. Regardless of what sizes you find here, the harness should always be fitted to the individual. Please see a How to Tag Animals above for more information.
Yellow-billed Cuckoo
Black-billed Cuckoo
Hammond's Flycatcher
Dusky Flycatcher
Say's Phoebe
White-eyed Vireo
Warbling Vireo
Red-eyed Vireo
Bank Swallow
Barn Swallow
House Wren
Eurasian Reed Warbler
Gray-cheeked Thrush
Bicknell's Thrush
Swainson's Thrush
Brown Thrasher
Golden-winged Warbler
Orange-crowned Warbler
Kentucky Warbler
Hooded Warbler
Cerulean Warbler
Magnolia Warbler
Blackpoll Warbler
Black-throated Blue Warbler
Palm Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler (Myrtle)
Prairie Warbler
Canada Warbler
Yellow-breasted Chat
Saltmarsh Sparrow
Clay-colored Sparrow
Field Sparrow
Lark Sparrow
White-crowned Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
Savannah Sparrow (Ipswich)
Eastern Towhee
Summer Tanager
Blue Grosbeak
Indigo Bunting
Painted Bunting
Orchard Oriole
Aliasing can occur when multiple tags emit a signal at the same time. Sometimes these interacting signals can produce a pattern which match a different tag that is not actually present. This is due to the nature of how the unique tag ID is encoded in the signal. However, the parameters used to define these IDs are quite stringent, making aliasing only an issue in specific conditions.
To help mitigate aliasing, we recommend keeping numbers low at any given tagging site. This can be done by staggering deployments, either spatially or temporally. Most aliasing is caused by tags which have the same burst interval but a different Lotek ID. That means if you have more than one burst interval in your selection of tags, you can deploy more tags at any given site with a reduced risk of aliasing. However, do not deploy more than one tag with the same Lotek ID, even if they have different burst intervals!
4'' Ground Anchor
Copper swage sleeve
Stainless Steel Carabiner - M6
Galvenized Steel Eye to Eye Turnbuckles - 5"
Stainless Steel Wire Rope - 3/32"
Stainless Steel Wire Rope Thimble - M3
Battery (AGM, ~100 Ah)
Battery (AGM, ~50 Ah)
Battery (LiFePo, ~100 Ah)
Charge Controller (SS-10L-12V)
Fused Battery Leads
Mounting hardware to attach solar panel
Solar Panel (160 Watts)
Solar Panel (80 Watts)
Spade Terminal Connectors
Solar panel wiring harness (MC4)
Aluminum angle iron (units in feet)
Nylon washer - 5/16"
Stainless steel hex bolt - 7/16" (head), 1" (length)
Stainless steel hex bolt - 7/16" (head), 2" (length)
Stainless steel lock washer - 5/16"
Stainless steel nuts - 7/16"
Stainless steel lock nuts - 7/16"
Stainless steel washer - 5/16"
Pipe Bushing
Pipe Elbow
Storage bin (Action Packer)
Mast Wall mount - 24-inch
Golden nugget bracketed tower section (16-gauge)
DMX 32-Foot Medium Duty Self-Supporting Tower
DMX 48-Foot Heavy Duty Self-Supporting Tower
Base plate (BP-125)
Base plate (DMXB)
Base plate (GNBP)
Climbing guard (DMX section 6)
Climbing guard (DMX section 4)
Climbing guard (CS-GN)
Concrete slab
DMX Concrete Base Stubs (CBS-04)
DMX Concrete Base Stubs (CBS-05)
DMX Concrete Base Stubs (CBS-08)
Drive stakes (DMBS)
Guy stations (GS-GN)
Mast - 40A
Masting (DM Mast)
Top kit (244A)
Universal house Brackets (GNHB)
VMOT-3NF Antenna Assembly
Vertical Mounting Bracket for J166R-NF, 1.0" to 2.0"
FUNcube Dongle ProPlus
USB A Extender (6")
SMA male to N female bulkhead - 15 or 30 cm
N-type dust cap
9E166-NF 9-element Yagi antenna
Pre-existing tower structure
Laird YS4306
JU400-40NM-NM Coax jumper - 40' long N-male to N-male
RPi 4B (2 GB, 4 GB, 8 GB)
Terminal block (2-position)
16 AWG ring terminal connector
16 AWG, 2-conductor wiring (100 feet)
USB A to USB micro B
USB A inline switch
USB-A DC-DC buck converter (3 A)
Adafruit GPS Hat
Pelican Case - Protector 1150
Pelican Case - Protector 1400
Adafruit Feather with SMA (RFM69HCW 433 MHz)
RPi 4G/LTE Cellular Modem Kit - EG25-G (Global)
SensorStation (Wi-Fi)
NEMA Case (NBF-32318)
SensorStation (Cellular)
Cellular data for SensorGnome (SixFab; monthly)
Cellular data for SensorStation (CTT; monthly)
Iridium data for SensorStation (CTT; monthly)
AC Power supply for Raspberry Pi 3 (Micro USB)
AC Power supply for SensorStation
36-Foot Standard Duty Self-Supporting Tower
Expansion eye bolts
Wedge anchor (5/8" x 4 1/2")
Large washer (11/16" ID x 1 1/2" OD)
Solar Charge Controller for LiFePo4
Raspberry Pi 4 case
Solar Panel pole mount
GPS antenna
SMA to U.fl
CR1220 battery for GPS Hat
Dual port USB wall adapter
Recessed waterproof AC outlet
50-foot 12-gauge, 3-conductor heavy duty outdoor AC extension cable
PG13.5 cable gland
Galvenized Steel Jaw to Jaw Turnbuckles - 4.5"
Stainless Steel Quick Links (3/16")
Laird PLC1996
AC Power supply (USB-C; SensorGnome)
Yellow Split Wire Loom Tubing
Duct Seal
Spray Foam
Reflective thermal insulation
Foam board insulation
Aluminum Tape
In-line wire tensioner
Electrical tape
Cable ties
Cable tie mount
Self-tapping screws (#10 x 3/4")
Deck screws (treated wood)
Lag bolts (3/8" x 3 1/2")
Metal roofing screws (1 1/2")
Cable guides
Conduit clips (1")
Type N male crimp connectors for LMR 400
Heat shrink tubing
Wi-Fi Repeater
Wi-Fi Long Range Extender
As students of migration ecology, we ultimately seek the ability to know everything about all individuals at all times. Unfortunately, the technology required to do this for most flying migratory animals, particularly the smallest bodied ones, does not exist. Therefore, biologists have to use a combination of complementary tools such as tracking-based geolocators, GPS and GSM, GPS and Geolocation data loggers, as well as isoptopic, genetic, and good old bird banding/ringing to discover the complete life histories of migratory animals. While often viewed as having competing value, these tools are undeniably complementary, and researchers need to employ the best tool for the job given the specific questions and study system in mind.
What is most unique about Motus is that it provides an opportunity to track the widest variety of the smallest animals possible, today, at local, regional, or hemispheric scales depending on the location and species in question. And best of all, almost anyone can get involved in one way or another – Motus is the ultimate hands-on community science project.
Another important differentiation between automated radio telemetry and other technologies available is that the temporal precision of the data can be much greater with radio telemetry as tags can repeat their signals as quickly as every 2 seconds. This extremely high temporal precision can allow for exceptionally detailed examinations of an animals behavior, movement patterns, direction and speed of flight.
The selection of specific tag type will largely depend on the spatial temporal scale of your study as well as your study species and geography.
The study location may largely determine what type of data you can expect, and which tags to use. When setting up your study, it’s important to consider how your tags may be detected by receivers in your area of interest. One tactic employed by the Northeast Motus Collaboration is to build a receiver ‘fence’ over a geographic area such that any tagged animal passing through it will get detected. In Ontario, where many more stations are available, there is a grid of stations (or series of fences) to allow for better spatial resolution of movements. In the end, you will need to decide what works best for your region based on migratory flyways, foraging locations, your goals, funding, and the location of nearby receivers.
Go to the receivers map to see all currently active receivers, what frequency they operate on and which type of tags they can detect. Keep in mind that these receivers have been deployed by various researchers who check their stations at different times. It’s helpful to check the ‘last data processed’ to get an idea of how often these stations get checked – you don’t want to be stuck waiting for a station you don’t own to get checked! In addition, stations that haven’t been checked in a long time (6 months to a year) may be in various states of disrepair so it’s also best not to rely on these stations before contacting the project manager.
Motus supports two types of uniquely coded radio transmitters: NanoTags™ manufactured by Lotek Wireless Inc, operating on frequencies 166.380 MHz (Western Hemisphere), 150.100 MHz (Europe), and 151.500 MHz (Australia), and LifeTag™, PowerTag™, and HybridTag™ manufactured by Cellular Tracking Technologies (CTT) operating on 434 MHz globally. The two tags use fundamentally different transmission and coding systems. Nanotags tags use amplitude modulation, or AM, whereas CTT tags us frequency modulation, or FM. Nanotags emit 4-bit pules that encode a unique ID in the time difference between these pulses, called Pulse-position Modulation (PPM). CTT use frequency-shift keying (FSK) which flips between two similar frequencies to encode a binary “1” or “0”, with a total of 64 of these bits per transmission.
The distribution of stations listening for either tag is not uniform, so collaborators should consult the Motus Receiver Map to confirm which frequency stations are operating on throughout the network. When communicating with Lotek or CTT, be sure to explicitly state that you want your tags/system to be compatible with Motus.
It is simple to outfit some Motus receivers to be dual-mode in order to “listen” for both of these tag types. We recommend that stations be configured this way whenever possible in order to support the greatest number of researchers.
There is a lot of detail about these two tags that can’t all be explored here, but the table below summarizes the major differences. Contact Motus, or the tag providers above for more information.
150.1, 151.5, or 166.380 MHz
150.1, 151.5, or 166.38 MHz
434 MHz
434 MHz
434 MHz
Long (20 – 2000 d)
Long (180 d to yrs)
Daily active period
24/7 or alternate 12-hour on/off
24/7 (battery and solar powered)
Needs sufficient light; works in low light conditions and indirect light.
24/7 (battery and solar powered)
0.15 g – 3.00 g
1.4 g and up
0.44 g and up
0.33 g and up
0.63 g and up
Smallest bird (%3 body weight)
5.0 g
46.7 g
14.7 g
11.0 g
21.0 g
Possible number of unique tags
~4 billion
~4 billion
~4 billion
Burst intervals
~2-40 seconds
Similar to CTT (may diminish with power loss) [needs more information]
2 seconds (configurable)
Programmable: from 1 sec up
Programmable: from 5 sec up
Current number of compatible Motus Stations
Compatible with CTT Receivers
SensorStation with FUNcube Dongle only
SensorStation with FUNcube Dongle only
Compatible with Lotek Receivers
Compatible with SensorGnome Receivers
With FUNcube dongle only
With FUNcube dongle only
With CTT Motus Adapter only
With CTT Motus Adapter only
With CTT Motus Adapter only
~$200 USD
~$200 USD
~$200 USD
~$200 USD
~$250 USD
Contact Lotek
Contact Lotek
5% for 20+
10% for 30+
5% for 20+
10% for 30+
5% for 20+
10% for 30+
* This number is calculated by multiplying the number of unique ID’s emitted by Lotek tags (517) with the number of unique burst intervals available (70). These burst intervals range from 2.3 to 39.7 seconds, which corresponds to the number of primes between 23 and 397 such that no two burst intervals overlap with one another.
Specifications for Lotek bird and bat NanoTags can be viewed on the Lotek Website. Specifications for CTT LifeTags™ and PowerTags™ can be found on the Cellular Tracking Technologies website. When ordering tags, provide the Motus Project ID they are to be registered.
There are several important criteria to consider prior to ordering tags:
Frequency: Lotek NanoTags operate on 166.380 MHz (Western Hemisphere), 150.100 MHz (Europe), and 151.500 MHz (Australia). CTT Power and LifeTags operate on 434 MHz (Worldwide). Consult the receiver map to see the distribution of stations operating on the different frequencies.
Size: Minimize weight of the tag + attachment materials.
Operational life: Battery size and burst interval (amount of time between consecutive pulses) influence the operational life of a tag. Bigger batteries have a longer lifespan, but increased weight. A longer burst interval results in a longer lifespan but reduced detection rate.
Burst interval: Although a longer burst interval provides a longer operational life, increasing the burst interval reduces the number of data points attainable within a given time period.
Attachment method: Modifications to tags (e.g. tubes) may be necessary for certain attachment methods.
Always double-check that your tags have been registered to the correct Motus project after your tags have shipped. If you do not have a Motus project, please Create or Join a project before ordering your tags.
Aliasing can occur when multiple tags emit a signal in the same place at the same time. Sometimes these interacting signals can produce a pattern which match a different tag that is not actually present. This is due to the nature of how the tag ID is encoded in the signal. Although the parameters used to define tag IDs are quite stringent – making aliasing only an issue in specific conditions – aliasing can still cause false detections of your tags as well as tags from other projects. Removing them usually involves additional validation steps which can be difficult and time consuming for the researcher. One method to help mitigate tag aliasing is to select tags with longer burst intervals as this reduces the chances of two signals overlapping.
Motus stations autonomously listen for radio signals on designated frequencies depending on where they are in the world. In some environments there is a lot of radio noise, or interference. Diagnosing noise sources is an important step in maintaining data quality and can also significantly reduce the amount of data being recorded and potentially transmitted through expensive cellular or satellite networks. Below we summarize the best ways to identify which stations may be considered noisy, how to identify which antennas may be causing problems, and suggestions on how to resolve noise issues.
The following mostly pertains to stand alone Sensorgnomes and SensorStations with antennas operating on 166.380 MHz, 150.100 MHz, and 151.500 MHz.
Raw data from Lotek radio tags consist of long lists of time-stamped radio pulses. Four precisely-timed 20 ms-long pulses (accurate to within 1.5 ms) are needed to identify a Lotek tag ID, but these pulses must be picked out from the surrounding noise environment. We consider noise to be any kind of radio pulse that is received by a station that was not produced by the intended target (i.e., a radio tag). Not only can this noise mask the pulses of real tags—preventing a receiver from picking it up—it can also produce signals that resemble real tags, resulting in a false positive detection. Excessive noise can be especially problematic for networked receivers that are using cellular or satellite connections. A single receiver experiencing excessive noise on a single antenna can easily produce over a GigaByte of data in a single month, resulting in $100’s in data charges.
A bandpass filter is devices which attaches to a coaxial cable that further filters the signal being received. These are typically passive devices (no external power required) and operate over a narrow range of frequencies. For antennas listening to 166.380 MHz, we recommend the following device:
Noise can be present for a variety of reasons. Anthropogenic noise can be the most problematic as it is more likely to follow a repeated pattern, which is required to mimic a tag pulse. In most cases, noise tends to be problematic on only certain antennas, not all of them. Sometimes simply changing the direction of an antenna can solve the problem; however, it may also be necessary to disconnect problematic antennas until the issue can be resolved. Sometimes damaged hardware, such as cracked coaxial cables, faulty radio dongle, or poor connections can also introduce noise into the system. In the case of a hardware issue, changing the antenna direction should have a negligible effect on the level of noise detected.
Using the Motus R Package, summaries of raw radio pulses can be downloaded for each antenna and then compared to one another based on the number of pulses received each day. The threshold for the number of daily pulses depends on how much data is considered ‘too much’, but generally most antennas record fewer than 1 million radio pulses a day.
The following density plot shows a one-month period of data collected at Blackie Spit in British Columbia when nearly 2 GB of data were recorded over that time. As you can see, antenna 6 has been recording well over 1 million pulses a day, averaging around 4 million a day, whereas antenna 7 has a far more reasonable number of pulses. Based on this information, we can conclude that data from antenna 6 should be scrutinized, and then modified and/or removed to increase data quality, or reduce the risk of data overages.
You can produce your own plots like the one above using the code below. If you have not used the Motus R Package in the past we recommend reviewing Chapters 1-3 of the Motus R Book before proceeding.
This script uses the 'pulseCounts' table from the receiver detections database downloaded from the R package. To use this script, you must specify:
Line 11: Directory of where Motus databases are stored on your computer (files ending with ".motus")
Line 17: Receiver metadata, including:
Serial number of the receiver
Name that you want printed in the plot title
The size of the raw data files for the time period that you are reviewing (in MegaBytes)
The start date of the time period you are reviewing (YYYY-MM-DD)
The end date of the time period you are reviewing (YYYY-MM-DD)
Once a problem station/antenna has been identified we have a number of choices:
Disconnect the station from the cell network entirely (this is not ideal, but a quick fix). For instructions on disconnecting SensorStations, refer to the SensorStation manual.
Confirm framerate of radio dongles by connecting to the receiver and checking the Web Interface. Dongle framerate should be around 48 KHz. If you don’t see that try reflashing the FunCube firmware.
Disconnect the problem antenna. Noisy antennas may be damaged or otherwise not collect data of the same quality as other, less noisy antennas so taking them offline should not be a major impediment to the system. Collaborators may want to examine how many 'good' detections are detected on noisy antennas opposed to others before deciding to disconnect. This will be a bigger deal for stations with active tags nearby, but should not be a problem for most passive listening stations.
Try installing band-pass-filters which can reduce interference outside a desired band. These have been used successfully in areas with heavy marine traffic, such as Sable Island, Nova Scotia.
Identify the source of the interference and attempt to aim the problem antenna away from that source. Visual inspection of the landscape, or experimentation with a manual receiver can often help to identify a source of interference.
Use antenna analyzer to verify the antenna still performs within a reasonable threshold. Instructions to come.
Replace the antenna altogether.
Below are a few more examples of noisy antennas.
Individuals or organizations may choose to ‘sponsor’ a station which allows Birds Canada, or other researchers, to expand the Motus automated radio telemetry array in your organizations area of interest. Please contact Motus if you’re interested in sponsoring a Motus station near you.
A donation to Birds Canada helps to support the fundamental database management, web tools, program and project coordination that keeps the whole system operating.
Tag aliasing is a method by which false detections of a tag can occur because of overlapping signals being received from multiple real tags. To understand tag aliasing, it is important to understand how tags encode their unique ID and how we interpret the signals they produce. This document only refers to Lotek NanoTags as we have not had reports of aliasing with CTT tags. Before reading this section, make sure you have a solid understanding of How tags work.
Tag aliasing can occur when multiple real tags are transmitting tag pulses at the same Motus station and over the same period of time. An aliased tag results in an erroneous Motus Tag ID being allocated to a set of tag pulses.
The Motus Tag ID relies on two identifiers to create a unique ID: the Lotek Tag ID, which consists of multiple pulse intervals within a single burst; and the burst interval.
Aliasing occurs when an erroneous Lotek Tag ID and/or an erroneous burst interval is associated with a set of tag pulses. There are three known types of tag aliasing listed below.
This type of aliasing should be rare but can occur if two tags with the same Lotek ID are deployed at the same time. Type 1 aliasing can also occur—although much rarer—when tagged animals move to a new location where another tag with the same Lotek ID happens to be.
Multiple real tags with the same Lotek Tag ID are detected.
Aliased tags also have the same Lotek Tag ID, but a different burst interval.
Note: colours are intended as an visual aid and are not some type of identifier transmitted in the signal.
This is the most common type of type of aliasing. Typically occurs when banding many individuals at once where those individuals stay near one another after release, such as in a colony or with shorebirds. Tags are never activated at the exact same time so we should expect a slight offset in the timing of bursts. For this reason, a smaller number of tags will also have a smaller chance of overlapping bursts. Similarly, longer burst intervals also reduce the probability of bursts overlapping.
Multiple real tags with the same burst interval are detected.
Aliased tags also have the same burst interval, but a different Lotek Tag ID.
This is likely the most likely mode for aliasing to occur; however, the illustration below exaggerates the probability of tag signals overlapping. In reality, a single burst typically lasts between 0.1-0.3 seconds; even for a tag with a relatively short burst interval of 4.7 seconds, there is <5% that any two tags will have their signals overlap!
Note: colours are intended as an visual aid and are not some type of identifier transmitted in the signal.
This can occur under similar conditions as type 2 aliasing but is much rarer since it relies on multiple tag bursts to overlap much more precisely. The aliased tag burst interval will be equal to some multiple of a real tag burst interval, plus or minus a small fraction of a second. In this type of aliasing, one burst will consist of pulses from just one tag and another burst will made up of pulses from multiple tags. The Lotek ID will be the same as the tag with which it shares all pulses in a burst.
Multiple real tags with the same burst interval are detected.
Aliased tags have a different burst interval but will likely have the same Lotek Tag ID of one tag.
Note: colours are intended as an visual aid and are not some type of identifier transmitted in the signal.
Please note: This is guide is still in its draft stages. Some of the information presented here may be inaccurate.
Aliasing can be identified based on the signal characteristics, as well as the context of the detection.
All tags are built to a certain specification to which they must adhere before they are shipped to the customer beyond which they are allowed to vary to a small degree. For instance, tags are build to produce a burst interval which is within 10 milliseconds of the intended value. Individual tags will also vary over time, up to 2 milliseconds between bursts.
Knowing that aliasing is caused by multiple tags which overlap in signal, we can use the fact that there is individual variation between tags to identify whether or not a detection is the result of aliasing.
When aliased tag detections are recorded at a receiver, its often easy to immediately determine they are false based on:
Is this animal within its expected range?
What is the average flight speed between receivers?
Is this animal where it's expected to be at this time of year?
Other detections:
Are there multiple other tags detected at this station at the same time with the same Lotek ID OR burst interval?
Are many tags briefly detected at a similar time? (Likely noise)
Removing aliased detections based on context can be time consuming as it's not something that can be easily automated. We are working on developing such a filter which will flag detections based on these contexts.
Certain parameters of the signal received by the Motus station can be used to identify aliased detections with more confidence. Tags are built to a certain level of precision some of which are measured during tag registration. These measurements reveal slight differences between the characteristics of the signals emitted by each tag which can aid in identification. One of the best methods to eliminate false detections is to compare known real detections on the same antenna with suspicious detections using these properties.
The frequency offset measures average difference between the nominal frequency (e.g.: 166.380 MHz) and the actual measured frequency of the tag pulses. This is recorded in kHz with an associated standard deviation. Based on what we understand of aliased detections, we can hypothesize that:
Type 1 aliased detections are made up of alternating bursts between two different tags. Therefore we should also expect the frequency offset of these tag bursts to alternate.
Type 2 aliased detections consist of bursts made up of combinations of pulses from multiple tags. Therefore we should expect a relatively high frequency offset standard deviation for these bursts.
Type 3 aliased detections alternate between a burst from a single tag and a burst made up from multiple of tags. Therefore these detections should alternate between low and high frequency offset standard deviation.
The signal strength of a burst is the averaged signal strength of each of the four pulses which make up a burst. Thus the signal strength standard deviation reflects the variation in the pulses within the burst. This is recorded similarly to frequency offset and in theory we should expect similar results to signal strength measurements as above. However, proximity to other tagged individuals theoretically decreases the relative difference in signal strength between tags. That means that for certain colonial or gregarious species you should expect a smaller difference in signal strength between tag. Unfortunately, it appears that aliasing is also worse in gregarious and colonial species, so signal strength may not be the most effective parameter to begin with. Further investigation is needed.
In noisy environments or with a weak signal, some tag bursts may not be received entirely. We allow for a maximum of 60 bursts to be missed to avoid losing too many detections. For instance, if a 4.7 s tag has two bursts detected with three bursts missed in between them, we would expect there to be 4.7 * (1 + 3) = 18.8 s gap between the two bursts. This makes it possible to give a Motus ID to tags that would otherwise be considered ambiguous. Unfortunately, this also means it allows for more false detections to be filtered through, either as a result of noise or from aliasing. There can be a maximum of 60 skipped bursts.
In general, we expect the number of skipped bursts to be proportional to the probability of a false detection, but this has not been fully investigated. It's likely that some combination of signal strength, signal-to-noise ratio, and hourly pulse counts are important to look in concert with skipped bursts to better identify false detections.
The burst interval slop is the difference between the observed and expected burst length. The tag finder algorithm filters out all data with a slop greater than 4 ms plus 1 ms for each skipped burst if there are any.
With any case of tag aliasing, we expect burst slop to drift over time. This is because each tag has a certain amount of variation in the burst interval (burst interval standard deviation). The mean burst interval is also slightly different between tags, even if they are made to the same specification. With this understanding, we can hypothesize that:
Type 1 aliased detections are made up of alternating bursts between two different tags. Therefore we should expect the burst interval slop to increase and/or decrease with time, as the tags fall in and out of sync.
A ‘run’ consists of a collection of bursts. The length of the run (runLen) is a count of these bursts, not the length of time. A run may include gaps where bursts were skipped and it will terminate once more than 60 bursts have been skipped. False detections as a result of radio noise usually have very short run lengths; however, aliased tags are more likely to have long run lengths (depending on source), so this is not always the most useful parameter to look at, but they should still be noticeably shorter than true detections. Since runs can include skipped bursts, it can be helpful to calculate the longest group of consecutive bursts within each run (longRun)and compare it to the maximum number of bursts that could have been detected during the run’s time interval (maxRun). You should expect to see the ratio of longRun to runLen and the ratio of maxRun to runLen to be much smaller for aliased tags than real tags.
Aliasing can cause false detections of your tags as well as tags from other projects. Removing them usually involves additional validation steps which can be difficult and time consuming for the researcher.
Aliasing typically occurs when there are a large number of active tags in a small area. Because of this, certain species and tagging conditions are more likely to cause aliasing due to their behaviour. For researchers studying colonial or gregarious species (i.e.; swallows, bats, and shorebirds, etc.), they should be especially aware of this problem. We anticipate aliasing to occur in any colony where there are more than 10 active tags at once with the same burst interval and that interval is less than 20 seconds.
To learn more about tag aliasing and how to identify false detections, see Tag Aliasing.
To help mitigate aliasing, we recommend keeping numbers low at any given tagging site. This can be done by staggering deployments, either spatially or temporally. Most aliasing is caused by tags which have the same burst interval but a different Lotek ID. That means if you have more than one burst interval in your selection of tags, you can deploy more tags at any given site with a reduced risk of aliasing. However, do not deploy more than one tag with the same Lotek ID, even if they have different burst intervals!
You can help mitigate tag aliasing by staggering the activation times so fewer burst overlap with one another. This is easier to do if you order tags with long burst intervals.
We recommend placing stations close to your tagging site, but in conditions where there is a high potential for aliasing that may become problematic. In such cases, we suggest placing the station further away from the tagging site to reduce the number of overlapping detections.
Listed below are a few timelines available on the Motus website, each serving a different purpose.
A detailed plot of hourly GPS hits, antenna pulses, and unfiltered tag detections for a given receiver serial number.
Observing diurnal changes in detections.
Looking for specific times when data gaps occur.
Where to find this plot
Only available to project managers. Go to: Manage Data -> Manage Stations and select one of the stations from the map or table. In the details pane on the right, click on 'receiver timeline' under the deployment of interest. This plot can be accessed in a similar manner from the Receiver Management page.
The top of the page shows a summary of detections (GPS hits and antenna pulses) as well as deployments in alternating colours.
Clicking one of the summary plots switches the main plow between individual antenna ports or all ports at once.
On the larger plot hours are plotted on the X axis and days are plotted on the Y axis and GPS hits/pulses/tag hits are represented as shaded vertical lines:
Blue lines are GPS hits (typically 1 per hour)
Light grey lines are antenna pulses
Dark grey lines are unfiltered tag detections.
Deployments are also desplayed alongside the main plot in a similar manner to the summary plots, as alternating colours.
A large plot of hourly GPS hits, antenna pulses, and unfiltered tag detections for a given station deployment.
Looking in the unfiltered data for missing tag detections
Looking for tag aliasing events
Looking for false positives as a result of noise events
Where to find this plot
Only available to project managers. Go to: Manage Data -> Manage Stations and select one of the stations from the map or table. In the details pane on the right, click on 'deployment timeline' under the deployment of interest. This plot can be accessed in a similar manner from the Receiver Management page.
Time is plotted on the X axis and each tag or device (gps/antenna) are plotted as a categorical variable on the Y axis.
The top row on this plot is the 'reboot odometer' which keeps track of each time the receiver restarts.
Antenna pulses are only present for antennas on Lotek frequencies since CTT antennas do not record such data. For this reason, only test tags can be used to verify CTT antennas are functional.
Tag hits are recorded as circles, but the circles are not centered on the time that the detection occurs, rather it's the circle's left edge which corresponds to the time of detection.
Tags are labeled the following way:
[project short name]#[manufacturer tag ID]:[burst rate] M.[Motus tag ID]
An interactive plot of daily GPS hits, antenna pulses, and filtered tag detections at a given station. Time is plotted on the X axis and each tag or device (gps/antenna) are plotted as a categorical variable on the Y axis. Data are represented as coloured bars with the intensity increasing with the count of detections for that given variable. An additional row on the top of the plot displays the deployment periods as coloured boxes (colour of box changes with each deployment).
Checking when the station was functional
Identifying noisy antennas
Looking for noise events which may have resulted in false positives
Where to find this plot
This plot is available in the public data under explore data after any station has been selected. On a station summary page, click on the 'Status' tab next to the 'map' tab.
There are two parts: the main plot on top and the smaller 'brush' plot on the bottom for navitagion.
On the main plot you can zoom in and out (scroll the mouse wheel) and click and drag your mouse to move it horzontally.
Hovering your mouse over the main plot gives you specific numbers for each variable on the day your hovered over.
The 'brush' plot is used to more quickly zoom into specific areas of the plot. This can be done by clicking and draging on the plot to draw a box around the data you wish to zoom into.
Once the plot is zoomed in, you can click and drag this box to move it around.
When two tags with the exact same manufacturer ID and burst rate are deployed simultaneously, there is no way to tell them apart.
Motus relies on metadata to sort out when tags were deployed and therefore when to expect tags to be detected. But if two of the same tag are deployed at the same time, their identity becomes ambiguous. That is, tags with the same Manufacturer ID and Burst Rate and which have an overlapping deployment period will have detections that are grouped together with an 'ambig ID': an ID unique to the specific combination of ambiguous tags.
Lotek tags encode their signal in a way that is energy efficient, but also limits the number of unique IDs to a few tens of thousands. This may seem like a lot, but we would have already exhausted this list of IDs by now if we weren't able to reissue tags. Researchers also require tags with certain burst rates based on their study design, further limiting which IDs can be used.
For this reason, we deprecate tags that have been deployed well beyond their expected lifespan (buffered lifespan) and Lotek keeps track of a list of active Motus tags so they know which ones can be reissued.
However, sometimes researchers have anticipated deployments that are never completed (i.e., they anticipated they would deploy a tag, but didn't) and also don't update their metadata to indicate their tags weren't deployed on the anticipated date. This wouldn't be an issue if the tags were never deployed, but most researchers choose to hold on to their tags for subsequent field seasons at which point Lotek may have already reissued the tag to another researcher who may also choose to deploy their tag at the same time.
In the past, Motus wouldn't be aware that such tags had not been deployed, but Motus now flags anticipated deployments as 'pending' until metadata has been updated after the anticipated deployment date has passed.
While this greatly reduces the possibility of ambiguous tags, mistakes can still occur and ambiguities exist in data up to and including 2022.
For more information on how to manage ambiguous detections, see Chapter 5 of the Motus R Book.
This section goes through an overview of Motus data, what it looks like, how it can be interpreted, and how it can be explored. There is also the Motus R Book which provides details on how to access and manipulate Motus data through the Motus R package which can be found here:
This section is in development. If you have questions related to data exploration which aren't answered here, please contact us.
14 AWG stranded automotive or speaker wire.
Phillips screwdriver
Small flat head screwdriver
See solar charge controller wiring for a diagram.
Prepare your cables by crimping 14 AWG spade connectors to the ends of all your cables.
For the battery, prepare one **** fused battery lead __ and one length of the 14 AWG stranded automotive/speaker wire.
Carefully inspect the charge controllers and note the positive and negative terminals for: the Solar Panel (input); the battery; the load (output).
Ensure the power rating on the back of the solar panel does not exceed the ratings of the charge controller.
Loosen the positive and negative terminals of the battery and attach the battery cable one at a time, using a fused battery lead for the positive terminal and 14 AWG stranded automotive/speaker wire to the negative terminal.
Loosen the positive and negative terminals for the battery on the solar charge controller and attached the battery cables, beginning with the positive side.
Proceed to connect the solar panel cables to the solar charge controller, again beginning with the positive side.
Finally, connect the load (receiver) to the load terminals of the solar charge controller, positive first.
Motus Pro Tip
Sometimes the charge controller may indicate the battery level is low, or will cycle through different levels when first connected. This is normal as it is calculating the average voltage over time to gain an accurate measurement.
Parts description and what to look for (see diagrams on last three pages)
Inside Action Packer
Inside Computer Case with Raspberry Pi (No USB Hub needed)
Inside Computer Case with BeagleBone (USB Hub Present)
USB Port Numbering for Raspberry Pi or BeagleBone computers.
Note BeagleBone computers only has 1 USB port so it must use a USB Hub to expand the number of available ports. Raspberry Pi computers have 4 ports so they do not require a USB hub.
Charge Controller Wiring
Use the process of elimination to identify whether it is a hardware problem. Replace all components of the problem antenna one at a time: USB cable; Radio Dongle; Coaxial Cable; Antenna. Checks for signs of cracks in the coaxial cable or loose/rusty connections.
Noisy Antenna: 1
Noisy Antenna: 2, maybe 1 as well
Noisy Antenna: 2
Motus Network
A collaborative network of receivers, transmitters, partners, and researchers which use radio telemetry to study animal movement.
Any person who uses Motus for research, education, or otherwise
A collection of Motus Tags and/or Motus Stations which all are all managed together. A single Motus project can used to manage equipment from multiple research projects.
Encompasses all receiver deployments at a single location.
Station deployment
Describes a single setup of a receiver station. This includes information such as: number, types, directions, and heights of antennas; location of station, receiver listening frequency, computer serial numbers, type of antenna mounting structure. Deployments are registered on Motus.org.
A computer designed to receive radio signals
A radio transmitter made by Lotek or Cellular Tracking Technologies.
Tag deployment
The time period of when a tag was activated and in the field.
Cellular Tracking Technologies (i.e.; one of the companies that makes tags and receivers).
One of the companies that makes tags and receivers.
Any person who uses Motus for research, education, or otherwise
Data Access Log
Whenever a user downloads data from your project, it is logged here. This can be used to draw statistics.
A computer designed to receive radio signals
Receiver deployment
Describes a single setup of a receiver station. This includes information such as: number, types, directions, and heights of antennas; location of station, receiver listening frequency, computer serial numbers, type of antenna mounting structure. Deployments are registered on Motus.org.
Encompasses all receiver deployments at a single location.
Coaxial cable, typically used to connect antennas to receivers.
Antenna mount
The part which connects the antenna to the mounting structure. Typically a metal plate with U-bolts.
Antenna mounting structure
Usually a mast, but can be anything imaginable, such as a guard rail, a tree, or a wall.
A structure used to mount antennas. Typically a metal pipe and often telescopic (pop-up), such as the 20A and 50A masts.
A three-legged structure used to support a mast. Usually 10-feet (3 m) tall (TRM-10L).
Angle iron
Can be steel or aluminum. Angled piece of metal typically used to affix solar panels to tripods.
Mast collar
A small section of metal tubing with a bolt in it which slides over the top-most section of a mast. It allows the spare guy ring to rest on it at the top of the mast.
Guy ring
A ring around the mast typically used to affix guy lines.
A triangular tower structure used for more permanent installations. Usually requires a concrete footing or a building for support.
Non-penetrating Roof Mount
A type of mast mount which does not require anchoring. Typically used on flat roofs. See non-penetrating roof mounts.
Open source receiver developed at the Phil Taylor Lab, Acadia University.
CTT SensorStation
Receiver made by Cellular Tracking Technologies
Lotek SRX
SRX-series receiver made by Lotek Wireless Ltd.
Motus Network
A collaborative network of receivers, transmitters, partners, and researchers which use radio telemetry to study animal movement.
Galvanic Corrosion
When two dissimilar metals meet in a corrosive electrolyte (salt water), the more reactive metal will corrode much more quickly than normal. Aluminum when in contact with steel.
A single tag detection (equivalent to one 'burst').
A collections of consecutive hits. Up to 60 bursts can be missed (not detected) before a new run starts.
Run length
The number of detections in the run
A batch of data collected over the same receiver boot session.
Tag Project ID
The ID of the Motus project that manages the tag. The user requests which project the tag be registered upon ordering tags.
Motus Tag ID
This is a Motus database ID unique to the physical tag and the project it sits in. If the tag was deployed twice between two projects (rare), there may be two tag IDs that exist for the same tag – one for each project.
Tag Deployment ID
This is a database ID defined by Motus which is unique to a single tag deployment record i.e., instance when a tag was attached to an individual animal. If the tag is recovered off the animal, the deployment is ended.
Manufacturer ID or mfgID
The ID of the tag as defined by the manufacturer. This is the ID that is also digitally encoded in the radio signal transmitted by the tag. It corresponds to the digits printed on the tag for Lotek tags.
Tag ID
Generally refers to the Motus Tag ID within Motus documentation, but informally it can also mean the manufacturer ID.
A single transmission by the tag which contains its digitally encoded ID. A burst is made up of Pulses. This is equivalent to a 'hit' in the detection data.
Burst Rate; Burst Interval; or Period
Time interval between successive bursts (in seconds). This value is measured from the sample recording of the tag.
Period SD
Standard deviation of the time interval between successive bursts (in seconds). This value is measured from the sample recording of the tag.
Frequency or Nominal Frequency
The central radio frequency used to transmit the signal, usually reported in megahertz (MHz).
Frequency offset
The difference between the nominal frequency and the measured frequency of the tag, usually reported in kilohertz (KHz). This value is measured from the sample recording of the tag.
Pulse length
Tag pulse length (in milliseconds). Pulses make up a Burst. This value is measured from the sample recording of the tag.
Period (i.e., year and quarter-annum) when the tag was registered.
Date Registered
The date the tag was registered with motus.
Tag Type
Type of signal transmitted by the tag (e.g. Beeper or ID).
Tag Codeset
If a manufacturer has more than one code set from which a code can come, this must uniquely identify the one for this tag (e.g., ‘Lotek-3).
Tag manufacturer
Tag manufacturer (e.g., Lotek or CTT).
Tag model
Information on the model of tag (e.g., NTQB-3-2).
Estimated tag lifespan
How many days after activation the tag is expected to last based on the tag model. This value is calculated using the model and period.
Estimated buffered lifespan
Predicted lifespan plus an additional 50% to account for unusually long-lasting tags.
Anticipated deployment start date
Placeholder dates that begin on the earliest date which tags are expected to be deployed. This date tells us when to start looking for the tag in detection data. This date can be inputted upon registration of the tags, or anytime before the actual deployment of tags.
Confirmed deployment start date
The exact deployment dates and times for each tag provided after tag deployment. Confirmation is required after the anticipated date has passed by updating the tag deployment metadata.
Pending tag deployment
Tag deployment record does not have a start date, or start date is in the future.
Active tag deployment
Currently active in the system based on start date, estimated life span, and absence of an end date. Indicates that the deployment can be activated and looked for by Tag Finder between start date and calculated end date (start date + lifespan).
Terminated tag deployment
User provided a known end date to deployment because the tag has been recovered from the animal. This indicates a finalized deployment. If the tag has remaining lifespan it can either be redeployed or deprecated.
Estimated deployment end date/time
A deployment end date that is calculated by Motus based on tag lifespan plus an additional 50% to account for unusually long-lasting tags. This date is used when the user leaves the end date/time blank.
Terminated deployment date/time
User manually inputs a known end date when they recover the tag from the animal or end a “tag test”.
Deprecated tag
A tag that the user has/had in their possession, but has been damaged, expired, or lost and will never be (re-)deployed. Users can check this box to allow tag properties to be released for use by other projects.
Deleted tag
Tag registered to a project by manufacturer, but fails to turn on or is returned to the manufacturer. The tag was therefore never activated and we do not want to match detections to this tag. Tag has been deleted from both the motus and Tag Finder database entirely.
Raspberry Pi
USB Hub (for BeagleBone)
Attached to the top of the mast. The antenna boom attaches to the mast with an antenna mounting bracket, and the antenna elements attach to the boom. There are usually 9 elements attached to the boom with one element that has a coaxial cable coming out of it.
What to look for:
Bent elements will affect the signal reception, but usually not that badly unless severely bent (~30 degrees). The most important element is the one that has the coaxial cable. Just take photos of anything bent.
Loose elements. If they are not all horizontally aligned, they might be loose. Try tightening to bolts.
If the antenna directions are wrong, the boom might not be attached to the mast tight enough. Try rotating the antenna by hand and if it’s easy, tighten the u-bolts on the antenna mounting bracket. Add bicycle inner tubes if necessary.
The three-legged support that the mast slides into – about 10 feet tall. Solar panels are usually mounted here.
What to look for:
Is the tripod level?
Is the tripod easy to rock back and forth?
Have any of the legs sunk into the ground?
The tall metal pole at the center of the tower where the antennas are mounted. It has 3-4 telescopic sections that can be fixed in place by L-bolts.
What to look for:
Is it bent?
Does it rotate freely?
Is it being supported by 3 guy wires for every 10’ of height?
Guy wires and spools
The metal cables that support the mast at every 10’ section. They are attached to the mast collar with quick links. They are tightened by wire spools.
What to look for:
Are there 3 guy wires for every 10’ section of mast height?
Are all guy wires tight?
Are there spools missing from the loose guy wires?
Coaxial cable
This is what plugs into the antennas and connects to the computer.
What to look for:
Is it firmly connected on both ends?
Are there any cracks or have animals chewed up the cable? If any of the inner metal wiring is exposed you must replace it.
Mast collar & quick links
Mast Collar Quick Link
Mast collar is a ring that goes around the mast and has hole which holds the quick links. Quick links are attached to the guy wires.
What to look for:
Are the quick links all closed properly?
Are their guy wires attached to each of them?
Is the guy wire fraying where they are attached?
Solar panel
Attached to the tripod by angle iron. It has wires attached to the back of the panel that lead into the action packer and plug into the solar charge controller.
What to look for:
Is the panel attached firmly to the tripod?
Are there any cracks or chews in the cables?
What is the voltage of the solar panel (check on charge controller terminals)?
Is the panel angled correctly? About 30 degrees.
Is the angle iron scratching into the back of the panel?
Inside the action packer, this is the device that controls the power from the solar panel to the battery and from the battery to the computer. There should be six terminals on here, two for each of the solar panel, battery, and computer (computer terminals are labeled as ‘load’).
Be very careful not to short circuit any of the two terminals!!
What to look for:
What color are the battery status LEDs? There should be red, yellow, or green. If more than one are lit, describe the pattern and replace the charge controller. If the LED is red, your battery might be dead.
What color is the charging status LED?
Are the connections tight?
Is there any sign of corrosion or rust?
Check the polarity of all cables: are the positive ends connected to the positive terminals?
Fused battery leads
Inside the action packer. Plugs directly into the charge controller. Sometimes there is a fuse attached to the positive cable.
What to look for:
What is the battery voltage? Anything below 11 volts or above 15 volts is bad.
Are there any signs of corrosion or rust?
Are the connections tight?
If there is a fuse and battery status light on the charge controller is red, is the fuse blown?
Action packer
The large plastic case that holds the computer (in pelican case) and battery.
What to look for:
Is the lid on properly? Did the last person to visit close it correctly?
Has water collected in the box?
Is the elbow pipe where the cables go into the box pointing upwards? It should point downwards so water doesn’t get in.
Are there holes in the bottom of the box? There should be small holes to allow moisture to get out.
Is the box raised off the ground? It should be so water can drip out of the holes.
Is the box sitting in a wet, low-lying area? If yes, consider raising it a foot or two.
Raspberry Pi
Inside the pelican case, it is a small metal box that’s about 3”x4”x2” and is usually orange or blue. There is usually a red or blue LED blinking and a serial number written on the top. There are two types: Raspberry Pi and BeagleBone. Raspberry Pi has 4 USB ports on one end. Beagle Bone has just one USB port.
What to look for:
What is the serial number? Write it down at the top of the checklist.
Are there LED’s on or blinking? Take a video and/or describe their colour and behaviour.
DC-DC Voltage Converter
This lowers the battery voltage down to something the computer can handle (5 volts). On one end it has wires that connect directly to the charge controller load terminals and the other end has a barrel jack or micro USB cord (depend on computer type) that plugs into the computer.
What to look for:
Is the green LED lit up?
Are the wires securely in place?
If LED is off and wires are secure, check voltage of wires and make sure they are connected to the correct terminals.
This is only present in BeagleBone computers (you might not have any). They are black with rounded corners and have a green or blue LED that lights up when powered on. It has 7 USB ports on it and some of them have the coaxial cables plugged into them.
What to look for:
Only needed for BeagleBone computers
Is the USB hub powered on?
Are all the connections tight?
This is what plugs into the computer with a small SMA adapter (screws in). It’s a small black square (~1.5”) with a long thin cable attached.
What to look for:
Is it plugged in to the computer?
Does it have any cracks or tears in the cable?
Charge controller
This chapter outlines ways you can use the data dashboard to explore the status of a Motus station.
The status of a Motus station refers to various parameters which help us diagnose its ability to detect Motus tags. There are many reasons you may want to check on the status of a Motus station. For one, it's an important part of regular station maintenance for collaborators who manage part of the Motus network. It can also be a key tool for identifying the source of data gaps.
An interactive plot of daily GPS hits, antenna pulses, and filtered tag detections at a given station. Time is plotted on the X axis and each tag or device (gps/antenna) are plotted as a categorical variable on the Y axis. Data are represented as coloured bars with the intensity increasing with the count of detections for that given variable. An additional row on the top of the plot displays the deployment periods as coloured boxes (colour of box changes with each deployment).
Checking when a station was functional and able to detect tags
Identifying noisy antennas/sites
Looking for noise events which may have resulted in false positives
This plot is available in the public data under explore data after any station has been selected. On a station summary page, click on the 'Status' tab next to the 'map' tab.
There are two parts: the main plot on top and the smaller 'brush' plot on the bottom for navigation.
On the main plot you can zoom in and out (scroll the mouse wheel) and click and drag your mouse to move it horizontally.
Hovering your mouse over the main plot gives you specific numbers for each variable on the day your hovered over.
The 'brush' plot is used to more quickly zoom into specific areas of the plot. This can be done by clicking and dragging on the plot to draw a box around the data you wish to zoom into.
Once the plot is zoomed in, you can click and drag this box to move it around.
GPS are normally stored at least once an hour so they can be a helpful way to identify when a station was powered on and logging data. However, GPS hits are not collected by all receivers equally; some stations may present frequent gaps in these data. In addition, SensorGnomes frequently have malfunctioning GPS units which make them unreliable. Many Lotek receivers will not collect any GPS hits.
Antenna activity can be useful for identifying issues with specific antennas and is a reflection of environmental noise. The amount of noise detected depends largely on the frequency, location, and time of day. Activity on 434 MHz antennas (with the 'L' prefix) or on Lotek receivers are actually showing instances where false detections have occurred so this dataset is typically fairly sparse. On the other hand, activity on all other antenna frequencies are displaying raw pulses on that frequency which occurs far more frequently, usually hundreds to thousands of times hourly.
Noisy antennas will collect millions of pulses a day, whereas ones at quiet sites will collect no pulses for several hours or days at a time
Noise bursts will look like a large increase in the number of pulses per day compared to days before and after. This increase will often accompany a large number of tag detections which are likely false.
Checking for station functionality over time essentially means looking for gaps in the data, but that will only be possible in cases where data are collected consistently enough like in the example below.